Jar's CodeSigner null on Java 10, non-null on Java 8

Scott Palmer swpalmer at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 16:00:10 UTC 2018

Excuse me if this isn’t the right place to ask this.

I’ve been trying to debug something related to verifying that a class was signed with a particular certificate.  The certificate is self-signed and long expired, if that makes a difference.

I have the following code to check the signature:

	private static boolean signedByMe(Class<?> c) {
		ProtectionDomain protectionDomain = c.getProtectionDomain();
		if ( protectionDomain == null ) return false;
		CodeSource codeSource = protectionDomain.getCodeSource();
		if ( codeSource == null ) return false;
		CodeSigner[] codeSigners = codeSource.getCodeSigners();
		if (codeSigners != null) {
			for (CodeSigner cs : codeSigners) {
				for (Certificate cp : cs.getSignerCertPath().getCertificates()) {
					byte[] sigKey = cp.getPublicKey().getEncoded();
					if (Arrays.equals(sigKey, ourKey)) {
						return true;
		return false;

(ourKey is the byte[] of the public key of the certificate used to sign the jar)

On Java 8 this works fine.

On Java 10.0.2 codeSigners is null.

If I run with -Djava.security.debug=jar the output indicates that the classes are signed in both cases.

Is this a bug or a specific change to how the expired certificate is handled?


(please include me in replies, I’m not subscribed to the list)

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