RFR(S) : 8177374 : fix module dependency declaration in jdk_svc tests

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sat Mar 25 07:34:56 UTC 2017

On 24/03/2017 20:34, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
> :
> if we agreed to have @summary at the end of this group and indent subsequent lines, it will be both readable and grouped w/ other information tags.
> in the test you mentioned (test/com/sun/tools/attach/BasicTests.java), we actually had a bug, 'This test will ...' line was passed to a test as an argument, and wasn't a part of summary at all, I saw similar things in many other tests and am planning to fix them in a separate cleanup RFE.
If the @summary is the last tag then you shouldn't have a problem.


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