[14] RFR JDK-8228835 "Memory leak in PKCS11 provider when using AES GCM"

Valerie Peng valerie.peng at oracle.com
Tue Aug 13 21:21:48 UTC 2019

Hi Jamil,

Thanks for the review, webrev updated at 

More replies in line below.

On 8/8/2019 5:30 PM, Jamil Nimeh wrote:
> Hi Valerie, looks pretty good.  I only had a few minor comments.
>   * pkcs11wrapper.h
>       o 210-212: Do you intend to leave these trace macros in there
>         but commented?  It seems like they could be safely left
>         uncommented in case you needed to use them for debugging.
>       o 388: This looks like a duplicate of line 387.
Yes, I have used those trace macros quite extensively, so I left them in 
and commented out. More convenient this way.

Removed line 388.

>   * libj2pkcs11.c
>       o 271/277 (and others) - If you know you're going to zero the
>         memory right off the bat you could use calloc() rather than
>         malloc and get the benefit of the memory being zeroed
>         automatically.  Just a suggestion, there's nothing wrong with
>         the code as it is.
>       o 395: nit - extra space between ckpdate and ";"
>       o 843: unnecessary double-parenthesis

Mach5 run is clean. Please let me know if you have more comments.



> --Jamil
> On 8/6/19 7:28 PM, Valerie Peng wrote:
>> Anyone have spare cycles for reviewing this?
>> The current PKCS11 JNI code for handling native mechanism and its 
>> parameters is a bit too all over the place. To make the tracing and 
>> verification easier, I consolidated the memory deallocation to the 
>> freeCKMechanismPtr(...) method in p11_util.c (some was in 
>> p11_keymgmt.c).
>> Also, fixed the j_XXX_ToCK_XXXX_ methods in p11_convert.c to allocate 
>> the memory inside each method and return NULL upon error and make 
>> sure allocated memories are free'd upon any failure.
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8228835
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~valeriep/8228835/webrev.00/
>> Mach5 run is clean.
>> Thanks,
>> Valerie
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