RFR 8196215: sun/security/util/Resources/customSysClassLoader/MessageFormatting.java failed on ar_SA locale.

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at oracle.com
Wed Feb 7 17:33:00 UTC 2018

This looks fine although I don't really think you need the othervm on 
line 36; that seems like something that is done separately as part of 
testing all of the tests on different locales.


On 2/7/18 11:19 AM, Adam Petcher wrote:
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~apetcher/8196215/webrev.00/
> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8196215
> Please review this minor test bug fix. The test in question ensures that 
> the basic message formatting that occurs during policy initialization 
> works correctly. Formatted messages are compared to the ones produced by 
> the MessageFormat class. The basic formatting is intended to mimic the 
> behavior of formatting in the en_US locale, but the MessageFormat object 
> in the test will format messages using the default locale, which may 
> cause the test to fail. This fix sets the locale to en_US in the 
> MessageFormat object used in the test.

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