RFR JDK-8164639: Configure PKCS11 tests to use user-supplied NSS libraries

sha.jiang at oracle.com sha.jiang at oracle.com
Mon Aug 13 05:46:04 UTC 2018

On 2018/8/13 11:25, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Can test.nss.lib.path contain multiple paths? For example, some systems might have libsoftkn3.so and libnss3.so in different directories [1] and depending on whether secmod is used the test might load one or the other.
I assume the custom libs are in a single directory.
This property is used for manual test run. When run different tests, 
users can specify different target lib path.

> I have the same question on the downloaded file from the artifact server. It seems for each platform it is a zip file. Will it extract all libraries into the same "nsslib" directory?
In my case, only one zip file is downloaded in a specific platform.

And each archive is a separated artifact, which has different artifactId.
The local path contains the artifactId, so different artifacts cannot be 
in the same directory.

> Also, this is the 1st time I hear about @Artifact in an openjdk test and know nothing about it. Is there a detailed description on this feature somewhere?
I also don't get the details.

> As for this test, if customNssLib is the first element in nssLibDirs and not set by a user, does this mean the test will always download libraries from an artifact server?
If customNssLib is null, the test downloads the platform-specific 
artifact from Artifactory;
otherwise, the test just uses the specified local NSS libs and no 
downloading is triggered.

> Would it spend too much time on downloading?
In this case, with my testing, it didn't take much time.

> Is there a cache mechanism so that after the 1st PKCS11 test downloads the libraries the other tests can reuse them?
With my testing, if the local path for a specific artifact exists, the 
same artifact should not be re-downloaded.

> Are they cleaned up at some time?
The libs are NOT removed after my manual test execution.
But I don't know the details about this point in CI system.

Best regards,
John Jiang

> Thanks
> Max
> [1] https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/arm64/libnss3/filelist
>> On Aug 13, 2018, at 10:44 AM, sha.jiang at oracle.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This patch provides a system property, exactly test.nss.lib.path, for specifying the absolute path to the custom NSS lib.
>> And it also removes the NSS 3.16 binary libs on windows and macosx from repo.
>> On these two platforms, PKCS11 tests will download new built NSS 3.35 libs from Artifactory.
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjiang/8164639/webrev.00/
>> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8164639
>> Best regards,
>> John Jiang

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