KDF API review, round 2

Michael StJohns mstjohns at comcast.net
Mon Nov 20 16:17:43 UTC 2017

Apologies in advance for top posting and a need to be a little pedantic 
about KDFs.  I'll have some comments inline below as well.

KDF's aren't well understood but people think they are.  The key stream 
generation part is pretty straightforward (keyed PRBG), but the 
interaction of how the key stream is generated and how the key stream is 
assigned to actual cryptographic objects is not.  Here's why:

1) KDF's are repeatable.  Given the exact same inputs (key, mixin data) 
they produce the same key stream.
2) Any change in the inputs changes ALL of the key stream.
3) Unless the overall length property is included, then changing the 
length of the key stream will not change the prefix (e.g. if the 
original call was for 10 bytes and a second call was for 20, the first 
10 bytes of both calls will produce the exact same key stream data)
4) The general format of each round of key stream generation is 
something like PRF (master key, mixins), where mixins are the 
concatenation of at least a label and context and a value to 
differentiate each round (a counter or the previous rounds output for 
example).  Including L in the mixin prevents the property described in 
(3) above.  Including a length for each subcomponent as a mixin prevents 
the property described in (5) below.
5) Unless the length for each derived object is included in the mix in, 
then it is possible to move the assignment of key stream bytes between 
objects.  For example, both TLS (1.2 and before) and IPSEC use KDFs that 
generate non-secret IV material along with secret session key 
material.     This is less important for software only KDFs as both the 
secret key material and the IV material are both in the JVM memory 
domain.  This is very important if you're trying to keep your secret key 
material secure in an HSM.

Example:  a given TLS session may need 2 256 bit AES keys and 2 128 bit 
IVs.  That is a requirement for 96 bytes of key stream (if I've got my 
calculation correct).  We have the HSM produce this (see the PKCS11 
calling sequence for example) and we get out the IVs.  An attacker who 
has access to the HSM (which may or may not be on the same machine as 
the TLS instantiation) can call the derivation function with new output 
parameters (but with the same master key and mixins)  which specifies 
only IV material and have the function output the same key stream bytes 
that were previously assigned to the secret key material in the IV 
output.  A very easy key extraction attack.

This is why TLS1.3 only does single outputs per KDF call and makes the 
length of that output a mandatory mixin.  An HSM can also look at the 
labels and make a determination as to whether an object need be 
protected (key material) or in the clear (iv).

Given (3) and (5) I believe that both L and l[i] (subcomponent length) 
may need to be provided for BEFORE any key material is produced which 
argues for input during initialization phase.

On 11/20/2017 5:12 AM, Jamil Nimeh wrote:
> On 11/19/2017 12:45 PM, Michael StJohns wrote:
>> On 11/17/2017 1:07 PM, Adam Petcher wrote:
>>> On 11/17/2017 10:04 AM, Michael StJohns wrote:
>>>> On 11/16/2017 2:15 PM, Adam Petcher wrote:
>>>>> So it seems like they could all be supplied to init. 
>>>>> Alternatively, algorithm names could specify more concrete 
>>>>> algorithms that include the mode/PRF/etc. Can you provide more 
>>>>> information to explain why these existing patterns won't work in 
>>>>> this case?
>>>> What I need to do is provide a lifecycle diagram, but its hard to 
>>>> do in text.  But basically, the .getInstance() followed by 
>>>> .setParameters() builds a concrete engine while the .init() 
>>>> initializes that engine with a key and the derivation parameters. 
>>>> Think about a TLS 1.2 instance - the PRF is selected once, but the 
>>>> KDF may be used multiple times.
>>> This is the information I was missing. There are two sets of 
>>> parameters, and the first set should be fixed, but the second set 
>>> should be changed on each init.
>>>> I considered the mode/PRF/etc stuff but that works for things like 
>>>> Cipher and Signature because most of those have exactly the same 
>>>> pattern.  For the KDF pattern we;ve got fully specified KDFs (e.g. 
>>>> TLS 1.1 and before, IPSEC), almost fully specified KDFs (TLS 1.2 
>>>> and HDKF needs a PRF) and then the SP800 style KDFs which are 
>>>> defined to be *very* flexible.  So translating that into a naming 
>>>> convention is going to be restrictive and may not cover all of the 
>>>> possible approaches. I'd rather do it as an algorithmparameter 
>>>> instead.  With a given KDF implementation having a default if 
>>>> nothing is specified during instantiation.
>>> I agree that this is challenging because there is so much variety in 
>>> KDFs. But I don't think that SP 800-108 is a good example of 
>>> something that should be exposed as an algorithm in JCA, because it 
>>> is too broad. SP 800-108 is more of a toolbox that can be used to 
>>> construct KDFs. Particular specializations of SP 800-108 are widely 
>>> used, and they will get names that can be used in getInstance. For 
>>> example, HKDF-Expand is a particular specialization of SP 800-108.
>>> So I think the existing pattern of using algorithm names to specify 
>>> concrete algorithms should work just as well in this API as it does 
>>> in the rest of JCA. Of course, more flexibility in the API is a nice 
>>> feature, but supporting this level of generality may be out of scope 
>>> for this effort.
>> The more I think about it the more I think you're mostly right. But 
>> let's split this slightly as almost every KDF allows for the 
>> specification of the PRF.  So
>> <kdfname>/<prf>    as the standard naming convention.
>> Or TLS13/HMAC-SHA256 and HKDF/HMAC-SHA256 (which are different 
>> because of the mandatory inclusion of "L" in the derivation 
>> parameters and each component object for TLS13)
>> Still - let's include the .setParameters() call as a failsafe as 
>> looking forward I can see the need for flexibility rearing its ugly 
>> head (e.g. adding PSS parameters to RSA signatures way late in the 
>> game.....) and it does match the pattern for Signature so its not a 
>> new concept. A given provider need not support the call, but its 
>> there if needed.
> Signature appears to have setParameter because the initSign and 
> initVerify didn't have APS parameters in their method signatures. 
> Since we're talking about providing APS objects through both 
> getInstance() for those locked to the algorithm and init() for things 
> like salts, info, etc. that can be changed on successive inits it 
> seems like we're covered without the need for a setParameter method.

You're missing the point that setParameter() provides information used 
in all future calls to the signature generation, while init() provides 
data specifically for a given key stream production.  In Signature() you 
call .setParameter() to set up the PSS parameters (or use the 
defaults).  Each subsequent call to initSign or initVerify uses those 
PSS parameters.  The  equivalent part of .init() in KeyDerivation is 
actually the calls to .update() in signature as they provide the 
specific information for the production of the output key stream.  In 
fact, setting up an HMAC signature instance and passing it the mixin 
data as part of a .update() is a way of producing the key stream round.

So equivalences:

KeyDerivation.getInstance(PRF) == Signature.getInstance(HMAC)
KeyDerivation.setParameters() == Signature.setParameters()
KeyDerivation.init(key, List<Parameters>) == concatenation of the 
results of multiple calls (each key stream round based on the needed 
output length) to [Signature.initSign(Key) followed by 
Signature.update(converttobytearray(List<Parameters>)) followed by  
Signature.sign()] to produce the key stream
KeyDerivation.deriveKey() ==  various calls to key or object factories 
with parts of the key stream (signature).

(Hmm.. I think I forgot to get back to this comment - a KDF key should 
be tagged differently than an HMAC key even though the underlying 
functions are the same.  It shouldn't be possible to use an HMAC 
SecretKey (or an AES secret key) as a KDF master key and vice versa, 
basically because of the property that an HMAC output is by definition 
non-secret data while the key stream production is by definition - 
secret.  You want to make sure that its not trivial to do this).

> One additional topic for discussion: Late in the week we talked about 
> the current state of the API internally and one item to revisit is 
> where the DerivationParameterSpec objects are passed. It was brought 
> up by a couple people that it would be better to provide the DPS 
> objects pertaining to keys at the time they are called for through 
> deriveKey() and deriveKeys() (and possibly deriveData).
> Originally we had them all grouped in a List in the init method. One 
> reason for needing it up there was to know the total length of 
> material to generate.  If we can provide the total length through the 
> AlgorithmParameterSpec passed in via init() then things like:
> Key deriveKey(DerivationParameterSpec param);
> List<Key> deriveKeys(List<DerivationParameterSpec> params);
> become possible.  To my eyes at least it does make it more clear what 
> DPS you're processing since they're provided at derive time, rather 
> than the caller having to keep track in their heads where in the DPS 
> list they might be with each successive deriveKey or deriveKeys 
> calls.  And I think we could do away with deriveKeys(int), too.

See above - the key stream is logically produced in its entirety before 
any assignment of that stream is made to any cryptographic objects 
because the mixins (except for the round differentiator) are the same 
for each key stream production round.   Simply passing in the total 
length may not give you the right result if the KDF requires a per 
component length (and it should to defeat (5) or it should only produce 
a single key).

95% of the time this will be a call to produce a single key.  4% of the 
time it will be a call to produce multiple keys. Only 1% of the time 
will it need to intermix key, data and object productions. Anybody who 
is doing that is going to write a wrapper around this class to make sure 
they get the key and data production order correct for each call.  So 
I'm not all that bothered by keeping the complexity as a price for 
keeping flexibility.

You could have a Key deriveKey(Key k, DerivationParameterSpec param) for 
some things like TLS1.3 (where you can only make a single call to derive 
key between inits) , but then you'd also need at least a byte[] 
deriveData (Key k, DerivationParameterSpec param) and an Object 
deriveObject(Key k, DerivationParameterSpec param).

I think the most common pattern will be

.init(Key k, DerivationParameterSpec param) followed by .deriveKey()  or
.init(Key k, List<DerivationParameterSpec> params) followed by .deriveKeys()

but the other intermixed patterns are just as valid.

> --Jamil

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