October 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Oct 1 00:38:42 UTC 2020
Ending: Fri Oct 30 08:30:58 UTC 2020
Messages: 217
- RFR: JDK-8255262: Remove use of legacy custom @spec tag
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8253761: Wrong URI syntax printed by jar --describe-module
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8255262: Remove use of legacy custom @spec tag
Alan Bateman
- JDK-8238213: javac emits wrong error when calling an non-static overloaded method from static
B. Blaser
- JDK-8238213: javac emits wrong error when calling an non-static overloaded method from static
B. Blaser
- JDK-8238213: javac emits wrong error when calling an non-static overloaded method from static
B. Blaser
- JDK-8238213: javac emits wrong error when calling an non-static overloaded method from static
B. Blaser
- LUB computation involving NULL (was: switch expression type with 'null' return expression)
B. Blaser
- LUB computation involving NULL
B. Blaser
- Intersection type and method ref bug ?
B. Blaser
- Experimental fix for capturing anonymous classes inside lambda (JDK-8229862)
B. Blaser
- Intersection type and method ref bug ?
B. Blaser
- Intersection type and method ref bug ?
B. Blaser
- Spec clarification, where are annotations without @Target applicable?
Joel Borggrén-Franck
- RFR: 8254023: A module declaration is not allowed to be a target of an annotation that lacks an @Target meta-annotation
Joel Borggrén-Franck
- RFR: 8253455: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes [v5]
Alex Buckley
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v4]
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: JDK-8255262: Remove use of legacy custom @spec tag
Mandy Chung
- RFR: 8224225: Tokenizer improvements [v2]
Maurizio Cimadamore
- Integrated: 8253904: Revert Tokenizer improvements JDK-8224225
Maurizio Cimadamore
- JDK-8238213: javac emits wrong error when calling an non-static overloaded method from static
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8253944: Certain method references to VarHandle methods should fail
Maurizio Cimadamore
- JDK-8238213: javac emits wrong error when calling an non-static overloaded method from static
Maurizio Cimadamore
- JDK-8238213: javac emits wrong error when calling an non-static overloaded method from static
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised)
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised) [v2]
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised) [v3]
Maurizio Cimadamore
- JDK-8238213: javac emits wrong error when calling an non-static overloaded method from static
Maurizio Cimadamore
- switch expression type with 'null' return expression
Maurizio Cimadamore
- switch expression type with 'null' return expression
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8254286: Wrong inference in switch expression with "null" arm
Maurizio Cimadamore
- LUB computation involving NULL
Maurizio Cimadamore
- LUB computation involving NULL
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8254557: Compiler crashes with java.lang.AssertionError: isSubtype UNKNOWN
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v2]
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v4]
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v4]
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR: JDK-8255262: Remove use of legacy custom @spec tag
Iris Clark
- RFR: 8253455: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes [v6]
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8254974: Fix stutter typo in TypeElement
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8254974: Fix stutter typo in TypeElement
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8254974: Fix stutter typo in TypeElement [v2]
Joe Darcy
- Integrated: 8254974: Fix stutter typo in TypeElement
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8254974: Fix stutter typo in TypeElement
Joe Darcy
- Integrated: 8254974: Fix stutter typo in TypeElement
Joe Darcy
- RFR: JDK-8255262: Remove use of legacy custom @spec tag
Joe Darcy
- Spec clarification, where are annotations without @Target applicable?
Werner Dietl
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Nick Gasson
- RFR: 8253736: Cleanup some of WorkArounds and usage thereof
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8253736: Cleanup some of WorkArounds and usage thereof
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8253736: Cleanup some of WorkArounds and usage thereof
Jonathan Gibbons
- Integrated: 8253736: Cleanup some of WorkArounds and usage thereof
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8249095: tools/javac/launcher/SourceLauncherTest.java fails on Windows
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8249095: tools/javac/launcher/SourceLauncherTest.java fails on Windows
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: JDK-8255262: Remove use of legacy custom @spec tag
Jonathan Gibbons
- Integrated: JDK-8255262: Remove use of legacy custom @spec tag
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: JDK-6251738: Want a top-level summary page that itemizes all spec documents referenced from javadocs (OEM spec)
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v2]
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v4]
Jonathan Gibbons
- Spec clarification, where are annotations without @Target applicable?
Brian Goetz
- RFR: 8246774: implementing Record Classes as a standard feature in Java [v9]
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: JDK-8252870: Finalize (remove "incubator" from) jpackage
Andy Herrick
- RFR: JDK-8252870: Finalize (remove "incubator" from) jpackage [v2]
Andy Herrick
- Re: RFR: 8254105: allow static members in inner classes, add binary compatibil…
David Holmes
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: JDK-6251738: Want a top-level summary page that itemizes all spec documents referenced from javadocs (OEM spec)
Erik Joelsson
- POC implementation of string interpolation
Attila Kelemen
- RFR: 8249095: tools/javac/launcher/SourceLauncherTest.java fails on Windows
Jan Lahoda
- Integrated: 8249095: tools/javac/launcher/SourceLauncherTest.java fails on Windows
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final)
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8233685: Test tools/javac/modules/AddLimitMods.java fails
Jan Lahoda
- Integrated: 8233685: Test tools/javac/modules/AddLimitMods.java fails
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8254286: Wrong inference in switch expression with "null" arm
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8254286: Wrong inference in switch expression with "null" arm
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8255009: delta apply fixes for JDK-8246774 and JDK-8253455, pushed too soon
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8255009: delta apply fixes for JDK-8246774 and JDK-8253455, pushed too soon
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final)
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final)
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v2]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v2]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v2]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v2]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v2]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v3]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8255014: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes, follow-up
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8255013: implement Record Classes as a standard feature in Java, follow-up
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v2]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v4]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v2]
Jan Lahoda
- Integrated: 8254286: Wrong inference in switch expression with "null" arm
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v3]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v4]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v2]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v4]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v4]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v4]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v4]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v4]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v5]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v4]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v5]
Jan Lahoda
- RFR: 8224225: Tokenizer improvements [v2]
Jim Laskey
- Integrated: 8224225: Tokenizer improvements
Jim Laskey
- Integrated: 8253904: Revert Tokenizer improvements JDK-8224225
Jim Laskey
- Integrated: 8253904: Revert Tokenizer improvements JDK-8224225
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised)
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised)
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised) [v2]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised) [v2]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised) [v3]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised) [v2]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised) [v4]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised) [v5]
Jim Laskey
- Integrated: 8254073: Tokenizer improvements (revised)
Jim Laskey
- 8254023: A module declaration is not allowed to be a target of an annotation that lacks an @Target meta-annotation
Guoxiong Li
- RFR: 8254023: A module declaration is not allowed to be a target of an annotation that lacks an @Target meta-annotation
Guoxiong Li
- RFR: 8254557: Compiler crashes with java.lang.AssertionError: isSubtype UNKNOWN
Guoxiong Li
- RFR: 8254023: A module declaration is not allowed to be a target of an annotation that lacks an @Target meta-annotation
Guoxiong Li
- Integrated: 8254557: Compiler crashes with java.lang.AssertionError: isSubtype UNKNOWN
Guoxiong Li
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v6]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v7]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v7]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Chris Plummer
- RFR: 8254974: Fix stutter typo in TypeElement
Claes Redestad
- RFR: JDK-8255262: Remove use of legacy custom @spec tag
Mark Reinhold
- RFR: 8246774: implementing Record Classes as a standard feature in Java [v9]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8246774: implementing Record Classes as a standard feature in Java [v3]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8253736: Cleanup some of WorkArounds and usage thereof
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8246774: implementing Record Classes as a standard feature in Java [v10]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8233685: Test tools/javac/modules/AddLimitMods.java fails
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static members in inner classes, add binary compatibil…
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static members in inner classes, add binary compatibil…
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static members in inner classes, add binary compatibility tests
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8253455: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8253455: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes [v6]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8253455: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes [v7]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8253455: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes [v6]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254286: Wrong inference in switch expression with "null" arm
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8246774: implementing Record Classes as a standard feature in Java [v11]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: JDK-8254105: allow static members in inner classes
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254784: javac should reject records with @SafeVarargs applied to varargs record component
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8253385: annotation processors remove varargs information from record components
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8246774: implement Record Classes as a standard feature in Java [v12]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8246774: implement Record Classes as a standard feature in Java [v13]
Vicente Romero
- Integrated: 8246774: implement Record Classes as a standard feature in Java
Vicente Romero
- Integrated: 8253455: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8255009: delta apply fixes for JDK-8246774 and JDK-8253455, pushed too soon
Vicente Romero
- Integrated: 8255009: delta apply fixes for JDK-8246774 and JDK-8253455, pushed too soon
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final)
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8255013: implement Record Classes as a standard feature in Java, follow-up
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8255014: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes, follow-up
Vicente Romero
- Intersection type and method ref bug ?
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v2]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v2]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v2]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8213032: program fails with LambdaConversionException at execution time
Vicente Romero
- Intersection type and method ref bug ?
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8250625: Compiler implementation of Pattern Matching for instanceof (Final) [v4]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v2]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v3]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v4]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8255013: implement Record Classes as a standard feature in Java, follow-up [v2]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8255013: implement Record Classes as a standard feature in Java, follow-up [v3]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8255014: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes, follow-up [v2]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8255013: implement Record Classes as a standard feature in Java, follow-up [v3]
Vicente Romero
- Integrated: 8255013: implement Record Classes as a standard feature in Java, follow-up
Vicente Romero
- Integrated: 8255014: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes, follow-up
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v5]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v4]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v4]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: 8254105: allow static nested declarations [v5]
Vicente Romero
- RFR: JDK-8252870: Finalize (remove "incubator" from) jpackage
Kevin Rushforth
- RFR: JDK-8252870: Finalize (remove "incubator" from) jpackage
Kevin Rushforth
- RFR: JDK-8252870: Finalize (remove "incubator" from) jpackage
Kevin Rushforth
- void return type check in method reference to PolymorphicSignature method
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: 8253944: Certain method references to VarHandle methods should fail
Paul Sandoz
- Integrated: 8253944: Certain method references to VarHandle methods should fail
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: 8254974: Fix stutter typo in TypeElement
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Serguei Spitsyn
- RFR: 8253736: Cleanup some of WorkArounds and usage thereof
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR: 8249095: tools/javac/launcher/SourceLauncherTest.java fails on Windows
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Thomas Stuefe
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file
Yasumasa Suenaga
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Yasumasa Suenaga
- RFR: 8254723: add diagnostic command to write Linux perf map file [v2]
Yasumasa Suenaga
- void return type check in method reference to PolymorphicSignature method
Tagir Valeev
- [sealed][15] javac rejects type parameters extending intersection sealed types
Tagir Valeev
- RFR: 8216497: javadoc should auto-link to platform classes [v4]
Hannes Wallnöfer
- Integrated: 8216497: javadoc should auto-link to platform classes
Hannes Wallnöfer
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12
Hannes Wallnöfer
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12
Hannes Wallnöfer
- RFR: JDK-8250768: javac should be adapted to changes in JEP 12 [v2]
Hannes Wallnöfer
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v2]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v3]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v3]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v4]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v5]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v6]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v6]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v6]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8242068: Signed JAR support for RSASSA-PSS and EdDSA [v7]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8255536: Remove the directsign property and option
Weijun Wang
- [sealed][15] javac rejects type parameters extending intersection sealed types
Zi Xin
- 回复: [sealed][15] javac rejects type parameters extending intersection sealed types
Zi Xin
- [sealed][16ea] type parameter can't extend intersection type including sealed classses
Zi Xin
Last message date:
Fri Oct 30 08:30:58 UTC 2020
Archived on: Fri Oct 30 08:31:24 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).