October 2018 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Oct 1 13:11:12 UTC 2018
Ending: Wed Oct 31 23:06:02 UTC 2018
Messages: 218
- RFR: 8209862:CipherCore performance improvement
Seán Coffey
- RFR 8076190: Customizing the generation of a PKCS12 keystore
Sean Mullan
- RFR (XS) 8200381 : Typos in javadoc - missing verb "be" and alike
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR 6913047: SunPKCS11 memory leak
Valerie Peng
- RFR (12): 8191053: Provide a mechanism to make system's security manager immutable
Sean Mullan
- JGSS Enhancements (contribution by Two Sigma Open Source)
Nico Williams
- Conceptual feedback on new ECC JEP
Adam Petcher
- RFR 8210395: Add doc to SecurityTools.java
Sean Mullan
- Jar's CodeSigner null on Java 10, non-null on Java 8
Scott Palmer
- RFR: 8210989 TLSv1.2 not authenticating using PSS certificates
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR 8210821: Support dns_canonicalize_hostname in krb5.conf
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8211860: Avoid reading security properties eagerly on Manifest class initialization
Claes Redestad
- TLSv1.3 fails to read cert chain after HTTP redirect
Daniel Christensen
- FW: RFR: 8211752: JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastErrorAndPath - enhance some IOExceptions with path causing the issue
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR 8211969: test/jdk/lib/security/CheckBlacklistedCerts.java searching for wrong paths
Weijun Wang
- RFR[12] JDK-8210632: Add key exchange algorithm to javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/CipherSuite.java
sha.jiang at oracle.com
- DSA default algorithm for keytool -genkeypair. Bad choice?
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR [12]: 8211878: Bad/broken links in docs/api/java.xml.crypto/javax/xml/crypto/dsig/Reference.html
Sean Mullan
- RFR: JDK-8211866 TLS 1.3 CertificateRequest message sometimes offers disallowed signature algorithms
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR JDK-8211806: TLS 1.3 handshake server name indication is missing on a session resume
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR 8212165: JGSS: Fix cut/paste error in NativeUtil.c
Weijun Wang
- RFR[12] JDK-8211978: move testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/SimpleSSLContext.java and testkeys to network testlibrary
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8211426: SSL handshake succeeds under JDK 9 (and earlier) but not under JDK 11
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR [12]: 8210448: Copy Java XML Digital Signature API Specification into java.xml.crypto javadocs
Sean Mullan
- Fluent builder API for JCA/JSSE classes
Will Sargent
- RFR 8212216: JGSS: Fix leak in exception cases in getJavaOID()
Weijun Wang
- RFR 8212217: JGSS: Don't dispose() of creds too eagerly
Weijun Wang
- RFR JDK-8211971: Move security/cacerts/VerifyCACerts.java and security/CheckBlacklistedCerts.java
sha.jiang at oracle.com
- RFR[12] JDK-8212562: To remove lib/security from test/jdk/TEST.groups
sha.jiang at oracle.com
- RFR: 8148188: Enhance the security libraries to record events of interest
Seán Coffey
- RFR 8201355 : Avoid native memory allocation in sun.security.mscapi.PRNG.generateSeed
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR 8205476: KeyAgreement#generateSecret is not reset for ECDH based algorithm
Adam Petcher
- RFR 8212003: Obsoleting the default keytool -keyalg option
Weijun Wang
- RFR [12]: 8195793: Remove GTE CyberTrust Global Root
Sean Mullan
- Upgrade to RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.F4 for RSA Keypair generation test?
Liu, Xin
- SSLSession#getPeerCertificates and resumed TLSv1.3 sessions
Oleg Kalnichevski
- [PATCH] Typo in SSL log message related to inactive/disabled signature scheme
Jaikiran Pai
- Hashing in Java and Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) design
John Newman
- RFR [12]: 8211883: Disable anon and NULL cipher suites
Sean Mullan
- RFR 8212867: Link to DRBG test vectors is redirected to a broken link
Weijun Wang
- security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/QuoVadisCA.java fails in jdk
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR 8026953: Add support for MS Cryptography next generation (CNG) (step 1)
Weijun Wang
- RFR 8213007: Update the link in test/jdk/sun/security/provider/SecureRandom/DrbgCavp.java
Weijun Wang
- RFR [12]: 8191136: Remove deprecated java.security.{Certificate,Identity,IdentityScope,Signer} APIs
Sean Mullan
- RFR 8213031: (zipfs) Add support for POSIX file permissions (was: Enhance jdk.nio.zipfs to support Posix File Permissions)
Langer, Christoph
- Code Review Request, JDK-8212738, Incorrectly named signature scheme ecdsa_secp512r1_sha512
Xuelei Fan
- [RFR] JDK-8213154: Update copyright headers of files in src tree that are missing Classpath exception
Martin Balao
- RFR: 8207059: Update test certificates in QuoVadisCA.java test
Rajan Halade
- A new proposal to add methods to HttpsURLConnection to access SSLSession
Xuelei Fan
- RFR(M) 8212605: Pure-Java implementation of AccessController.doPrivileged
dean.long at oracle.com
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 23:06:02 UTC 2018
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 15:43:06 UTC 2024
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).