August 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Aug 1 09:23:41 PDT 2012
Ending: Fri Aug 31 20:10:45 PDT 2012
Messages: 180
- review request: 7184394: add intrinsics to use AES instructions
Eric Caspole
- "optimized" build is broken - SequenceGenerator build error
Eric Caspole
- review request: 7184394: add intrinsics to use AES instructions
Eric Caspole
- Possible to inline is_zombie check?
Eric Caspole
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
John Cuthbertson
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
John Cuthbertson
- CompileThreshold & BackEdgeThreshold question(s)
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vitaly Davidovich
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Vitaly Davidovich
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Andrew Haley
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Andrew Haley
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Andrew Haley
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Andrew Haley
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Andrew Haley
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
David Holmes
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
David Holmes
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
David Holmes
- CompileThreshold & BackEdgeThreshold question(s)
Charlie Hunt
- CompileThreshold & BackEdgeThreshold question(s)
Charlie Hunt
- Request for reviews (S): 7188227: VM should recognize M-series SPARC
Vladimir Ivanov
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Vladimir Ivanov
- Possible to inline is_zombie check?
Azeem Jiva
- Request for reviews (S): 7188227: VM should recognize M-series SPARC
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7188227: VM should recognize M-series SPARC
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XXS): 7188276: JSR 292: assert(ct == T_OBJECT) failed: rt=T_OBJECT, ct=13
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (L): 6340864: Implement vectorization optimizations in hotspot-server
Vladimir Kozlov
- CompileThreshold & BackEdgeThreshold question(s)
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7188911: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update (round 2)
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 6830717: replay of compilations would help with debugging
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S) 7171824: assert(_offset >= 1) failed: illegal call to offset()
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7192167: JSR 292: C1 has old broken code which needs to be removed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XS): 7192964: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XS): 7192964: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XS): 7192964: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7192963: assert(_in[req-1] == this) failed: Must pass arg count to 'new'
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7192963: assert(_in[req-1] == this) failed: Must pass arg count to 'new'
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7192965: assert(is_aligned_sets(size)) failed: mask is not aligned, adjacent sets
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7192965: assert(is_aligned_sets(size)) failed: mask is not aligned, adjacent sets
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7192965: assert(is_aligned_sets(size)) failed: mask is not aligned, adjacent sets
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7192965: assert(is_aligned_sets(size)) failed: mask is not aligned, adjacent sets
Vladimir Kozlov
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7148109: C2 compiler consumes too much heap resources
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7148109: C2 compiler consumes too much heap resources
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (L): 7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
Vladimir Kozlov
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (L): 7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (L): 7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7160161: Missed safepoint in non-Counted loop
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7160161: Missed safepoint in non-Counted loop
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Staffan Larsen
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Staffan Larsen
- Request for reviews (XS): 7192964: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Krystal Mo
- Request for reviews (XS): 7192964: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Krystal Mo
- profile interpreter and JIT
Krystal Mo
- CompileThreshold & BackEdgeThreshold question(s)
Krystal Mok
- profile interpreter and JIT
Krystal Mok
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Serguei Mourachov
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Serguei Mourachov
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Kelly O'Hair
- CompileThreshold & BackEdgeThreshold question(s)
Kirk Pepperdine
- CompileThreshold & BackEdgeThreshold question(s)
Kirk Pepperdine
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Yumin Qi
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Yumin Qi
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Yumin Qi
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Yumin Qi
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Yumin Qi
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Yumin Qi
- Request for reviews (S): 7192167: JSR 292: C1 has old broken code which needs to be removed
John Rose
- Request for reviews (S): 7192167: JSR 292: C1 has old broken code which needs to be removed
John Rose
- Request for reviews (S): 7192965: assert(is_aligned_sets(size)) failed: mask is not aligned, adjacent sets
John Rose
- Request for reviews (S): 7192965: assert(is_aligned_sets(size)) failed: mask is not aligned, adjacent sets
John Rose
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Ashish Saxena
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Ashish Saxena
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Ashish Saxena
- Java 64 bit consumes excessive native memory (c-heap) due to JIT Compilation
Ashish Saxena
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Aleksey Shipilev
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Aleksey Shipilev
- Request for reviews (XXS): 7188276: JSR 292: assert(ct == T_OBJECT) failed: rt=T_OBJECT, ct=13
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (M): 7188911: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update (round 2)
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (M): 7188911: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update (round 2)
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Christian Thalinger
- RFR(S) 7171824: assert(_offset >= 1) failed: illegal call to offset()
Christian Thalinger
- "optimized" build is broken - SequenceGenerator build error
Christian Thalinger
- review request: 7184394: add intrinsics to use AES instructions
Christian Thalinger
- RFR: 6830717: replay of compilations would help with debugging
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Christian Thalinger
- RFR(S) 7171824: assert(_offset >= 1) failed: illegal call to offset()
Christian Thalinger
- review request: 7184394: add intrinsics to use AES instructions
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7192167: JSR 292: C1 has old broken code which needs to be removed
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7192167: JSR 292: C1 has old broken code which needs to be removed
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7192167: JSR 292: C1 has old broken code which needs to be removed
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (XS): 7192964: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (M): 7192963: assert(_in[req-1] == this) failed: Must pass arg count to 'new'
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7192965: assert(is_aligned_sets(size)) failed: mask is not aligned, adjacent sets
Christian Thalinger
- profile interpreter and JIT
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7148109: C2 compiler consumes too much heap resources
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (L): 7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (L): 7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
Christian Thalinger
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (L): 7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (L): 7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (L): 7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
Christian Thalinger
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (M): 7160161: Missed safepoint in non-Counted loop
Christian Thalinger
- profile interpreter and JIT
Xin Tong
- profile interpreter and JIT
Xin Tong
- profile interpreter and JIT
Xin Tong
- CompileThreshold & BackEdgeThreshold question(s)
Igor Veresov
- CompileThreshold & BackEdgeThreshold question(s)
Igor Veresov
- Request for reviews (S): 7188227: VM should recognize M-series SPARC
Roland Westrelin
- Request for reviews (L): 6340864: Implement vectorization optimizations in hotspot-server
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S) 7171824: assert(_offset >= 1) failed: illegal call to offset()
Roland Westrelin
- RFR: 6830717: replay of compilations would help with debugging
Roland Westrelin
- review request: 7184394: add intrinsics to use AES instructions
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S) 7171824: assert(_offset >= 1) failed: illegal call to offset()
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S) 7171824: assert(_offset >= 1) failed: illegal call to offset()
Roland Westrelin
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Roland Westrelin
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Roland Westrelin
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Roland Westrelin
- Request for reviews (S): 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
Roland Westrelin
- Request for reviews (S): 7192167: JSR 292: C1 has old broken code which needs to be removed
Roland Westrelin
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 5 new changesets
alejandro.murillo at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 25 new changesets
alejandro.murillo at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 7188911: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update (round 2)
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7188911: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update (round 2)
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 7190416: JSR 292: typo in InvokerBytecodeGenerator.getConstantPoolSize
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: 14 new changesets
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 115 new changesets
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: 12 new changesets
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: 8 new changesets
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: 5 new changesets
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 25 new changesets
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: 16 new changesets
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 7191102: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update (round 3)
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7192167: JSR 292: C1 has old broken code which needs to be removed
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6677625: Move platform specific flags from globals.hpp to globals_<arch>.hpp
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 7194612: api/java_lang/invoke/MethodHandles/Lookup/index.html#ExceptionsTests[findVirtualNSME] fails w/ -esa
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 7194662: JSR 292: PermuteArgsTest times out in nightly test runs
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7192406: JSR 292: C2 needs exact return type information for invokedynamic and invokehandle call sites
christian.thalinger at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7191926: Remove MKS dependency in Hotspot regression tests
coleen.phillimore at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: Added tag jdk8-b52 for changeset 8d24def5ceb3
john.coomes at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: Added tag jdk8-b52 for changeset 80689ff9cb49
john.coomes at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b52 for changeset bd3c00d57614
john.coomes at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b52 for changeset f62bc618122e
john.coomes at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 4 new changesets
john.coomes at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: Added tag jdk8-b52 for changeset 1d2db0e5eabc
john.coomes at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 17 new changesets
john.coomes at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7171824: assert(_offset >= 1) failed: illegal call to offset()
roland.westrelin at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6340864: Implement vectorization optimizations in hotspot-server
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7190310: Inlining WeakReference.get(), and hoisting $referent may lead to non-terminating loops
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7192964: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7192963: assert(_in[req-1] == this) failed: Must pass arg count to 'new'
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7192965: assert(is_aligned_sets(size)) failed: mask is not aligned, adjacent sets
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7148109: C2 compiler consumes too much heap resources
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7160161: Missed safepoint in non-Counted loop
vladimir.kozlov at
- RFR: 6830717: replay of compilations would help with debugging
yumin.qi at
- RFR: 6830717: replay of compilations would help with debugging
yumin.qi at
- RFR: 6830717: replay of compilations would help with debugging
yumin.qi at
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
yumin.qi at
- RFR: 6879063: SA should use hsdis for disassembly
yumin.qi at
Last message date:
Fri Aug 31 20:10:45 PDT 2012
Archived on: Fri Aug 31 20:11:29 PDT 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).