RFR(S): 8165689: Fix module dependencies for sun/security/pkcs11/* tests

Sergei Kovalev sergei.kovalev at oracle.com
Thu Sep 15 09:50:23 UTC 2016

Hi Sean,

Thank you for feedback. I've updated the bug report.

14.09.16 19:57, Sean Mullan wrote:
> Thanks for the information. It would be very useful if you could add 
> that additional information as an example into the bug report for 
> future reference.
> --Sean
> On 09/14/2016 11:26 AM, Sergei Kovalev wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> I'm working for testing minimal JRE image. If I create custom JRE with
>> java.base only - the tests fail. To emulate such behavior we can use
>> "--limit-modules java.base" option. In case if we have no module
>> declaration in tests header the test fails with, e.g. ClassNotFound
>> exception (see example in attached log). In case we declare appropriate
>> modules in jtreg header then jtreg suite skip the test and mark it "not
>> run" in final report. This help me to clean out all "false positive"
>> error during testing and reduce time that I spend to failures analysis.
>> 14.09.16 18:20, Sean Mullan wrote:
>>> Looks fine to me, but can you explain in more detail why the extra
>>> dependencies are needed, or an example using --limit-modules? These
>>> tests are not failing regularly now, so when do the missing
>>> dependencies cause failures?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sean
>>> On 09/13/2016 08:34 AM, Sergei Kovalev wrote:
>>>> Hello team,
>>>> This is re-request for review of very small changes. Could somebody 
>>>> take
>>>> a look?
>>>> 08.09.16 17:03, Sergei Kovalev wrote:
>>>>> Hello team,
>>>>> Could you please review the fix for below CR:
>>>>> Bug ID: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8165689
>>>>> WebRev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~skovalev/8165689/webrev.00/
>>>>> Goal: make test possible to run with "--limit-modules" flag.
>>>>> Summary: added @modules tag into jtreg header if applicable.

With best regards,

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