KDF API review, round 2

Adam Petcher adam.petcher at oracle.com
Mon Nov 20 17:37:45 UTC 2017

On 11/20/2017 11:17 AM, Michael StJohns wrote:

>> One additional topic for discussion: Late in the week we talked about 
>> the current state of the API internally and one item to revisit is 
>> where the DerivationParameterSpec objects are passed. It was brought 
>> up by a couple people that it would be better to provide the DPS 
>> objects pertaining to keys at the time they are called for through 
>> deriveKey() and deriveKeys() (and possibly deriveData).
>> Originally we had them all grouped in a List in the init method. One 
>> reason for needing it up there was to know the total length of 
>> material to generate.  If we can provide the total length through the 
>> AlgorithmParameterSpec passed in via init() then things like:
>> Key deriveKey(DerivationParameterSpec param);
>> List<Key> deriveKeys(List<DerivationParameterSpec> params);
>> become possible.  To my eyes at least it does make it more clear what 
>> DPS you're processing since they're provided at derive time, rather 
>> than the caller having to keep track in their heads where in the DPS 
>> list they might be with each successive deriveKey or deriveKeys 
>> calls.  And I think we could do away with deriveKeys(int), too.
> See above - the key stream is logically produced in its entirety 
> before any assignment of that stream is made to any cryptographic 
> objects because the mixins (except for the round differentiator) are 
> the same for each key stream production round.   Simply passing in the 
> total length may not give you the right result if the KDF requires a 
> per component length (and it should to defeat (5) or it should only 
> produce a single key).

In general, if the KDF needs any information up front to produce the 
output bits, then that information can be supplied in init using the 
APS. In your example attack for (5), an implementation that prevents 
this attack would probably take a length and label (e.g. "key1", "key2", 
"iv1", "iv2") for each derived value. Then the HSM would need to enforce 
that any value derived with a "key*" label could not be extracted. If 
that entire sequence of lengths and labels needs to be known up front, 
then it can be supplied in the APS. In this organization, the only 
additional information that the DPS passed to deriveKey() needs to 
provide is the encryption algorithm name and parameters (though taking a 
length and checking it is probably a good idea).

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