[PATCH] Handle alternative Kerberos credential cache locations

Elliott Baron ebaron at redhat.com
Mon Jan 27 21:48:24 UTC 2014

Hi Magnus,

On 01/15/2014 06:08 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> On 2014-01-15 03:38, Wang Weijun wrote:
>> Hi Elliott
>> Great to see this again. I’ll come back to this later. There are some 
>> urgent issues I have to deal with at this moment. I’ll also need to 
>> get those legal advices regarding pkg.m4 etc.
> I see some issues and questions about this patch.
> First of all, and I believe this was discussed the last time this 
> patch was around, is that there might be legal question marks about 
> including build-aux/krb5.m4. This code is written by someone who has 
> not, to my knowledge, signed the OCA. Unfortunately, legal issues tend 
> to shadow all technical issues, so you might want to start by getting 
> this one solved.
> On the technical level, given that the krb5.m4 legality is cleared, I 
> see:
> * The patch does not seem to be updated to the removed old build 
> system. make/sun/security is no more.
> * Whitespace and indentation seems to be incorrect in several places 
> in help.m4, libraries.m4 and SecurityLibraries.gmk. Please check 
> surrounding code, or look at the guidelines here: 
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/build-dev/2013-October/010477.html
> I have only looked at the build part of the patch.

How does this revised webrev look [1]? I have fixed indentation and 
removed remnants of the old build system. I have also fixed the test's 
Makefile, which no longer worked due to the removal of the old build 
system. I would like to point out that like the inheritedChannel test 
which this test is derived from, this test expects pre-built libraries 
to be checked into version control. I understand this is required due to 
test systems not necessarily having the required build environment.


[1] http://icedtea.classpath.org/~ebaron/webrevs/krb5-default-ccache/02/

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