January 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 2 10:17:42 UTC 2014
Ending: Fri Jan 31 17:13:33 UTC 2014
Messages: 119
- [PATCH] Handle alternative Kerberos credential cache locations
Elliott Baron
- [PATCH] Handle alternative Kerberos credential cache locations
Elliott Baron
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8031651: Remove unneeded -source and -target flags in jdk repo regression tests
Alan Bateman
- RFR(S): 8033154: PPC64: Fix AIX build after integration into jdk9/dev
Alan Bateman
- [PATCH] Handle alternative Kerberos credential cache locations
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- [PATCH] Handle alternative Kerberos credential cache locations
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- AES GCM slow
Mark Christiaens
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8027063 SecurityManger.getClassContext returns a raw type
Joe Darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8031302 Fix raw types lint warnings in java.security
Joe Darcy
- FYI, JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8031651: Remove unneeded -source and -target flags in jdk repo regression tests
Joe Darcy
- Code review request, 8028518, Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites
Bernd Eckenfels
- Code review request, 8028518, Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites
Xuelei Fan
- Code review request, 8028518, Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites
Xuelei Fan
- Code review request, 8028518, Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites
Xuelei Fan
- Code review request, 8030829 Add MD5 to jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms security property
Xuelei Fan
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8027063 SecurityManger.getClassContext returns a raw type
Xuelei Fan
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8031302 Fix raw types lint warnings in java.security
Xuelei Fan
- Code review request, 8030829 Add MD5 to jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms security property
Xuelei Fan
- Code review request, 8031566, regression test failure, SSLEngineBadBufferArrayAccess.java
Xuelei Fan
- JDK 8 Review Request for 8031825: OCSP client can't find responder cert if it uses a different subject key id algorithm than responderID
Xuelei Fan
- AES GCM slow
Xuelei Fan
- CFV: New Security Group Member: Jason Uh
Xuelei Fan
- AES GCM slow
Matthew Hall
- AES GCM slow
Chris Hegarty
- question about restricted packages
Chris Hegarty
- RFR(S): 8033154: PPC64: Fix AIX build after integration into jdk9/dev
Vladimir Kozlov
- Security Policy with denying rules
Ondřej Lukáš
- JDK 9 RFR of doclint fixes in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
Sean Mullan
- Code Review request: 8028431: NullPointerException in DerValue.equals(DerValue)
Sean Mullan
- Code review request, 8030829 Add MD5 to jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms security property
Sean Mullan
- Code review request, 8030829 Add MD5 to jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms security property
Sean Mullan
- Code review request, 8031566, regression test failure, SSLEngineBadBufferArrayAccess.java
Sean Mullan
- FYI, JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8031651: Remove unneeded -source and -target flags in jdk repo regression tests
Sean Mullan
- JDK 8 Review Request for 8031825: OCSP client can't find responder cert if it uses a different subject key id algorithm than responderID
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8031572: jarsigner -verify exits with 0 when a jar file is not properly signed
Sean Mullan
- question about restricted packages
Sean Mullan
- CFV: New Security Group Member: Jason Uh
Sean Mullan
- CFV: New Security Group Member: Jason Uh
Sean Mullan
- RFR 8029995: accept yes/no for boolean krb5.conf settings
Sean Mullan
- RFR(S): 8033154: PPC64: Fix AIX build after integration into jdk9/dev
Sean Mullan
- question about restricted packages
Jeff Nisewanger
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8027063 SecurityManger.getClassContext returns a raw type
Lance Andersen - Oracle
- RFR: 8031046: Native Windows ccache might still get unsupported ticket
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- question about restricted packages
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- question about restricted packages
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- question about restricted packages
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- question about restricted packages
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- JDK 8 Review Request for 8031825: OCSP client can't find responder cert if it uses a different subject key id algorithm than responderID
Vincent Ryan
- CFV: New Security Group Member: Jason Uh
Vincent Ryan
- Java 7u51 / Windows 8.1 / IE11 combination doesn't work
Xerxes Rånby
- Java 7u51 / Windows 8.1 / IE11 combination doesn't work
Mickey Segal
- Java 7u51 / Windows 8.1 / IE11 combination doesn't work
Mickey Segal
- RFR(S): 8033154: PPC64: Fix AIX build after integration into jdk9/dev
Volker Simonis
- Code Review request: 8028591: NegativeArraySizeException in sun.security.util.DerInputStream.getUnalignedBitString()
Artem Smotrakov
- AES GCM slow
Michael StJohns
- AES GCM slow
Michael StJohns
- RFR: 8031046: Native Windows ccache might still get unsupported ticket
Weijun Wang
- CFV: New Security Group Member: Jason Uh
Weijun Wang
- [PATCH] Handle alternative Kerberos credential cache locations
Wang Weijun
- RFR: 8031572: jarsigner -verify exits with 0 when a jar file is not properly signed
Wang Weijun
- RFR: 8031572: jarsigner -verify exits with 0 when a jar file is not properly signed
Wang Weijun
- RFR: 8031572: jarsigner -verify exits with 0 when a jar file is not properly signed
Wang Weijun
- RFR 8029995: accept yes/no for boolean krb5.conf settings
Wang Weijun
- RFR 8029995: accept yes/no for boolean krb5.conf settings
Wang Weijun
- Code review request, 8028518, Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites
Bradford Wetmore
- Code review request, 8028518, Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites
Bradford Wetmore
- CFV: New Security Group Member: Jason Uh
Bradford Wetmore
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxws: 8027908: serialVersionUID of javax.xml.bind.TypeConstraintException accidently changed
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8032456: vm/jni/Miscellaneous/misc001/misc00101m1/misc00101m1.html failing on OS X
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 3 new changesets
alexander.zuev at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/corba: 10 new changesets
alexander.zuev at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/hotspot: 21 new changesets
alexander.zuev at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxp: 18 new changesets
alexander.zuev at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxws: 8 new changesets
alexander.zuev at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 53 new changesets
alexander.zuev at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 9 new changesets
alexander.zuev at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 10 new changesets
alexander.zuev at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8029143: javadoc standard doclet should add Functional Interface blurb when @FunctionalInterface annotation is present
bhavesh.x.patel at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8030850: Setting .level=FINEST in logging configuration file doesn't work
daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8031502: JSR292: IncompatibleClassChangeError in LambdaForm for CharSequence.toString() method handle type converter
eric.mccorkle at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8032585: JSR292: IllegalAccessError when attempting to invoke protected method from different package
eric.mccorkle at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 8032681: Issues with Nashorn
eric.mccorkle at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8033278: Missed access checks for Lookup.unreflect* after 8032585
eric.mccorkle at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8030781: System.setProperties(null) drops all system properties (RELEASE not set)
erik.joelsson at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8030781: System.setProperties(null) drops all system properties (RELEASE not set)
erik.joelsson at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8031300: No jdeps.1 and jjs.1 man pages in jdk8 b122 build and jvisualvm.1 and jcmd.1 missing on macosx; ...
erik.joelsson at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8032217: failure in man page processing
erik.joelsson at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8032632: Wrong version for the first jdk8 fcs build
erik.joelsson at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
jeff.dinkins at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/corba: 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
jeff.dinkins at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/hotspot: 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
jeff.dinkins at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxp: 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
jeff.dinkins at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxws: 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
jeff.dinkins at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
jeff.dinkins at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
jeff.dinkins at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
jeff.dinkins at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8030212: Several api.java.util.stream tests got "NaN" value instead of "Infinity" or "-Infinity"
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/corba: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 4 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxp: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/hotspot: 10 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 6 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxws: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 3 new changesets
michael.fang at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8031187: DoubleStream.count is incorrect for a stream containing > Integer.MAX_VALUE elements
paul.sandoz at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8032190: Specifications of stream flatMap methods should require mapped streams to be closed
paul.sandoz at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 4 new changesets
paul.sandoz at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8032711: Issue with Lambda in handling; ...
robert.field at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8032697: Issues with Lambda
robert.field at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8031103: java.time.Duration has wrong Javadoc Comments in toDays() and toHours()
roger.riggs at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
sean.coffey at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8031825: OCSP client can't find responder cert if it uses a different subject key id algorithm than responderID
sean.mullan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 8032944: Improve reflection in Nashorn
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 8032954: Nashorn: extend Java.extend
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 8032949: Nashorn linkages awry
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8031572: jarsigner -verify exits with 0 when a jar file is not properly signed
weijun.wang at oracle.com
Last message date:
Fri Jan 31 17:13:33 UTC 2014
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 15:42:52 UTC 2024
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).