答复: RFR 8036779: sun.security.krb5.KdcComm interprets kdc_timeout asmsec instead of sec

Christos Zoulas christos at zoulas.com
Wed May 14 11:51:06 UTC 2014

On May 14,  2:04pm, weijun.wang at oracle.com (Weijun Wang) wrote:
-- Subject: =?utf-8?Q?=E7=AD=94=E5=A4=8D:_RFR_8036779:_sun.security.krb5.KdcC

| What do you mean by detecting the platform? So if I find the file is also u=
| sed by NetBSD krb5 then I treat it as second and if not millisecond? That's=
|  quite impossible. In my opinion, it all depends on how the writer is educa=
| ted, Java or some else.
| How is this unsafe, especially compared to if we don't fix it? The only bad=
|  thing is that if someone wants to set the timeout to be less than 120 ms, =
| now there will be no way to do it. But that should never happen, right?
| My comment in the bug mentions we can support "5s", but then I realize it d=
| ies not really solve the unit-less case.

There were three major implementations of Kerberos before Java. Two of them
(MIT and Heimdal) used krb5.conf (the third being Microsoft). Both treat naked
time values as seconds. Heimdal just documented better what MIT did, since it
was built with compatibility to the MIT reference implementation in mind:


Since java is re-using an existing file with an existing format it should
be parsing the values using the same default units. Otherwise it should stop
using that file.

What's even weirder is if java behaves differently depending if I am using
the native OS kerberos libraries instead of the java ones.


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