Status: JDK-8191136 Remove deprecated{Certificate, Identity, IdentityScope, Signer} APIs

Eirik Bjørsnøs eirbjo at
Fri Apr 21 08:11:42 UTC 2023

> Given that removing these APIs would cause TCK issues in these cases, I
> have been reticent to remove the APIs.

To assess TCK impact, I downloaded [1] and
did a grep for getCallerIdentity:

% grep -R getCallerIdentity .
> ./src/com/sun/ts/tests/signaturetest/signature-repository/javax.ejb.sig_3.2_se8:meth
> public abstract getCallerIdentity()

So it seems no TCK tests actually call the deprecated method, but there is
a set of API signature tests which seems to expect the EJBContext methods
to be present:

>From javax.ejb.sig_3.2_se8:

CLSS public abstract interface javax.ejb.EJBContext
> meth public abstract boolean getRollbackOnly()
> meth public abstract boolean isCallerInRole(java.lang.String)
> meth public abstract boolean isCallerInRole(
> meth public abstract java.lang.Object lookup(java.lang.String)
> meth public abstract getCallerIdentity()
> ...

I have not been able to determine whether these signature tests will accept
the EJBContext signatures as present even when the JRE removes the class.
However, I'm hopeful that is the case, since it does seem that
./lib/sigtest.jar has a BinaryClassDescrLoader class which parses class
files directly, without any reflection.

Based on these observations, it seems running the TCK on a JRE without should either be a non-issue, or it should require
relatively small efforts to allow the TCK to run on such JREs.


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