Problems with CipherBox and AEAD

Xuelei Fan at
Wed Oct 21 23:04:36 UTC 2015

On 10/22/2015 2:52 AM, Tim Whittington wrote:
> draft-agl-tls-chacha20poly1305-04 moved on (incompatibly) to
>, which
> has since moved on to
Yes.  Good that the new proposal follow RFC 5116 specification, and does
not use zero fixedIv any more.


> tim
>> On 13/10/2015, at 3:14 PM, Xuelei Fan <Xuelei.Fan at Oracle.COM> wrote:
>> Were ChaCha20 and Poly1305 based cipher suites accepted as IETF RFC?
>> Looks like the proposal was not moving forward since May, 2014.
>> Thanks,
>> Xuelei
>> On 10/11/2015 3:59 PM, Thomas Lußnig wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> when i extends "" with
>>>  final static BulkCipher B_CHACHA20_POLY1305 = new
>>> BulkCipher("CHACHA20_POLY1305", AEAD_CIPHER  , 32 ,32,  0,  0, true );
>>> i found an Problem in "
>>> Method "applyExplicitNonce" there for the AEAD_CIPHER case is an NPE if
>>> the IV Length is zero. Then fixedIv become null
>>> and there is an NPE. The Workaround for this is
>>>  final byte[] iv;
>>>  if(this.fixedIv == null) { // FIX for CHACHA
>>>      iv = new byte[this.recordIvSize];              // CHACHA fix
>>>      bb.get(iv, 0, this.recordIvSize);
>>>  } else {
>>>      iv = Arrays.copyOf(this.fixedIv, this.fixedIv.length +
>>> this.recordIvSize);
>>>      bb.get(iv, this.fixedIv.length, this.recordIvSize);
>>>  }
>>> Another problem would occour if i use "new
>>> BulkCipher("CHACHA20_POLY1305", AEAD_CIPHER  , 32 ,32,  8,  8, true );"
>>> Then in createExplicitNonce the nonce should become zero size but is
>>> fixed length for AEAD of 8 bytes.
>>> Both was seen in JDK-1.8.0_60
>>> Gruß Thomas Lußnig

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