RFR JDK-8164639: Configure PKCS11 tests to use user-supplied NSS libraries

Rajan Halade rajan.halade at oracle.com
Mon Aug 13 04:58:33 UTC 2018

Thanks John for this fix. May be it will help if you can include README 
file under pkcs11 detailing how the artifacts are to be build and bundled.

See inline for my attempt to answer some of Max's queries -

On 8/12/18 8:25 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Can test.nss.lib.path contain multiple paths? For example, some systems might have libsoftkn3.so and libnss3.so in different directories [1] and depending on whether secmod is used the test might load one or the other. I have the same question on the downloaded file from the artifact server. It seems for each platform it is a zip file. Will it extract all libraries into the same "nsslib" directory?
John's README, once there, should address this. It is easier to deal 
with artifactory if files are packaged in a zip or tar format. The 
layout of contents will be addressed in README.
> Also, this is the 1st time I hear about @Artifact in an openjdk test and know nothing about it. Is there a detailed description on this feature somewhere?
I haven't come across any documentation except the code at 
test/lib/jdk/test/lib/artifacts. This feature was added with JDK-8175300 
to JDK 10.

>   As for this test, if customNssLib is the first element in nssLibDirs and not set by a user, does this mean the test will always download libraries from an artifact server? Would it spend too much time on downloading? Is there a cache mechanism so that after the 1st PKCS11 test downloads the libraries the other tests can reuse them? Are they cleaned up at some time?
> Thanks
> Max
> [1] https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/arm64/libnss3/filelist
>> On Aug 13, 2018, at 10:44 AM, sha.jiang at oracle.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This patch provides a system property, exactly test.nss.lib.path, for specifying the absolute path to the custom NSS lib.
>> And it also removes the NSS 3.16 binary libs on windows and macosx from repo.
>> On these two platforms, PKCS11 tests will download new built NSS 3.35 libs from Artifactory.
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjiang/8164639/webrev.00/
>> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8164639
>> Best regards,
>> John Jiang

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