RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests

Sergei Kovalev sergei.kovalev at oracle.com
Wed Sep 14 15:57:51 UTC 2016

here it is an example

  jtreg -verbose:all -jdk /home/skovalev/TRASH/jdk-9 
-javaoptions:"--limit-modules java.base" 

Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.module.ResolutionException: Module java.naming not found, 
required by java.security.jgss
         at java.lang.module.Resolver.fail(java.base at 9-ea/Resolver.java:790)
java.lang.module.Resolver.resolve(java.base at 9-ea/Resolver.java:138)
java.lang.module.Resolver.resolveRequires(java.base at 9-ea/Resolver.java:108)
java.lang.module.Configuration.resolveRequiresAndUses(java.base at 9-ea/Configuration.java:370)
java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor$1.resolveRequiresAndUses(java.base at 9-ea/ModuleDescriptor.java:1986)
jdk.internal.module.ModuleBootstrap.boot(java.base at 9-ea/ModuleBootstrap.java:263)
         at java.lang.System.initPhase2(java.base at 9-ea/System.java:1927)

> Sorry I was thinking about another bug on TLS tests -- 8166032. What 
> exception is thrown there if the jgss module is missing?
> Thanks
> Max
> 在 2016年9月14日,23:44,Wang Weijun <weijun.wang at oracle.com 
> <mailto:weijun.wang at oracle.com>> 写道:
> The example shows jdk.crypto.pkcs11 is needed, but I still don't know 
> why java.security.jgss is. Can you give another example where jgss 
> must be present?
> Thanks
> Max

14.09.16 16:56, Wang Weijun wrote:
> I also have no idea why these are needed:
> + * @modules java.security.jgss
> + *          jdk.security.auth
> Do the test uses KRB5-related cipher suites?
> Thanks
> Max
>> On Sep 14, 2016, at 8:54 PM, Xuelei Fan <xuelei.fan at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sergei,
>> Thanks for the update.  The fix looks fine to me.  However, I'm not sure why some tests need the "/sun/security/krb5/auto" libraries and the related modules.  As you were already there, would you mind help to test whether the "/sun/security/krb5/auto" library can be removed for some tests?
>> Thanks,
>> Xuelei
>> On 9/14/2016 8:22 PM, Sergei Kovalev wrote:
>>> Hello Team,
>>> Could you please review below fix for
>>> Bug ID: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8166032
>>> Code review: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~skovalev/8166032/webrev.00/
>>> Issue: The test should be able to pass or skipped by JTreg test suite if
>>> required modules have not been included in custom JRE.
>>> Solution: added '@modules' tags and appropriate module list to tests
>>> header.
>>> Testing done locally using JTregt test suite.

With best regards,

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