Support for ECParameters with explicit (not named) parameter spec
Xuelei Fan at
Wed Dec 6 15:51:33 UTC 2017
On 12/6/2017 4:24 AM, Max Fichtelmann wrote:
> Hello,
> currently[]) is limited
> to parse named curves. A commented block outlining parsing of explicit
> parameters is included below throwing "only named ECParameters
> supported". That comment block seems to be unchanged from at least jdk6
> up until jdk10.
What's the requirement for unnamed parameter spec? For TLS or just basic
crypto operation? Would you mind have an example about the use of it?
> Is there any Plan to implement this at some time? Since I am needing to
> implement it anyway, how could I provide that change?
Please refer to the "How to contribute" doc in OpenJDK:
> Kind Regards,
> Max Fichtelmann
> *procilon IT-Logistics GmbH*
> Leipziger Straße 110
> 04425 Taucha bei Leipzig
> <>
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