September 2016 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Sep 1 00:34:46 UTC 2016
Ending: Fri Sep 30 19:14:50 UTC 2016
Messages: 159
- [9]RFR 6946830: javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal behavior differs depending on platform
Valerie Peng
- [9]RFR 6946830: javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal behavior differs depending on platform
Xuelei Fan
- [9]RFR 6946830: javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal behavior differs depending on platform
Valerie Peng
- [9]RFR 6946830: javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal behavior differs depending on platform
Xuelei Fan
- [9]RFR 8136355: CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE no longer available by default on Solaris 12
Valerie Peng
- [9]RFR 8136355: CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE no longer available by default on Solaris 12
Xuelei Fan
- [9]RFR 8136355: CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE no longer available by default on Solaris 12
Valerie Peng
- [9]RFR 8136355: CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE no longer available by default on Solaris 12
Seán Coffey
- [9]RFR 8136355: CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE no longer available by default on Solaris 12
Valerie Peng
- [9]RFR 8136355: CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE no longer available by default on Solaris 12
Xuelei Fan
- [9]RFR 8136355: CKM_SSL3_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE no longer available by default on Solaris 12
Seán Coffey
- [9]RFR 8149802: Signature.verify() doesn't reset the signature object on exception
Valerie Peng
- [9]RFR 8149802: Signature.verify() doesn't reset the signature object on exception
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: 8156054: Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP C155: Remove FilePermission Pathname Canonicalization
Sibabrata Sahoo
- [9] RFR: 8156054: Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP C155: Remove FilePermission Pathname Canonicalization
Weijun Wang
- [9] RFR: 8156054: Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP C155: Remove FilePermission Pathname Canonicalization
Sibabrata Sahoo
- [9] RFR: 8156054: Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP C155: Remove FilePermission Pathname Canonicalization
Weijun Wang
- [9] RFR: 8156054: Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP C155: Remove FilePermission Pathname Canonicalization
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8156054: Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP C155: Remove FilePermission Pathname Canonicalization
Sibabrata Sahoo
- [9] RFR: 8163924: fails intermittently with Unrecognized SSL message
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8163924: fails intermittently with Unrecognized SSL message
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8163924: fails intermittently with Unrecognized SSL message
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: 8163924: fails intermittently with Unrecognized SSL message
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Chris Hegarty
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Daniel Fuchs
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8164591: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ failed with SSLHandshakeException
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: 8165660: Remove the intermittent keyword from sun/security/krb5/auto/
Sibabrata Sahoo
- [9] RFR: 8165660: Remove the intermittent keyword from sun/security/krb5/auto/
Weijun Wang
- [9] RFR: 8165660: Remove the intermittent keyword from sun/security/krb5/auto/
Weijun Wang
- [9] RFR: 8165825: Remove the intermittent keyword from sun/security/krb5/auto/
Sibabrata Sahoo
- [9] RFR: 8165825: Remove the intermittent keyword from sun/security/krb5/auto/
Weijun Wang
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Tim Du
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Wang Weijun
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Valerie Peng
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Wang Weijun
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Denis Kononenko
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Artem Smotrakov
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Tim Du
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Xuelei Fan
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Tim Du
- [9] RFR: JDK-8164322: sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
Xuelei Fan
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Ivan Gerasimov
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Langer, Christoph
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Ivan Gerasimov
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Langer, Christoph
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Artem Smotrakov
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Ivan Gerasimov
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Artem Smotrakov
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Ivan Gerasimov
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Langer, Christoph
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Ivan Gerasimov
- [jdk9] (S) RFR: 8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
Langer, Christoph
- [jdk9] (XXS) RFR: 8165413: A few typos in javadoc
Ivan Gerasimov
- [jdk9] (XXS) RFR: 8165413: A few typos in javadoc
Weijun Wang
- [jdk9] (XXS) RFR: 8165413: A few typos in javadoc
Ivan Gerasimov
- [jdk9] (XXS) RFR: 8165413: A few typos in javadoc
Sean Mullan
- [Semi-]off-line encryption
Andrew Haley
- [Semi-]off-line encryption
Michael StJohns
- [Semi-]off-line encryption
Andrew Haley
- Code Review Request, JDK-8146600 AVA Normalizer.Form issue
Xuelei Fan
- Code Review Request, JDK-8146600 AVA Normalizer.Form issue
Wang Weijun
- Code Review Request, JDK-8146600 AVA Normalizer.Form issue
Xuelei Fan
- Code Review Request, JDK-8146600 AVA Normalizer.Form issue
Wang Weijun
- Code Review Request, JDK-8146600 AVA Normalizer.Form issue
Xuelei Fan
- Code Review Request, JDK-8146600 AVA Normalizer.Form issue
Wang Weijun
- Code Review Request, JDK-8146600 AVA Normalizer.Form issue
Xuelei Fan
- Code Review Request, JDK-8146600 AVA Normalizer.Form issue
Wang Weijun
- Do your NSS DLLs on Windows have execute permission?
Weijun Wang
- Do your NSS DLLs on Windows have execute permission?
Bradford Wetmore
- Do your NSS DLLs on Windows have execute permission?
Wang Weijun
- Intended behavior of the -providerName option of keytool
Michael Wang
- Intended behavior of the -providerName option of keytool
Wang Weijun
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8039854: Broken link in java.lang.RuntimePermission
joe darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8039854: Broken link in java.lang.RuntimePermission
Lance Andersen
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8039854: Broken link in java.lang.RuntimePermission
Sean Mullan
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8039854: Broken link in java.lang.RuntimePermission
joe darcy
- Obtaining TLS handshake details e.g. server key exchange bits
Christopher Schultz
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Xuelei Fan
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Wang Weijun
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Xuelei Fan
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Wang Weijun
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Xuelei Fan
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Wang Weijun
- RFR(M): 8166032: Fix module dependencies for javax.SSL tests
Xuelei Fan
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Sean Mullan
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Wang Weijun
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Wang Weijun
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Sean Mullan
- RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(s): 8166378: Missing dependencies in several java/security tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(s): 8166378: Missing dependencies in several java/security tests
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(s): 8166378: Missing dependencies in several java/security tests
Xuelei Fan
- RFR(s): 8166450: SMARTCARDIO related tests failed on compilation
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR(s): 8166450: SMARTCARDIO related tests failed on compilation
Wang Weijun
- RFR(s): 8166450: SMARTCARDIO related tests failed on compilation
Sergei Kovalev
- RFR 8164705: Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
Weijun Wang
- RFR 8164705: Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
Brian Burkhalter
- RFR 8164705: Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
Weijun Wang
- RFR 8164705: Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
Brian Burkhalter
- RFR 8164705: Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
Weijun Wang
- RFR 8164705: Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
Weijun Wang
- RFR 8164705: Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
Brian Burkhalter
- RFR 8166976: TestCipherPBECons has wrong @run line
Martin Buchholz
- RFR 8166976: TestCipherPBECons has wrong @run line
Chuck Rasbold
- RFR 8166976: TestCipherPBECons has wrong @run line
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR 8166976: TestCipherPBECons has wrong @run line
Martin Buchholz
- RFR: 8132926 - PKIXParameters built with public key form of TrustAnchor causes NPE during cert path building/validation
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: 8132926 - PKIXParameters built with public key form of TrustAnchor causes NPE during cert path building/validation
Xuelei Fan
- RFR: 8164846: CertificateException missing cause of underlying exception
Xuelei Fan
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Xuelei Fan
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Wang Weijun
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Wang Weijun
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Xuelei Fan
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Wang Weijun
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: JDK-8049516: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Xuelei Fan
- RFR[9]: JDK-8165566: sun/security/ssl/SocketCreation/ fails intermittently: Address already in use
John Jiang
- RFR[9]: JDK-8165566: sun/security/ssl/SocketCreation/ fails intermittently: Address already in use
Chris Hegarty
- RFR[9] JDK-8077138: Some PKCS11 tests fail because NSS library is not initialized
John Jiang
- RFR[9] JDK-8077138: Some PKCS11 tests fail because NSS library is not initialized
Vincent Ryan
- RFR[9] JDK-8077138: Some PKCS11 tests fail because NSS library is not initialized
Artem Smotrakov
- RFR[9] JDK-8077138: Some PKCS11 tests fail because NSS library is not initialized
Weijun Wang
- RFR[9] JDK-8077138: Some PKCS11 tests fail because NSS library is not initialized
John Jiang
- RFR[9] JDK-8166439: Test sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ needs to output more details
John Jiang
- X.509 Certificate Testing...
Milton Smith
- X.509 Certificate Testing...
Wang Weijun
- X.509 Certificate Testing...
Sean Mullan
Last message date:
Fri Sep 30 19:14:50 UTC 2016
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 15:42:59 UTC 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).