Hashing in Java and Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) design

John Newman lj.slo at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 23 17:50:44 UTC 2018

This seems to me overly complicated for a simple task of
instantiating a MessageDigest object:

MessageDigest md = null;
try {
    md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {}

Couldn't MessageDigest simply be an *interface* and
the SHA funcionality a special *implementation*, like so:

MessageDigest md = new ShaMessageDigest();


But instead we have these factory methods (accross all of the JCA
core classes) which throw exceptions, polluting the code. Is the
Provider abstraction really needed? The only real benefit I see is
neater class names.

In fact - couldn't we get rid of the entire Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)
as it is and redesign it to be more object oriented? For example, couldn't this:

byte [][] args = //...
MessageDigest md = //..

become this:

byte [][] args = //...
MessageDigest md = //..

or maybe even this:

MessageDigest md = //..
byte [][] args = //...
new IntermediateDigest(

where IntermediateDigest itself could be an argument to MessageDigest's update()
method, making things like H(H(x), y) look much more compact and readable?


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