(was Re: Code Review Request: TLS 1.3 Implementation)

Xuelei Fan at
Mon Jun 11 14:32:25 UTC 2018


On 6/10/2018 10:37 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> The protocols (for example, SSLParameters::getProtocols) are now from new to old, which is opposite from the previous order. Why make this change?
>    41  * Instances of this class are immutable after the context is initialized.
> You mean instances of child of this class? It looks like this class itself can be init() multiple times.
Good catch!  It it used to remind the implementation of this class. 
Reword to:
Implementation note: Instances of this class and the child classes are 
immutable, except that the context initialization (SSLContext.init()) 
may reset the key, trust managers and source of secure random.

>   414         return Arrays.asList(suites.toArray(new CipherSuite[0]));
> Is this better than new ArrayList(suites)?
I don't think so.  Updated to use ArrayList.

>   940                 candidates = new ProtocolVersion[refactored.size()];
>   941                 candidates = refactored.toArray(candidates);
> Why not candidates = refactored.toArray(new ProtocolVersion[refactored.size()]);
Hm, it's better.

>   943             System.out.println(refactored.toString());
> Please remove.
Good catch!

> Another thing in
>    803     static CipherSuite nameOf(String ciperSuiteName) {
> Why isn't this method named valueOf()?
There is a default builtin valueOf(String) method for enum type.


> No other comment.
> Thanks
> Max

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