RFR: 8211752: JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastErrorAndPath - enhance some IOExceptions with path causing the issue

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com
Fri Oct 12 10:11:01 UTC 2018


If this is required, I would choose a more generic tag
so it can be reused in other places.
I would just use "path".

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net> On Behalf
> Of Baesken, Matthias
> Sent: Freitag, 12. Oktober 2018 10:13
> To: security-dev at openjdk.java.net; core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: [CAUTION] RE: RFR: 8211752:
> JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastErrorAndPath - enhance some IOExceptions
> with path causing the issue
> Ping ...  any reviews / comments ?
> Should I add  a category  , for example    "ioExceptionsWithPath"     to the
> java.security - file  to control  the enabling/disabling of the  enhanced
> exception ?
>   java.security
> #
> # Enhanced exception message information
> ...
> #jdk.includeInExceptions=hostInfo,jar,ioExceptionsWithPath
> Thanks, Matthias
> From: Baesken, Matthias
> Sent: Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2018 14:12
> To: security-dev at openjdk.java.net; core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Cc: Alan Bateman (Alan.Bateman at oracle.com) <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
> Subject: FW: RFR: 8211752: JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastErrorAndPath -
> enhance some IOExceptions with path causing the issue
> Hello, Alan commented on it :
>   *   This proposal will require a security review as it leaks sensitive
> information into exceptions.
> So I forward it to security-dev as well.
> If needed,  we might  use something similar to  JDK-8207768  where a
> category  has been added  for  enhanced exception messages to the
> java.security file .
> Best regards, Matthias
> From: Baesken, Matthias
> Sent: Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2018 13:40
> To: core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net<mailto:core-libs-
> dev at openjdk.java.net>
> Cc: Langer, Christoph
> <christoph.langer at sap.com<mailto:christoph.langer at sap.com>>;
> Lindenmaier, Goetz
> <goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com<mailto:goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com>>
> Subject: RFR: 8211752: JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastErrorAndPath -
> enhance some IOExceptions with path causing the issue
> Hello, please review the following change .
> It enhances a number of JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastError  calls with
> path and current working directory information.
> For this, a new function JNU_ThrowIOExceptionWithLastErrorAndPath is
> added.
> bug and webrev :
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8211752
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mbaesken/webrevs/8211752.0/
> Thanks, Matthias

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