RFR 6968542: keytool -importcert cannot deal with duplicate certs

Xuelei Fan xuelei.fan at oracle.com
Thu Jun 16 09:17:12 UTC 2016

Maybe better to throw an exception so that the caller know that the
reply is not valid.  Tolerate problems may become a problem in the future.

If you want to tolerate the duplicate cert in the chain, please add a
comment about the use of hash set.  The purpose of the use of hash set
is not instinctive to the code reader.


On 6/16/2016 4:53 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:
> Please review the code change at
>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/6968542/webrev.01/
> Thanks
> Max

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