RFR: (s) 8130696: Security Providers need to have their version numbers updated for JDK 9

Iris Clark iris.clark at oracle.com
Fri Jul 17 21:18:58 UTC 2015

Hi, Valerie.


Sorry for the delayed response. 


Thanks for reviewing.    The original webrev was based off of verona/stage which was synch'd to jdk9-b70.  The file you reference wasn't in the repository yet.


Since that time, verona/stage has been sync'd with jdk9-b72 .  Here's the new changeset:




In addition to modifying com.sun.security.sasl.gsskerb.JdkSASL, I also updated the S11N.java test to address Sean's concern.  Other security updates pulled in by the sync made some of my copyright updates unnecessary, so those have been removed as well.


Let me know if you have any additional concerns.





From: Valerie Peng 
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 7:24 PM
To: HYPERLINK "mailto:security-dev at openjdk.java.net"security-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: RFR: (s) 8130696: Security Providers need to have their version numbers updated for JDK 9


Is the Verona repo sync'ed to the latest OpenJDK? 
The webrev seems to be missing the provider JdkSASL inside the following file

The rest looks good.
On 7/7/2015 10:48 AM, Iris Clark wrote: 



Please review changes to resolve the following bug:


8130696: Security Providers need to have their version numbers updated for JDK 9 (Verona)

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8130696


Changeset:  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iris/verona/8130696/webrev


The constructor invocation for every Provider implementation contains a hard-coded value for the version, "1.9d", which it compares to java.specification.version.  Verona [0,1] changes the system property from "1.9" to "9".  The provider's version should be changed to "9.0d".  


Many regression tests in the jdk repository fail due to this bug.  Test groups with failing tests detecting this problem include jdk_security, jdk_management, jdk_jmx, and jdk_net.  These tests now pass.  I have verified that all providers modified by 8030823 [2] have been updated.


After review, the changeset will be pushed to verona/stage [3]. The changeset will go to jdk9/dev when Verona is complete later this summer.





[0] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/verona

[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/223

[2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/jdk9/jdk/rev/f1066af06fa0

[3] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/verona/stage

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