July 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jul 1 08:54:26 UTC 2015
Ending: Fri Jul 31 21:19:41 UTC 2015
Messages: 345
- RFR- 8130238: Remove com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.cmdline
Lance Andersen
- RfR - 8130649: java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2.java times out
Lance Andersen
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8130716: Fix reference problems in jaxp javadoc
Lance Andersen
- RfR - 8130058: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/Process.java
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8132801: Fix typo in javax.sql.RowSet.setBlob
Lance Andersen
- [PATCH] javax,script.ScriptEngineFactory Typos
Ahmed Ashour
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8080679: Include jline in JDK for Java and JavaScript REPLs
Alan Bateman
- RFR(XXS): 8130315: Fix wrong prototype of GrowKnownVMs() in java.c
Alan Bateman
- RFR(XS): 8132374: AIX: fix value of os.version property
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Alan Bateman
- RFR(XS): 8132475 : The commands in the modular images are executable by the owner only (once again)
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Alan Bateman
- RFR 9: JDK-8132705 : Refactor SharedSecrets in sun.misc.JavaNetAccess
Alan Bateman
- RFR 9: JDK-8132705 : Refactor SharedSecrets in sun.misc.JavaNetAccess
Alan Bateman
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Philipp Bibik
- RFR: 6260652: (coll) Arrays.asList(x).toArray().getClass() should be Object[].class
Martin Buchholz
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Martin Buchholz
- RFR [S] 8131034: Cleanup in j.u.regex.Pattern.quote()
Martin Buchholz
- RFR [S] 8131034: Cleanup in j.u.regex.Pattern.quote()
Martin Buchholz
- RFR: JDK-8114832 it.next on ArrayList throws wrong type of Exception after remove(-1)
Martin Buchholz
- RFR: JDK-8114832 it.next on ArrayList throws wrong type of Exception after remove(-1)
Martin Buchholz
- One more minor addition to ProcessBuilder
Martin Buchholz
- ProcessBuilder support for pipelines
Martin Buchholz
- RFR: JDK-8062849 -- Optimize EnumMap.equals
Martin Buchholz
- ProcessBuilder support for pipelines
Martin Buchholz
- ProcessBuilder support for pipelines
Martin Buchholz
- [9]RFR 8130394: DatagramChannel tests need to be hardened to ignore stray datagrams
Brian Burkhalter
- RFR - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- JEP 132: More-prompt finalization
Mandy Chung
- RFR - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Mandy Chung
- ProcessBuilder support for pipelines
Stephen Colebourne
- RFR 9: 8085981 java/lang/ProcessHandle/OnExitTest.java: AssertionError: Child onExit not called
Joseph D. Darcy
- RFR 9: 8130296 [TESTBUG] java/lang/ProcessHandle/OnExitTest - Unaccounted for children
Joseph D. Darcy
- RFR 9: 8098852 : java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java failed: total cpu time
Joseph D. Darcy
- [9] RFR: 8130753: Sync-up javadoc changes in jax-ws area - includes JAX-B API, JAX-WS API, SAAJ-API
Joseph D. Darcy
- RFR 9: JDK-8130877 : (process) java/lang/ProcessHandle/TreeTest test3 failure - Destroyed process.isAlive
Joseph D. Darcy
- RFR(xs): 8132745: minor cleanup of java/util/Scanner/ScanTest.java
Joseph D. Darcy
- StackOverflowError on HashMap.hashCode() due to self reference
Vitaly Davidovich
- RFE: Intristics for asin, acos
Nelson Dcosta
- RFR: JDK-8066013 (prefs) Unused variable in src/java.prefs/share/classes/java/util/prefs/MacOSXPreferences.java
Steve Drach
- RFR: JDK-8114832 it.next on ArrayList throws wrong type of Exception after remove(-1)
Steve Drach
- FYI - fix for JDK-8062849 -- Optimize EnumMap.equals
Steve Drach
- FYI - fix for JDK-8062849 -- Optimize EnumMap.equals
Steve Drach
- RFR: JDK-8062849 -- Optimize EnumMap.equals
Steve Drach
- Replacement for sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateInstance(Class<?>) ?
Christoph Engelbert
- Review request: JDK-8080108: [TEST_BUG] ERROR: No IPv6 address returned from platform
Alexander Fomin
- Bad interaction between wildcard and functional interface conversion
Remi Forax
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Remi Forax
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Remi Forax
- Stream.generate
Remi Forax
- Stream.generate
Remi Forax
- Stream.generate
Remi Forax
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Staffan Friberg
- RFR- 8130238: Remove com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.cmdline
Daniel Fuchs
- RfR - 8130649: java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2.java times out
Daniel Fuchs
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Daniel Fuchs
- [9] RFR 8129833: Need basic tests for rmic
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR 8131052 Documentation of AbstractSpliterator refers to forEach rather than forEachRemaining
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR 8131052 Documentation of AbstractSpliterator refers to forEach rather than forEachRemaining
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR (jaxp) 8131907 : Numerous threads lock during XML processing
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8132256: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/bcel/internal/util/ClassPath.java
Daniel Fuchs
- RfR - 8130059: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/EnvironmentCheck.java
Daniel Fuchs
- RfR - 8130059: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/EnvironmentCheck.java
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Daniel Fuchs
- RfR - 8130058: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/Process.java
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Daniel Fuchs
- RfR - 8130058: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/Process.java
Daniel Fuchs
- RfR - 8130058: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/Process.java
Daniel Fuchs
- RfR - 8130058: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/Process.java
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Daniel Fuchs
- RfR - 8132550: java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2.java times out
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR [S] 8077242: (str) Optimize AbstractStringBuilder.append(CharSequence, int, int) for String argument
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [XXS] 8130646: JCK test api/java_io/StringWriter/index_SWWrite5Test start failing after JDK-8077242
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [XXS] 8130778: (str) Make AbstractStringBuilder.append(CharSequence, int, int) to throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [XXS] 8130778: (str) Make AbstractStringBuilder.append(CharSequence, int, int) to throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [XXS] 8130778: (str) Make AbstractStringBuilder.append(CharSequence, int, int) to throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [S] 8131034: Cleanup in j.u.regex.Pattern.quote()
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [S] 6854417: TESTBUG: java/util/regex/RegExTest.java fails intermittently
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [S] 8131034: Cleanup in j.u.regex.Pattern.quote()
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [S] 8131034: Cleanup in j.u.regex.Pattern.quote()
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR(S): 8062543: Replace uses of MethodHandleImpl.castReference with Class.cast
Michael Haupt
- RFR(S): 8062543: Replace uses of MethodHandleImpl.castReference with Class.cast
Michael Haupt
- RFR(S): 8062543: Replace uses of MethodHandleImpl.castReference with Class.cast
Michael Haupt
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8081734 : ConcurrentHashMap/ConcurrentAssociateTest.java, times out 90% of time on sparc with 256 cpu.
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: JDK-8066013 (prefs) Unused variable in src/java.prefs/share/classes/java/util/prefs/MacOSXPreferences.java
Chris Hegarty
- One more minor addition to ProcessBuilder
Chris Hegarty
- ProcessBuilder support for pipelines
Chris Hegarty
- RFR 9: JDK-8132705 : Refactor SharedSecrets in sun.misc.JavaNetAccess
Chris Hegarty
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Chris Hegarty
- FYI - fix for JDK-8062849 -- Optimize EnumMap.equals
David Holmes
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
David Holmes
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
David Holmes
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
David Holmes
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
David Holmes
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
David Holmes
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
David Holmes
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
David Holmes
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
David Holmes
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
David Holmes
- RFR(S): 8062543: Replace uses of MethodHandleImpl.castReference with Class.cast
Vladimir Ivanov
- RFR(S): 8062543: Replace uses of MethodHandleImpl.castReference with Class.cast
Vladimir Ivanov
- RFR - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v2 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR: 8032446: Support Unicode 7.0.0 in JDK 9
Yuka Kamiya
- RFR(XS): 8075658: Mark intermittently failuring core-svc tests
Yekaterina Kantserova
- RFR(XS): 8075658: Mark intermittently failuring core-svc tests
Yekaterina Kantserova
- [9] RFR: 8130753: Sync-up javadoc changes in jax-ws area - includes JAX-B API, JAX-WS API, SAAJ-API
Miroslav Kos
- [9] RFR: 8130753: Sync-up javadoc changes in jax-ws area - includes JAX-B API, JAX-WS API, SAAJ-API
Miroslav Kos
- RFR: JDK-8080679: Include jline in JDK for Java and JavaScript REPLs
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8080679: Include jline in JDK for Java and JavaScript REPLs
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8080679: Include jline in JDK for Java and JavaScript REPLs
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8080679: Include jline in JDK for Java and JavaScript REPLs
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8114832 it.next on ArrayList throws wrong type of Exception after remove(-1)
Fabian Lange
- RFR 9: 8078099 : (process) ProcessHandle should uniquely identify processes
Peter Levart
- Exception handling in Files.walk and Files.find
Peter Levart
- Exception handling in Files.walk and Files.find
Peter Levart
- RFR 9: 8078099 : (process) ProcessHandle should uniquely identify processes
Peter Levart
- RFR JDK-8130914: java/util/zip/TestExtraTime.java fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: setTime should make getLastModifiedTime return the specified instant: 3078282244456 got: 3078282244455"
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Peter Levart
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Peter Levart
- One more minor addition to ProcessBuilder
David M. Lloyd
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8130402: Mark intermittently failing test: tools/pack200/PackTestZip64.java
Amy Lu
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8131140: Mark some tests from WhileOpStatefulTest.java and WhileOpTest.java as serialization hostile
Amy Lu
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8131140: Mark some tests from WhileOpStatefulTest.java and WhileOpTest.java as serialization hostile
Amy Lu
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Jonathan Lu
- [9] RFR(M): 8076112: Add @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate annotation to indicate methods for which Java Runtime has intrinsics
Zoltán Majó
- [9] RFR(M): 8076112: Add @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate annotation to indicate methods for which Java Runtime has intrinsics
Zoltán Majó
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Stuart Marks
- RFR(s): 8132206: move ScanTest.java into OpenJDK
Stuart Marks
- RFR(xs): 8132745: minor cleanup of java/util/Scanner/ScanTest.java
Stuart Marks
- RFR 8130828: Fix some typos and omissions in the the j.u.stream JavaDoc
Stuart Marks
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Stuart Marks
- RFR JDK-8080252: java.util.Formatter documentation of %n converter is misleading
Stuart Marks
- RFR: JDK-8114832 it.next on ArrayList throws wrong type of Exception after remove(-1)
Stuart Marks
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Stuart Marks
- RFR(s): 8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
Stuart Marks
- What happend to: '(Review ID: 9055455) - RFE: Intristics for asin, acos'
Janda Martin
- RFR 9: JDK-8132705 : Refactor SharedSecrets in sun.misc.JavaNetAccess
Michael McMahon
- StackOverflowError on HashMap.hashCode() due to self reference
Krystal Mok
- StackOverflowError on HashMap.hashCode() due to self reference
Krystal Mok
- StackOverflowError on HashMap.hashCode() due to self reference
Krystal Mok
- Bad interaction between wildcard and functional interface conversion
Gernot Neppert
- <i18n dev> RFR: 8032446: Support Unicode 7.0.0 in JDK 9
Masayoshi Okutsu
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8130719: Fix reference problems in jax-ws javadoc
Lance at Oracle
- RFR: JDK-8080679: Include jline in JDK for Java and JavaScript REPLs
Ståle W Pedersen
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Pavel Rappo
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Pavel Rappo
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Pavel Rappo
- RFR JDK-8075526: Need a way to read and write time in UTC
Claes Redestad
- RFR JDK-8075526: Need a way to read and write time in UTC
Claes Redestad
- RFR JDK-8075526: Need a way to read and write time in UTC
Claes Redestad
- RFR JDK-8130914: java/util/zip/TestExtraTime.java fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: setTime should make getLastModifiedTime return the specified instant: 3078282244456 got: 3078282244455"
Claes Redestad
- RFR 9: 8078099 : (process) ProcessHandle should uniquely identify processes
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8078099 : (process) ProcessHandle should uniquely identify processes
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8078099 : (process) ProcessHandle should uniquely identify processes
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8085980 java/lang/ProcessHandle/TreeTest.java: AssertionError: Wrong number of spawned children
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8098852 : java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java failed: total cpu time
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8130296 [TESTBUG] java/lang/ProcessHandle/OnExitTest - Unaccounted for children
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8085981 java/lang/ProcessHandle/OnExitTest.java: AssertionError: Child onExit not called
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8098852 : java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java failed: total cpu time
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8130296 [TESTBUG] java/lang/ProcessHandle/OnExitTest - Unaccounted for children
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8130296 [TESTBUG] java/lang/ProcessHandle/OnExitTest - Unaccounted for children
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8098852 : java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java failed: total cpu time
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8098852 : java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java failed: total cpu time
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: JDK-8130877 : (process) java/lang/ProcessHandle/TreeTest test3 failure - Destroyed process.isAlive
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: JDK-8130877 : (process) java/lang/ProcessHandle/TreeTest test3 failure - Destroyed process.isAlive
Roger Riggs
- [9]RFR 8130394: DatagramChannel tests need to be hardened to ignore stray datagrams
Roger Riggs
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Roger Riggs
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Roger Riggs
- RFR (jaxp) 8131907 : Numerous threads lock during XML processing
Roger Riggs
- RFR for 8068761 : Test java/nio/channels/ServerSocketChannel/AdaptServerSocket.java failed with SocketTimeoutException
Roger Riggs
- RFR JDK-8130914: java/util/zip/TestExtraTime.java fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: setTime should make getLastModifiedTime return the specified instant: 3078282244456 got: 3078282244455"
Roger Riggs
- RFR(XS): 8132374: AIX: fix value of os.version property
Roger Riggs
- ProcessBuilder support for pipelines
Roger Riggs
- FYI - fix for JDK-8062849 -- Optimize EnumMap.equals
Roger Riggs
- RFR(XS): 8132374: AIX: fix value of os.version property
Roger Riggs
- Fwd: Re: RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Roger Riggs
- ProcessBuilder support for pipelines
Roger Riggs
- One more minor addition to ProcessBuilder
Roger Riggs
- RFR(XS): 8132475 : The commands in the modular images are executable by the owner only (once again)
Roger Riggs
- SelectableChannels and Process API
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: JDK-8132705 : Refactor SharedSecrets in sun.misc.JavaNetAccess
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: JDK-8132705 : Refactor SharedSecrets in sun.misc.JavaNetAccess
Roger Riggs
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Roger Riggs
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Roger Riggs
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 6260652: (coll) Arrays.asList(x).toArray().getClass() should be Object[].class
Paul Sandoz
- JDK-8071597: close original Stream in default implementation?
Paul Sandoz
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8130402: Mark intermittently failing test: tools/pack200/PackTestZip64.java
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: 6260652: (coll) Arrays.asList(x).toArray().getClass() should be Object[].class
Paul Sandoz
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Paul Sandoz
- RFR 8131052 Documentation of AbstractSpliterator refers to forEach rather than forEachRemaining
Paul Sandoz
- RFR [S] 8131034: Cleanup in j.u.regex.Pattern.quote()
Paul Sandoz
- Speed optimization of Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize for parallel case
Paul Sandoz
- RFR(S): 8062543: Replace uses of MethodHandleImpl.castReference with Class.cast
Paul Sandoz
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8131140: Mark some tests from WhileOpStatefulTest.java and WhileOpTest.java as serialization hostile
Paul Sandoz
- Speed optimization of Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize for parallel case
Paul Sandoz
- Speed optimization of Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize for parallel case
Paul Sandoz
- RFR 8131052 Documentation of AbstractSpliterator refers to forEach rather than forEachRemaining
Paul Sandoz
- [9] RFR: 8130006: java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles/CatchExceptionTest Fails
Paul Sandoz
- Stream.generate
Paul Sandoz
- Stream.generate
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: JDK-8114832 it.next on ArrayList throws wrong type of Exception after remove(-1)
Paul Sandoz
- References to non-existing methods in java.util.stream comments
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: JDK-8114832 it.next on ArrayList throws wrong type of Exception after remove(-1)
Paul Sandoz
- Custom spliterator for Collections.nCopies(n, obj).stream()
Paul Sandoz
- RFR(s): 8132206: move ScanTest.java into OpenJDK
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: JDK-8062849 -- Optimize EnumMap.equals
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: JDK-8066013 (prefs) Unused variable in src/java.prefs/share/classes/java/util/prefs/MacOSXPreferences.java
Paul Sandoz
- Custom spliterator for Collections.nCopies(n, obj).stream()
Paul Sandoz
- RFR Collector.finisher refers to IDENTITY_TRANSFORM rather than INDENTITY_FINISH
Paul Sandoz
- RFR 8130828: Fix some typos and omissions in the the j.u.stream JavaDoc
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: JDK-8114832 it.next on ArrayList throws wrong type of Exception after remove(-1)
Paul Sandoz
- RFR 8130828: Fix some typos and omissions in the the j.u.stream JavaDoc
Paul Sandoz
- JDK9 changes to Date?
Naoto Sato
- RFR: 8032446: Support Unicode 7.0.0 in JDK 9
Naoto Sato
- Replacement for sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateInstance(Class<?>) ?
Jörg Schaible
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ReferenceEnqueue.java fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Thomas Schatzl
- Exception handling in Files.walk and Files.find
Steven Schlansker
- [9] RFR: 8130006: java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles/CatchExceptionTest Fails
Konstantin Shefov
- [9] RFR: 8130006: java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles/CatchExceptionTest Fails
Konstantin Shefov
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Konstantin Shefov
- RFR JDK-8075526: Need a way to read and write time in UTC
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8075526: Need a way to read and write time in UTC
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8075526: Need a way to read and write time in UTC
Xueming Shen
- RFR [XXS] 8130778: (str) Make AbstractStringBuilder.append(CharSequence, int, int) to throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Xueming Shen
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Xueming Shen
- RFR [S] 8131034: Cleanup in j.u.regex.Pattern.quote()
Xueming Shen
- RFR [S] 6854417: TESTBUG: java/util/regex/RegExTest.java fails intermittently
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8130914: java/util/zip/TestExtraTime.java fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: setTime should make getLastModifiedTime return the specified instant: 3078282244456 got: 3078282244455"
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8130914: java/util/zip/TestExtraTime.java fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: setTime should make getLastModifiedTime return the specified instant: 3078282244456 got: 3078282244455"
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8130914: java/util/zip/TestExtraTime.java fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: setTime should make getLastModifiedTime return the specified instant: 3078282244456 got: 3078282244455"
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8130914: java/util/zip/TestExtraTime.java fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: setTime should make getLastModifiedTime return the specified instant: 3078282244456 got: 3078282244455"
Xueming Shen
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Xueming Shen
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Xueming Shen
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Xueming Shen
- RFR(s): 8132206: move ScanTest.java into OpenJDK
Xueming Shen
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Xueming Shen
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Xueming Shen
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Xueming Shen
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8080252: java.util.Formatter documentation of %n converter is misleading
Xueming Shen
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Xueming Shen
- RFR(xs): 8132745: minor cleanup of java/util/Scanner/ScanTest.java
Xueming Shen
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Xueming Shen
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Kirk Shoop
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Kirk Shoop
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Kirk Shoop
- RFR(XXS): 8130315: Fix wrong prototype of GrowKnownVMs() in java.c
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XXS): 8130315: Fix wrong prototype of GrowKnownVMs() in java.c
Volker Simonis
- RFR 9: 8078099 : (process) ProcessHandle should uniquely identify processes
Volker Simonis
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8132374: AIX: fix value of os.version property
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8132374: AIX: fix value of os.version property
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8132374: AIX: fix value of os.version property
Volker Simonis
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8132475 : The commands in the modular images are executable by the owner only (once again)
Volker Simonis
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8132475 : The commands in the modular images are executable by the owner only (once again)
Volker Simonis
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Volker Simonis
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Volker Simonis
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Volker Simonis
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Volker Simonis
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Volker Simonis
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Volker Simonis
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Volker Simonis
- RFR(S): 8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ExecutableTest.java incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
Volker Simonis
- RFR JDK-8075526: Need a way to read and write time in UTC
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR(XXS): 8130315: Fix wrong prototype of GrowKnownVMs() in java.c
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR JDK-8075526: Need a way to read and write time in UTC
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Kumar Srinivasan
- Fwd: Re: [PATCH] javax,script.ScriptEngineFactory Typos
A. Sundararajan
- Fwd: Re: [PATCH] javax,script.ScriptEngineFactory Typos
A. Sundararajan
- JDK9 changes to Date?
Jochen Theodorou
- JDK9 changes to Date?
Jochen Theodorou
- JDK9 changes to Date?
Jochen Theodorou
- JDK9 changes to Date?
Jochen Theodorou
- JDK-8071597: close original Stream in default implementation?
Tagir F. Valeev
- Speed optimization of Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize for parallel case
Tagir F. Valeev
- Speed optimization of Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize for parallel case
Tagir F. Valeev
- Custom spliterator for Collections.nCopies(n, obj).stream()
Tagir F. Valeev
- References to non-existing methods in java.util.stream comments
Tagir F. Valeev
- Custom spliterator for Collections.nCopies(n, obj).stream()
Tagir F. Valeev
- RFR Collector.finisher refers to IDENTITY_TRANSFORM rather than INDENTITY_FINISH
Tagir F. Valeev
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
Louis Wasserman
- StackOverflowError on HashMap.hashCode() due to self reference
Louis Wasserman
- StackOverflowError on HashMap.hashCode() due to self reference
Florian Weimer
- ProcessBuilder support for pipelines
Florian Weimer
- [9]RFR 8130394: DatagramChannel tests need to be hardened to ignore stray datagrams
- [9] RFR 8129833: Need basic tests for rmic
- [9] RFR 8129833: Need basic tests for rmic
- RFR for 8068761 : Test java/nio/channels/ServerSocketChannel/AdaptServerSocket.java failed with SocketTimeoutException
Tristan Yan
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Ulf Zibis
- Typo in AbstractSpliterator Javadoc
Stefan Zobel
- RFR Collector.finisher refers to IDENTITY_TRANSFORM rather than INDENTITY_FINISH
Stefan Zobel
- RFR 8130828: Fix some typos and omissions in the the j.u.stream JavaDoc
Stefan Zobel
- RFR [9] 8130247: fix some new tidy warnings from jaxws and CORBA
joe darcy
- RFR 9: 8085980 java/lang/ProcessHandle/TreeTest.java: AssertionError: Wrong number of spawned children
joe darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8130716: Fix reference problems in jaxp javadoc
joe darcy
- RFR 9: 8098852 : java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java failed: total cpu time
joe darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8130719: Fix reference problems in jax-ws javadoc
joe darcy
- [9] RFR: 8130753: Sync-up javadoc changes in jax-ws area - includes JAX-B API, JAX-WS API, SAAJ-API
joe darcy
- RFR 9: 8130296 [TESTBUG] java/lang/ProcessHandle/OnExitTest - Unaccounted for children
joe darcy
- RFR 9: 8098852 : java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java failed: total cpu time
joe darcy
- RFR(XS): 8075658: Mark intermittently failuring core-svc tests
joe darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8081734 : ConcurrentHashMap/ConcurrentAssociateTest.java, times out 90% of time on sparc with 256 cpu.
joe darcy
- RFR: 8132801: Fix typo in javax.sql.RowSet.setBlob
joe darcy
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
kedar mhaswade
- Idea to Java ArrayLists
kedar mhaswade
- RFR(XS): 8075658: Mark intermittently failuring core-svc tests
olivier.lagneau at oracle.com
- RFR [9] 8130247: fix some new tidy warnings from jaxws and CORBA
alexander stepanov
- RFR [9] 8130247: fix some new tidy warnings from jaxws and CORBA
alexander stepanov
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8130719: Fix reference problems in jax-ws javadoc
huizhe wang
- [9] RFR: 8130753: Sync-up javadoc changes in jax-ws area - includes JAX-B API, JAX-WS API, SAAJ-API
huizhe wang
- [9] RFR: 8130753: Sync-up javadoc changes in jax-ws area - includes JAX-B API, JAX-WS API, SAAJ-API
huizhe wang
- RFR (jaxp) 8131907 : Numerous threads lock during XML processing
huizhe wang
- RFR (jaxp) 8131907 : Numerous threads lock during XML processing
huizhe wang
- RFR (jaxp) 8131907 : Numerous threads lock during XML processing
huizhe wang
- RFR: 8132256: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/bcel/internal/util/ClassPath.java
huizhe wang
- RfR - 8130059: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/EnvironmentCheck.java
huizhe wang
- RfR - 8130059: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/EnvironmentCheck.java
huizhe wang
- RfR - 8130058: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/Process.java
huizhe wang
- RfR - 8130058: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/Process.java
huizhe wang
- RfR - 8132550: java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2.java times out
huizhe wang
- RFR: 8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 21:19:41 UTC 2015
Archived on: Wed Jun 1 15:21:26 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).