RFR 8212217: JGSS: Don't dispose() of creds too eagerly

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at oracle.com
Wed Oct 31 22:12:06 UTC 2018

On 10/31/18 5:25 PM, Nico Williams wrote:
>>> I think you should put braces around the conditional statements on lines
>>> 332, 357, & 359. It would read better and avoid accidental bugs.
> Is that part of a published Java style?
> (Personally, I dislike braces for single statement blocks.  But we'll follow
> whatever style guide exists.)

Mostly for consistency, but it can help avoid accidental bugs where you 
forget to put the braces in, ex:

if (a == true)

It's not yet an official style guide, but here is a draft of the Java 
style guidelines: 

Of course, not all code in the JDK follows this rule, and I am sure 
there are personal preferences each way but I think what is worse is 
when you have a mix of both styles within the same class or package.

Other coding guidelines such as from Google [1] also give similar advice.


[1] https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html#s4.1-braces

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