about JDK-8186628

nezih yigitbasi nezihyigitbasi at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 17:06:18 UTC 2018

Ivan, thanks for the information. Any ideas about when one of these
solutions can be released?


2018-04-20 9:22 GMT-07:00 Ivan Gerasimov <ivan.gerasimov at oracle.com>:

> Hello Nezih!
> This issue is still being discussed off-list.
> There have been two approaches proposed so far:  1) improve the session
> cache and 2) provide an option to turn the cache off completely.
> The former one is good by itself, so I filed an enhancement request [1]
> with a link to proposal made by Peter Levart [2].
> However, as this is an enhancement, it seems unlikely it's going to be
> backported to earlier releases of JDK.
> With kind regards,
> Ivan
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8202086
> [2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/security-dev/2017-
> November/016512.html
> On 4/18/18 9:32 PM, nezih yigitbasi wrote:
> Hi,
> We are hitting the scalability problem of the SSL session cache in
> production that JDK-8186628 is addressing.
> I see that JDK-8186628 has not been updated since Nov'17, so I just wanted
> to get information about what the current plans are regarding that issue.
> Thanks,
> Nezih
> --
> With kind regards,
> Ivan Gerasimov
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