RFR 8048357: PKCS basic tests
Amanda Jiang
amanda.jiang at oracle.com
Tue Nov 17 07:03:36 UTC 2015
Hi Max,
Thanks for reviewing the webrev, below is another updated webrev which
contains fixes for all your comments, please let me know if you have any
other suggestions.
On 15/11/15 下午11:41, Wang Weijun wrote:
> Why "othervm" for all these tests?
> PKCS10AttrOrder.java:
> - Is sun.security.provider and sun.misc used anywhere? You have them in @modules.
> - sun.security.pkcs.PKCS9Attribute contains public constants like CONTENT_TYPE_OID, SIGNING_TIME_OID, CHALLENGE_PASSWORD_OID. You can directly use them. Same as PKCS10AttributeReader.java.
> - What does "order" mean in the test name? PKCS10 Attributes is a Set, therefore there is no order.
> - You print out "List of attributes in constructed PKCS10 request: " but I see no content.
> - checkAttributes() ensures every attribute in the encoded PKCS10 has the correct value. But you haven't checked if all entries in constructedMap are encoded. Maybe compare the size?
> PKCS10AttributeReader.java:
> - sun.misc in @modules?
> - Line 45: .asn1 -> asn.1
> - Please also compare the size of RequestStander and eReq.
> PKCS8Test.java:
> - sun.security.x509 in @modules?
This test uses "sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder", so that's why security.x509 is
in @modules.
> - Line 206: Dump encodedKey here? Seems too late. Why not do it before the check or at least before raiseException? Same with the other 4 debug outputs after raiseException.
> - EXPECTED_ALG_ID_CHRS can be just a String with \n and \t inside.
> pkcs7/*.java:
> Please take a look at Bernd Eckenfels's comments on Aug 21. I fully agree with him.
> Thanks
> Max
> ----
>> On Nov 13, 2015, at 4:57 PM, Amanda Jiang <amanda.jiang at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>> Please check the updated webrev which address your comments, please let me know if you have any other suggestions.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amjiang/8048357/webrev.02/
>> Thanks,
>> Amanda
>> On 15/8/21 上午12:13, Weijun Wang wrote:
>>> PKCS10AttrOrder.java:
>>> - Why not inline revAttributes(), prov() and constructMap()? They are only used once. Putting the content into the main method is more clear.
>>> - You can create separate method for the while look checks. The 2 look identical.
>>> PKCS10AttributeReader.java:
>>> - Is it OK to indent the data in the comment to multiple levels?
>>> - Again, initMap() not necessary.
>>> PKCS7VerifyTest.java:
>>> - Not sure what this is for. The 1st and 2nd argument of the @run line are the same?
>> those 3 arguments are actually for two different test cases, I use two @run tags in updated webrev and add some comments in test to make it clear.
>>> SignerOrder.java:
>>> - Comment on what derString1 and derString1 are.
>>> - What do you expect verifs1.length and verifs2.length to be? Will you also check it?
>> Yes I do check verifs1.length and verifs2.length should be same.
>> 121 if (verifs1.length != verifs2.length) {
>> 122 throw new RuntimeException("Length or Original vs read-in "
>> 123 + "should be same");
>> 124 }
>>> PKCS8Test.java:
>>> - Typo: s/recieved/received/g
>>> Thanks
>>> Max
>>> On 08/21/2015 07:11 AM, Amanda Jiang wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Please be free to review new tests for conformance testing of PKCS.
>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8048357
>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amjiang/8048357/webrev.01/
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Amanda
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