Other files assigned to me (was Re: Code Review Request: TLS 1.3 Implementation)

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Fri Jun 8 04:25:59 UTC 2018

I've finished reviewing of other files assigned to me. Turns out most changes are on Debug -> SSLLogger.

There are only 2 concerns left:

1. SSLLogger: I talked about in another mail, SSLConsoleLogger::log does not use format.

2. SSLStringize: I think this is unnecessarily complex.

Also, you have changed "import java.security.*" to individual "import java.security.Abc" lines in some files (which I think is good) but not all. If you think it's better to apply this change everywhere I can help.

This might need some co-ordination because I don't want to interrupt some people's work.


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