December 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Dec 1 08:42:19 UTC 2016
Ending: Fri Dec 30 18:05:08 UTC 2016
Messages: 162
- RFR(XS) [8u] 8164508: unexpected profiling mismatch in c1 generated code
David Buck
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(M): 8170655: [posix] Fix minimum stack size computations
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(M): 8170655: [posix] Fix minimum stack size computations
Daniel D. Daugherty
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Daniel D. Daugherty
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vitaly Davidovich
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vitaly Davidovich
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vitaly Davidovich
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vitaly Davidovich
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vitaly Davidovich
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vitaly Davidovich
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vitaly Davidovich
- [JBS] {New} (JDK-8170430) x86 pow() stub from Intel libm is inconsistent with pow() from fdlib
Deshpande, Vivek R
- RFR(XS): x86: 8171974: Fix for R10 Register clobbering with usage of ExternalAddress
Deshpande, Vivek R
- [JBS] {New} (JDK-8170430) x86 pow() stub from Intel libm is inconsistent with pow() from fdlib
Doerr, Martin
- [JBS] {New} (JDK-8170430) x86 pow() stub from Intel libm is inconsistent with pow() from fdlib
Doerr, Martin
- RFR(M): 8170991: PPC64: Bad code for initialization of short arrays
Doerr, Martin
- RFR(M): 8170991: PPC64: Bad code for initialization of short arrays
Doerr, Martin
- RFR(M): 8171244: PPC64: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Doerr, Martin
- RFR(M): 8171244: PPC64: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Doerr, Martin
- RFR(M): 8171398: s390x: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Doerr, Martin
- RFR(M): 8171398: s390x: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Doerr, Martin
- RFR(S): 8172145: C2: anti dependence missed because store hidden by membar
Doerr, Martin
- [JBS] {New} (JDK-8170430) x86 pow() stub from Intel libm is inconsistent with pow() from fdlib
Andrew Haley
- RFR(S): 8162338: AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations
Andrew Haley
- RFR: JDK-8169177 Aarch64: SIGSEGV when "-XX:+ZeroTLAB" is specified along with GC options
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8171537: aarch64: compiler/c1/ generates guarantee failure in C1
Andrew Haley
- RFR(S): 8172145: C2: anti dependence missed because store hidden by membar
Andrew Haley
- RFR(XS): 8170886 - compiler/ciReplay/ intermittently throws NumberFormatException
Tobias Hartmann
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
David Holmes
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
David Holmes
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
David Holmes
- [9] RFR(S) 8171137: Avoid warning: -Xint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT off)
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8169177 Aarch64: SIGSEGV when "-XX:+ZeroTLAB" is specified along with GC options
David Holmes
- RFR(S) : 8172149 : CTW library should call System::exit
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR(S) : 8172149 : CTW library should call System::exit
Vladimir Ivanov
- [aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: 8169697: aarch64: vectorized MLA instruction not generated for some test cases
Ningsheng Jian
- RFR(S): 8158012: Use SW prefetch instructions instead of BIS for allocation prefetches on SPARC Core S4
Shrinivas Joshi
- RFR(S): 8158012: Use SW prefetch instructions instead of BIS for allocation prefetches on SPARC Core S4
Shrinivas Joshi
- RFR(XS) [8u] 8164508: unexpected profiling mismatch in c1 generated code
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Vladimir Kozlov
- [JBS] {New} (JDK-8170430) x86 pow() stub from Intel libm is inconsistent with pow() from fdlib
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8166002: Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8170464: Remove shell script from compiler/c2/cr7005594/
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8166002: Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 8158012: Use SW prefetch instructions instead of BIS for allocation prefetches on SPARC Core S4
Vladimir Kozlov
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vladimir Kozlov
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8170464: Remove shell script from compiler/c2/cr7005594/
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8170761: Buffer overrun in sharedRuntime_x86_64.cpp:477
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 8162338: AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8170761: Buffer overrun in sharedRuntime_x86_64.cpp:477
Vladimir Kozlov
- [aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: 8169697: aarch64: vectorized MLA instruction not generated for some test cases
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 8162338: AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(XS): 8171092: C1's Math.fma() intrinsic doesn't correctly process its inputs
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 8162338: AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 8171060 - [AOT] aot tests: WARNING: Requested compilation levels are out of current vm capabilities.
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 8171059 - [AOT] error in AotCompiler output in some aot tests
Vladimir Kozlov
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vladimir Kozlov
- 8u102 NMethod sweeper related Hotspot crashes
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171134: Unexpected output in compiler/aot/
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171134: Unexpected output in compiler/aot/
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171137: Avoid warning: -Xint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT off)
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171137: Avoid warning: -Xint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT off)
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171137: Avoid warning: -Xint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT off)
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171187: Expected compilation level after compilation to be no less than 1
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171187: Expected compilation level after compilation to be no less than 1
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(M): 8171244: PPC64: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(XS) 8171276: More problems in compiler/aot/ tests
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(XXS) 8171394: [AOT] failed AOT compilation in compiler/aot/
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S) 8169938: [AOT] SIGSEGV at ~BufferBlob::vtable chunks
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(M): 8171398: s390x: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Vladimir Kozlov
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(M) 8168792: [AOT] problems in MethodHandle with aot-compiled java.base
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(M) 8168792: [AOT] problems in MethodHandle with aot-compiled java.base
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8171537: aarch64: compiler/c1/ generates guarantee failure in C1
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S) 8169938: [AOT] SIGSEGV at ~BufferBlob::vtable chunks
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171807: 8170761 fix should be applied to ARM code after 8168503
Vladimir Kozlov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171807: 8170761 fix should be applied to ARM code after 8168503
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8170918 Remove shell script from test/compiler/c2/cr7200264/
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(M) 8168792: [AOT] problems in MethodHandle with aot-compiled java.base
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR: 8166125: [JVMCI] Missing JVMCI flag default values
David Leopoldseder
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- [ping compiler review needed] RE: RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8170655: [posix] Fix minimum stack size computations
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8170655: [posix] Fix minimum stack size computations
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8170991: PPC64: Bad code for initialization of short arrays
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8170991: PPC64: Bad code for initialization of short arrays
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8169373: Work around linux NPTL stack guard error.
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8171244: PPC64: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8171244: PPC64: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR(M): 8171398: s390x: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- RFR: 8156762: compiler/ciReplay/ fails with - 'Unexpected exit code for negative case: [-client]: expected 0 to not equal 0'
Zoltán Majó
- RFR: 8156762: compiler/ciReplay/ fails with - 'Unexpected exit code for negative case: [-client]: expected 0 to not equal 0'
Zoltán Majó
- RFR: 8170464: Remove shell script from compiler/c2/cr7005594/
Boris Molodenkov
- RFR: 8170464: Remove shell script from compiler/c2/cr7005594/
Boris Molodenkov
- RFR: 8170464: Remove shell script from compiler/c2/cr7005594/
Boris Molodenkov
- RFR: 8170918 Remove shell script from test/compiler/c2/cr7200264/
Boris Molodenkov
- RFR: 8170918 Remove shell script from test/compiler/c2/cr7200264/
Boris Molodenkov
- RFR: JDK-8169177 Aarch64: SIGSEGV when "-XX:+ZeroTLAB" is specified along with GC options
Kavitha Natarajan
- RFR: JDK-8169177 Aarch64: SIGSEGV when "-XX:+ZeroTLAB" is specified along with GC options
Kavitha Natarajan
- RFR: JDK-8169177 Aarch64: SIGSEGV when "-XX:+ZeroTLAB" is specified along with GC options
Kavitha Natarajan
- RFR: 8171537: aarch64: compiler/c1/ generates guarantee failure in C1
Edward Nevill
- RFR: 8156762: compiler/ciReplay/ fails with - 'Unexpected exit code for negative case: [-client]: expected 0 to not equal 0'
Dmitrij Pochepko
- RFR(S): 8171060 - [AOT] aot tests: WARNING: Requested compilation levels are out of current vm capabilities.
Dmitrij Pochepko
- RFR(S): 8171059 - [AOT] error in AotCompiler output in some aot tests
Dmitrij Pochepko
- RFR(S): 8171060 - [AOT] aot tests: WARNING: Requested compilation levels are out of current vm capabilities.
Dmitrij Pochepko
- RFR(S): 8171059 - [AOT] error in AotCompiler output in some aot tests
Dmitrij Pochepko
- RFR(XS): 8170886 - compiler/ciReplay/ intermittently throws NumberFormatException
Dmitrij Pochepko
- RFR(XS): 8170886 - compiler/ciReplay/ intermittently throws NumberFormatException
Dmitrij Pochepko
- RFR: 8156762: compiler/ciReplay/ fails with - 'Unexpected exit code for negative case: [-client]: expected 0 to not equal 0'
Rahul Raghavan
- RFR: 8156762: compiler/ciReplay/ fails with - 'Unexpected exit code for negative case: [-client]: expected 0 to not equal 0'
Rahul Raghavan
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR(S) 8169938: [AOT] SIGSEGV at ~BufferBlob::vtable chunks
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR(S) 8169938: [AOT] SIGSEGV at ~BufferBlob::vtable chunks
Tom Rodriguez
- Use of cryptographic functions from OpenSSL's libcrypto
Gustavo Serra Scalet
- RFR(M): 8170991: PPC64: Bad code for initialization of short arrays
Gustavo Serra Scalet
- Use of cryptographic functions from OpenSSL's libcrypto
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR(M): 8171398: s390x: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
Schmidt, Lutz
- [JBS] {New} (JDK-8170430) x86 pow() stub from Intel libm is inconsistent with pow() from fdlib
Volker Simonis
- RFR: 8166002: Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
Igor Veresov
- RFR: 8166002: Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
Igor Veresov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171134: Unexpected output in compiler/aot/
Igor Veresov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171137: Avoid warning: -Xint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT off)
Igor Veresov
- [9] RFR(S) 8171187: Expected compilation level after compilation to be no less than 1
Igor Veresov
- [9] RFR(XS) 8171276: More problems in compiler/aot/ tests
Igor Veresov
- RFR(XXS) 8171394: [AOT] failed AOT compilation in compiler/aot/
Igor Veresov
- RFR(M) 8168792: [AOT] problems in MethodHandle with aot-compiled java.base
Igor Veresov
- RFR(M) 8168792: [AOT] problems in MethodHandle with aot-compiled java.base
Igor Veresov
- RFR(M) 8168792: [AOT] problems in MethodHandle with aot-compiled java.base
Igor Veresov
- RFR(M) 8168792: [AOT] problems in MethodHandle with aot-compiled java.base
Igor Veresov
- [aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: 8169697: aarch64: vectorized MLA instruction not generated for some test cases
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 8162338: AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 8162338: AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(XS): 8171092: C1's Math.fma() intrinsic doesn't correctly process its inputs
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 8162338: AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 8162338: AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(XS): 8171092: C1's Math.fma() intrinsic doesn't correctly process its inputs
Roland Westrelin
- [9] RFR(S) 8171807: 8170761 fix should be applied to ARM code after 8168503
Roland Westrelin
- RFR: JDK-8169177 Aarch64: SIGSEGV when "-XX:+ZeroTLAB" is specified along with GC options
Felix Yang
- [aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: 8169697: aarch64: vectorized MLA instruction not generated for some test cases
Yang Zhang
- [aarch64-port-dev ] RFR: 8169697: aarch64: vectorized MLA instruction not generated for some test cases
Yang Zhang
- RFR(XS) [8u] 8164508: unexpected profiling mismatch in c1 generated code
Jamsheed C m
- RFR: 8166002: Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
Jamsheed C m
- RFR: 8166002: Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
Jamsheed C m
- RFR: 8166002: Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
Jamsheed C m
- RFR: 8170761: Buffer overrun in sharedRuntime_x86_64.cpp:477
Jamsheed C m
- RFR: 8170761: Buffer overrun in sharedRuntime_x86_64.cpp:477
Jamsheed C m
- RFR: 8170761: Buffer overrun in sharedRuntime_x86_64.cpp:477
Jamsheed C m
- RFR(S) 8169938: [AOT] SIGSEGV at ~BufferBlob::vtable chunks
dean.long at
- RFR(S) 8169938: [AOT] SIGSEGV at ~BufferBlob::vtable chunks
dean.long at
- RFR(S) 8169938: [AOT] SIGSEGV at ~BufferBlob::vtable chunks
dean.long at
- RFR(S) 8169938: [AOT] SIGSEGV at ~BufferBlob::vtable chunks
dean.long at
- RFR(S) : 8172149 : CTW library should call System::exit
dmitrij pochepko
Last message date:
Fri Dec 30 18:05:08 UTC 2016
Archived on: Fri Dec 30 18:05:18 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).