RFR 8048357: PKCS basic tests
Wang Weijun
weijun.wang at oracle.com
Mon Nov 16 07:41:29 UTC 2015
Why "othervm" for all these tests?
- Is sun.security.provider and sun.misc used anywhere? You have them in @modules.
- sun.security.pkcs.PKCS9Attribute contains public constants like CONTENT_TYPE_OID, SIGNING_TIME_OID, CHALLENGE_PASSWORD_OID. You can directly use them. Same as PKCS10AttributeReader.java.
- What does "order" mean in the test name? PKCS10 Attributes is a Set, therefore there is no order.
- You print out "List of attributes in constructed PKCS10 request: " but I see no content.
- checkAttributes() ensures every attribute in the encoded PKCS10 has the correct value. But you haven't checked if all entries in constructedMap are encoded. Maybe compare the size?
- sun.misc in @modules?
- Line 45: .asn1 -> asn.1
- Please also compare the size of RequestStander and eReq.
- sun.security.x509 in @modules?
- Line 206: Dump encodedKey here? Seems too late. Why not do it before the check or at least before raiseException? Same with the other 4 debug outputs after raiseException.
- EXPECTED_ALG_ID_CHRS can be just a String with \n and \t inside.
Please take a look at Bernd Eckenfels's comments on Aug 21. I fully agree with him.
> On Nov 13, 2015, at 4:57 PM, Amanda Jiang <amanda.jiang at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Max,
> Please check the updated webrev which address your comments, please let me know if you have any other suggestions.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amjiang/8048357/webrev.02/
> Thanks,
> Amanda
> On 15/8/21 上午12:13, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> PKCS10AttrOrder.java:
>> - Why not inline revAttributes(), prov() and constructMap()? They are only used once. Putting the content into the main method is more clear.
>> - You can create separate method for the while look checks. The 2 look identical.
>> PKCS10AttributeReader.java:
>> - Is it OK to indent the data in the comment to multiple levels?
>> - Again, initMap() not necessary.
>> PKCS7VerifyTest.java:
>> - Not sure what this is for. The 1st and 2nd argument of the @run line are the same?
> those 3 arguments are actually for two different test cases, I use two @run tags in updated webrev and add some comments in test to make it clear.
>> SignerOrder.java:
>> - Comment on what derString1 and derString1 are.
>> - What do you expect verifs1.length and verifs2.length to be? Will you also check it?
> Yes I do check verifs1.length and verifs2.length should be same.
> 121 if (verifs1.length != verifs2.length) {
> 122 throw new RuntimeException("Length or Original vs read-in "
> 123 + "should be same");
> 124 }
>> PKCS8Test.java:
>> - Typo: s/recieved/received/g
>> Thanks
>> Max
>> On 08/21/2015 07:11 AM, Amanda Jiang wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Please be free to review new tests for conformance testing of PKCS.
>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8048357
>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amjiang/8048357/webrev.01/
>>> Thanks,
>>> Amanda
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