December 2022 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Dec 1 05:44:44 UTC 2022
Ending: Thu Dec 29 08:45:48 UTC 2022
Messages: 325
- RFR: 8299234: JMX Repository.query performance
Alexey Bakhtin
- RFR: 8291830: jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero [v2]
Kim Barrett
- [jdk20] RFR: 8293824: gc/whitebox/ failed "RuntimeException: assertTrue: expected true, was false"
Kim Barrett
- [jdk20] RFR: 8293824: gc/whitebox/ failed "RuntimeException: assertTrue: expected true, was false"
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8297215: Update libs tests to use @enablePreview [v3]
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8297794: Deprecate JMX Management Applets for Removal [v4]
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Alan Bateman
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
Alan Bateman
- New candidate JEP: 435: Asynchronous Stack Trace VM API
Bechberger, Johannes
- JEP Candidate 435: Asynchronous Stack Trace VM API
Bechberger, Johannes
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298888: ProblemList gc/g1/ on linux and macosx
Brian Burkhalter
- RFR: 8298046: Fix hidden but significant trailing whitespace in properties files for serviceability code
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8298046: Fix hidden but significant trailing whitespace in properties files for serviceability code
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8295729: Add jcheck whitespace checking for properties files [v3]
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- Withdrawn: 8295729: Add jcheck whitespace checking for properties files
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8298047: Remove all non-significant trailing whitespace from properties files
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8295729: Add jcheck whitespace checking for properties files [v3]
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8298047: Remove all non-significant trailing whitespace from properties files
Sergey Bylokhov
- RFR: 8298380: Clean up redundant array length checks in JDK code base
Sergey Bylokhov
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10
Alisen Chung
- RFR: 8295044: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Second Preview) [v39]
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8295044: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Second Preview) [v39]
Maurizio Cimadamore
- Integrated: 8295044: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Second Preview)
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: JDK-8297215: Update libs tests to use @enablePreview [v3]
Joe Darcy
- RFR: JDK-8297215: Update libs tests to use @enablePreview [v4]
Joe Darcy
- RFR: JDK-8297215: Update libs tests to use @enablePreview [v5]
Joe Darcy
- RFR: JDK-8297215: Update libs tests to use @enablePreview [v4]
Joe Darcy
- Integrated: JDK-8297215: Update libs tests to use @enablePreview
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8295424: adjust timeout for another JLI subtest
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8298054: ProblemList jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/
Daniel D. Daugherty
- Integrated: 8298054: ProblemList jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8298221: Problem list gc/metaspace/ on macosx-aarch64
Daniel D. Daugherty
- Integrated: 8295424: adjust timeout for another JLI subtest
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298402: ProblemList javax/swing/JFileChooser/4847375/ on windows-x64
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] Integrated: 8298402: ProblemList javax/swing/JFileChooser/4847375/ on windows-x64
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Daniel D. Daugherty
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298888: ProblemList gc/g1/ on linux and macosx
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298888: ProblemList gc/g1/ on linux and macosx
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298888: ProblemList gc/g1/ on linux and macosx
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] Integrated: 8298888: ProblemList gc/g1/ on linux and macosx
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] Integrated: 8298987: ProblemList jdk/internal/vm/Continuation/ with ZGC on X64
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] Integrated: 8298987: ProblemList jdk/internal/vm/Continuation/ with ZGC on X64
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] Integrated: 8298987: ProblemList jdk/internal/vm/Continuation/ with ZGC on X64
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] RFR: 8299241: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ generates unnecessary core file
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] RFR: 8299241: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ generates unnecessary core file
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [jdk20] Integrated: 8299241: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ generates unnecessary core file
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
Robbin Ehn
- RFR: 8295044: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Second Preview) [v39]
Michael Ennen
- RFR: 8294321: Fix typos in files under test/jdk/java, test/jdk/jdk, test/jdk/jni [v3]
Michael Ernst
- RFR: 8294321: Fix typos in files under test/jdk/java, test/jdk/jdk, test/jdk/jni [v2]
Michael Ernst
- RFR: 8297794: Deprecate JMX Management Applets for Removal [v4]
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8296546: Add @spec tags to API [v4]
Daniel Fuchs
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Daniel Fuchs
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: JDK-8297215: Update libs tests to use @enablePreview [v4]
Erik Gahlin
- RFR: 8296546: Add @spec tags to API [v4]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8296546: Add @spec tags to API [v4]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8296546: Add @spec tags to API [v3]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8295729: Add jcheck whitespace checking for properties files [v3]
Andy Goryachev
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298380: Clean up redundant array length checks in JDK code base
David Holmes
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization
David Holmes
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization
David Holmes
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298475: Remove JVM_ACC_PROMOTED_FLAGS [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast
David Holmes
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast [v2]
David Holmes
- Integrated: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v3]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v4]
David Holmes
- New candidate JEP: 435: Asynchronous Stack Trace VM API
David Holmes
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v4]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v4]
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8295756 Improve NonLocalRegistry Manual Test Process [v7]
Bill Huang
- RFR: JDK-8295756 Improve NonLocalRegistry Manual Test Process [v8]
Bill Huang
- [External] : Re: Extend Native Memory Tracking over the JDK ? (was: Proposal: track zlib native memory usage with NMT)
Stefan Johansson
- RFR: 8298264: Merge OffsetTableContigSpace into TenuredSpace
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast
Stefan Karlsson
- Extend Native Memory Tracking over the JDK ? (was: Proposal: track zlib native memory usage with NMT)
Kennke, Roman
- RFR: 8291555: Replace stack-locking with fast-locking [v8]
Roman Kennke
- Withdrawn: 8291555: Replace stack-locking with fast-locking
Roman Kennke
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10
Justin Lu
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10
Justin Lu
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10
Justin Lu
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v4]
Patricio Chilano Mateo
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Alexander Matveev
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v4]
Alexander Matveev
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Alexander Matveev
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Alexander Matveev
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Alexander Matveev
- RFR: 8280798: com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification [v3]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8280798: com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification [v3]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8280798: com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification [v3]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8280798: com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification [v3]
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8280798: com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification [v4]
Alex Menkov
- Integrated: 8280798: com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8298380: Clean up redundant array length checks in JDK code base
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8298513: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventSet/suspendPolicy/suspendpolicy009/ fails with usage tracker
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8298514: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventRequestManager/threadDeathRequests/thrdeathreq002/ fails with usage tracker
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8298343: "Could not confirm if TargetJDK is hardened." warning for SA tests on macosx-aarch64-debug
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8298692: Fix typos in test/jdk/com/sun/jdi files
Alex Menkov
- Integrated: 8298514: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventRequestManager/threadDeathRequests/thrdeathreq002/ fails with usage tracker
Alex Menkov
- Integrated: 8298513: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventSet/suspendPolicy/suspendpolicy009/ fails with usage tracker
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8298701: Cleanup SA entries in ProblemList-zgc.txt.
Alex Menkov
- RFR: 8298054: ProblemList jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8298090: Use String.join() instead of manual loop in DescriptorSupport.toString
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8298513: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventSet/suspendPolicy/suspendpolicy009/ fails with usage tracker
Leonid Mesnik
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298888: ProblemList gc/g1/ on linux and macosx
Leonid Mesnik
- RFR: 8297794: Deprecate JMX Management Applets for Removal [v4]
Sean Mullan
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v2]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v2]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v2]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v2]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v4]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v2]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v4]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v6]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v7]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v4]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v8]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Damon Nguyen
- [jdk20] Integrated: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10
Damon Nguyen
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8291830: jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8291830: jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8291830: jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8291830: jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- Integrated: 8291830: jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero
Coleen Phillimore
- Withdrawn: 8296955: failed with "double free or corruption (!prev): <addr>"
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
Coleen Phillimore
Coleen Phillimore
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8298475: Remove JVM_ACC_PROMOTED_FLAGS [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8298475: Remove JVM_ACC_PROMOTED_FLAGS [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8298475: Remove JVM_ACC_PROMOTED_FLAGS [v3]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8298475: Remove JVM_ACC_PROMOTED_FLAGS [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8298475: Remove JVM_ACC_PROMOTED_FLAGS [v2]
Coleen Phillimore
- Integrated: 8298475: Remove JVM_ACC_PROMOTED_FLAGS
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast
Coleen Phillimore
- [jdk20] RFR: 8299241: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ generates unnecessary core file
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8280798: com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification [v3]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8280798: com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification [v4]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298046: Fix hidden but significant trailing whitespace in properties files for serviceability code
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298046: Fix hidden but significant trailing whitespace in properties files for serviceability code
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298221: Problem list gc/metaspace/ on macosx-aarch64
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298221: Problem list gc/metaspace/ on macosx-aarch64
Chris Plummer
- Integrated: 8298221: Problem list gc/metaspace/ on macosx-aarch64
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298073: gc/metaspace/ causes test task timeout on macosx
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298073: gc/metaspace/ causes test task timeout on macosx [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298073: gc/metaspace/ causes test task timeout on macosx [v3]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298073: gc/metaspace/ causes test task timeout on macosx [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298073: gc/metaspace/ causes test task timeout on macosx [v3]
Chris Plummer
- Integrated: 8298073: gc/metaspace/ causes test task timeout on macosx
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298343: "Could not confirm if TargetJDK is hardened." warning for SA tests on macosx-aarch64-debug
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298513: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventSet/suspendPolicy/suspendpolicy009/ fails with usage tracker
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298514: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventRequestManager/threadDeathRequests/thrdeathreq002/ fails with usage tracker
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298343: "Could not confirm if TargetJDK is hardened." warning for SA tests on macosx-aarch64-debug
Chris Plummer
- Integrated: 8298343: "Could not confirm if TargetJDK is hardened." warning for SA tests on macosx-aarch64-debug
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298692: Fix typos in test/jdk/com/sun/jdi files
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298692: Fix typos in test/jdk/com/sun/jdi files
Chris Plummer
- Integrated: 8298692: Fix typos in test/jdk/com/sun/jdi files
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298701: Cleanup SA entries in ProblemList-zgc.txt.
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Chris Plummer
- Integrated: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization
Chris Plummer
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298701: Cleanup SA entries in ProblemList-zgc.txt.
Chris Plummer
- Integrated: 8298701: Cleanup SA entries in ProblemList-zgc.txt.
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8298701: Cleanup SA entries in ProblemList-zgc.txt.
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
Chris Plummer
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v6]
Phil Race
- RFR: 8297794: Deprecate JMX Management Applets for Removal [v4]
Roger Riggs
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298402: ProblemList javax/swing/JFileChooser/4847375/ on windows-x64
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8298380: Clean up redundant array length checks in JDK code base
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8298380: Clean up redundant array length checks in JDK code base
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8296546: Add @spec tags to API [v4]
Naoto Sato
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v2]
Naoto Sato
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v3]
Naoto Sato
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v4]
Naoto Sato
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v5]
Naoto Sato
- RFR: 8298264: Merge OffsetTableContigSpace into TenuredSpace
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast [v2]
Doug Simon
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast [v2]
Doug Simon
- RFR: JDK-8297215: Update libs tests to use @enablePreview [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8280798: com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8291830: jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298090: Use String.join() instead of manual loop in DescriptorSupport.toString
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8295424: adjust timeout for another JLI subtest
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298073: gc/metaspace/ causes test task timeout on macosx [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298513: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventSet/suspendPolicy/suspendpolicy009/ fails with usage tracker
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298514: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventRequestManager/threadDeathRequests/thrdeathreq002/ fails with usage tracker
Serguei Spitsyn
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8287812: Cleanup JDWP agent GetEnv initialization [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298692: Fix typos in test/jdk/com/sun/jdi files
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298241: Replace C-style casts with JavaThread::cast
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298701: Cleanup SA entries in ProblemList-zgc.txt.
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v3]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8285416: [LOOM] Some nsk/jdi tests fail due to needing too many virtual threads [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8297286: runtime/vthread tests crashing after JDK-8296324 [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v5]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8298853: JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler should support disabling one virtual thread transitions [v4]
Serguei Spitsyn
- Extend Native Memory Tracking over the JDK ? (was: Proposal: track zlib native memory usage with NMT)
Thomas Stüfe
- Extend Native Memory Tracking over the JDK ? (was: Proposal: track zlib native memory usage with NMT)
Thomas Stüfe
- Extend Native Memory Tracking over the JDK ? (was: Proposal: track zlib native memory usage with NMT)
Thomas Stüfe
- RFR: 8295044: Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Second Preview) [v39]
Athijegannathan Sundararajan
- RFR: 8298380: Clean up redundant array length checks in JDK code base
Vyom Tewari
- RFR: 8298090: Use String.join() instead of manual loop in DescriptorSupport.toString
Sergey Tsypanov
- RFR: 8298380: Clean up redundant array length checks in JDK code base
Sergey Tsypanov
- Integrated: 8298380: Clean up redundant array length checks in JDK code base
Sergey Tsypanov
- RFR: 8298380: Clean up redundant array length checks in JDK code base
Sergey Tsypanov
- RFR: 8298090: Use String.join() instead of manual loop in DescriptorSupport.toString
Andrey Turbanov
- RFR: 8298073: gc/metaspace/ causes test task timeout on macosx
Andrey Turbanov
- Integrated: 8298090: Use String.join() instead of manual loop in DescriptorSupport.toString
Andrey Turbanov
- RFR: 8297794: Deprecate JMX Management Applets for Removal [v4]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8297794: Deprecate JMX Management Applets for Removal [v4]
Kevin Walls
- Integrated: 8297794: Deprecate JMX Management Applets for Removal
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage [v2]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage [v2]
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage
Kevin Walls
- Integrated: 8298173: GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage
Kevin Walls
- RFR: 8298343: "Could not confirm if TargetJDK is hardened." warning for SA tests on macosx-aarch64-debug
Kevin Walls
- [jdk20] RFR: 8293824: gc/whitebox/ failed "RuntimeException: assertTrue: expected true, was false"
Ivan Walulya
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v4]
Joe Wang
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v4]
Weijun Wang
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v4]
Weijun Wang
- [jdk20] RFR: 8298133: JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10 [v4]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: Merge jdk20
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: Merge jdk20 [v2]
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- Integrated: Merge jdk20
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8298264: Merge OffsetTableContigSpace into TenuredSpace
Albert Mingkun Yang
- RFR: 8298073: gc/metaspace/ causes test task timeout on macosx
Albert Mingkun Yang
- RFR: 8298264: Merge OffsetTableContigSpace into TenuredSpace
Albert Mingkun Yang
- Integrated: 8298264: Merge OffsetTableContigSpace into TenuredSpace
Albert Mingkun Yang
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v2]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v3]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v4]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v5]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v6]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v2]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
Afshin Zafari
- RFR: 8292741: Convert JvmtiTagMapTable to ResourceHashtable [v7]
Afshin Zafari
- [jdk20] Integrated: 8298987: ProblemList jdk/internal/vm/Continuation/ with ZGC on X64
Alexander Zvegintsev
- RFR: 8291830: jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero
Erik Österlund
Last message date:
Thu Dec 29 08:45:48 UTC 2022
Archived on: Thu Dec 29 08:45:54 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).