Status: JDK-8191136 Remove deprecated{Certificate, Identity, IdentityScope, Signer} APIs

Eirik Bjørsnøs eirbjo at
Wed Apr 19 14:05:01 UTC 2023

TLDR: Payara 5 seems to work fine
with{Certificate,Identity,IdentityScope,Signer} classes

I have been exploring the effects of removing these APIs on JBoss Wildfly
> 20, the latest version to support Java EE 8.

Repeating the experiment using Payara 5 shows similar results to Wildfly
20. EJBs calling methods in EJBContext continue to work as expected with
21-internal. If the deprecated EJBContext.getCallerIdentity() method is
called, an exception is thrown (not because of the API removal, but because
Payara decided to throw for this method):

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: getCallerIdentity() is deprecated,
> please use getCallerPrincipal().
>         at
> com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBContextImpl.getCallerIdentity(

I had to make a minor change to Payara 5 to make it run on Java 21, which
was to upgrade ASM from 9.4 to 9.5. I'll consider a PR for this, although
it seems they don't plan any more releases of Payara 5 Community edition.
Maybe a PR can prod them to upgrade the Enterprise offering.

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