RFR 8026953: Add support for MS Cryptography next generation (CNG) (step 1)

Weijun Wang weijun.wang at oracle.com
Thu Oct 25 08:38:27 UTC 2018

Please review the change at


(I will use a sub-task id for this change but currently JBS is down).

The major change is renaming classes. Since we are going to support algorithms other than RSA, I've renamed the classes like RSAPrivateKey -> CPrivateKey. Classes that have the same name as JCA classes (like Key, KeyStore) are also renamed (to CKey, CKeyStore) so it's easy to tell them apart.

Others are not about renaming but they are also related to supporting other algorithms, and there is no behavior change. They include:

- CKey (plus its child classes CPublicKey and CPrivateKey) has a new field "algorithm". This field is used by CKeyStore::generateRSAKeyAndCertificateChain and its value is obtained from the public key algorithm in a cert [1].

- Child class named "RSA" of CKeyPairGenerator.

- Child class named "RSA" of CSignature. I also moved some RSA-related methods into this child class as overridden methods.

- CKeyStore::setPrivateKey's key parameter has a new type Key, but it still only accepts RSAPrivateCrtKey now.



[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/desktop/api/wincrypt/ns-wincrypt-_crypt_algorithm_identifier

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