RFR: JDK-8049516: sun.security.provider.SeedGenerator throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Wang Weijun weijun.wang at oracle.com
Wed Sep 21 16:05:58 UTC 2016

I am OK with your fix, but I found "(latch + 1) % Integer.MAX_VALUE" a little difficult to understand. Does rndTab[latch & 0xff] also work?


> On Sep 21, 2016, at 11:57 PM, Jamil Nimeh <jamil.j.nimeh at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Max and Xuelei,
> Yesterday I also reached out to the SQE engineer who submitted the bug, asking if this is an issue he's seen going forward from the original instance in 8u20.  He said that he hasn't seen this issue come up since the original bug submission.  Since the simple overflow condition is easily solved with my fix, and the code has been otherwise stable I'd like to suggest that we keep the fix as-is.  The loop timing as it stands now is not the source of the bug, other than that latch can overflow and that is solved in one line.  If we want to revisit this and improve the overall performance (though I haven't seen evidence that there is a perf issue with this at all) then maybe an RFE is in order.  What do you think?
> --Jamil

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