February 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Feb 1 05:10:02 PST 2012
Ending: Wed Feb 29 19:17:13 PST 2012
Messages: 238
- 7090802: segfault in GraphBuilder [Was: Re: JVM segfault]
David Dabbs
- Please review fix for 7120481 storeStore barrier in constructor with final field
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for reviews (XL): 7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for reviews (XL): 7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
Nils Eliasson
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
Nils Eliasson
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
Nils Eliasson
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
Rémi Forax
- Request for Review(S): ResourceMark nesting problem in stringStream
Paul Hohensee
- Request for reviews (S): 7147064: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory: 0xffffffff778d9d60 <= 0xffffffff778da69c
Paul Hohensee
- Request for Review(S): ResourceMark nesting problem in stringStream
David Holmes
- Request for Review(S): ResourceMark nesting problem in stringStream
David Holmes
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Azeem Jiva
- review request (S) JSR292: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock*, Thread*)+0x3c
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7143491: G1 C2 CTW: assert(p2x->outcnt() == 2) failed: expects 2 users: Xor and URShift nodes
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7143491: G1 C2 CTW: assert(p2x->outcnt() == 2) failed: expects 2 users: Xor and URShift nodes
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7143491: G1 C2 CTW: assert(p2x->outcnt() == 2) failed: expects 2 users: Xor and URShift nodes
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7129284: +DoEscapeAnalysis regression w/ early build of 7u4 (HotSpot 23) on Linux
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR (S): 7141329: Strange values of stack_size in -XX:+TraceMethodHandles output
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR (S): 7141329: Strange values of stack_size in -XX:+TraceMethodHandles output
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7129284: +DoEscapeAnalysis regression w/ early build of 7u4 (HotSpot 23) on Linux
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR (XS): 7144405: JumbleGC002 assert(m->offset() == pc_offset) failed: oopmap not found
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7143061: nsk/stress/stack/b4525850 crash VM
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7144318: GCLocker assert failure: assert(_needs_gc || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7145537: minor tweaks to LogEvents
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 7143038: SIGSEGV in assert_equal / LinearScan::assign_reg_num
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 7143038: SIGSEGV in assert_equal / LinearScan::assign_reg_num
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XXS): 7142680: default GC affected by jvm path
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7145346: VerifyStackAtCalls is broken
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7145346: VerifyStackAtCalls is broken
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7145346: VerifyStackAtCalls is broken
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7147064: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory: 0xffffffff778d9d60 <= 0xffffffff778da69c
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7147064: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory: 0xffffffff778d9d60 <= 0xffffffff778da69c
Vladimir Kozlov
- resend: Request for reviews (S): 7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
Vladimir Kozlov
- resend: Request for reviews (S): 7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Vladimir Kozlov
- resend: Request for reviews (S): 7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Vladimir Kozlov
- resend: Request for reviews (S): 7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7147416: LogCompilation tool does not work with post parse inlining
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7147416: LogCompilation tool does not work with post parse inlining
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XL): 7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XL): 7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(S): 7148486: At a method handle call returning with an exception may call the runtime with misaligned stack (x64)
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7147416: LogCompilation tool does not work with post parse inlining
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(XS): 6910461: Register allocator may insert spill code at wrong insertion index
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XL): 7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XL): 7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7150051: incorrect oopmap in critical native
Vladimir Kozlov
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
Krystal Mok
- Need reviewer: JDK 8 CR for Support Integer overflow
Krystal Mok
- Need reviewer: JDK 8 CR for Support Integer overflow
Krystal Mok
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
Krystal Mok
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
Krystal Mok
- Need reviewer: JDK 8 CR for Support Integer overflow
Tom Rodriguez
- Need reviewer: JDK 8 CR for Support Integer overflow
Tom Rodriguez
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
Tom Rodriguez
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (S) JSR292: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock*, Thread*)+0x3c
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7143491: G1 C2 CTW: assert(p2x->outcnt() == 2) failed: expects 2 users: Xor and URShift nodes
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7143491: G1 C2 CTW: assert(p2x->outcnt() == 2) failed: expects 2 users: Xor and URShift nodes
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR (S): 7141329: Strange values of stack_size in -XX:+TraceMethodHandles output
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7129284: +DoEscapeAnalysis regression w/ early build of 7u4 (HotSpot 23) on Linux
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR (XS): 7144405: JumbleGC002 assert(m->offset() == pc_offset) failed: oopmap not found
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (S): 7126041: jdk7u4 b05 and b06 crash with RubyMine 3.2.4, works well with b04
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7143061: nsk/stress/stack/b4525850 crash VM
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7144318: GCLocker assert failure: assert(_needs_gc || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7145537: minor tweaks to LogEvents
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7145537: minor tweaks to LogEvents
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR(S): 7143038: SIGSEGV in assert_equal / LinearScan::assign_reg_num
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Tom Rodriguez
- 7090802: segfault in GraphBuilder [Was: Re: JVM segfault]
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XXS): 7142680: default GC affected by jvm path
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (M): 7145346: VerifyStackAtCalls is broken
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (M): 7145346: VerifyStackAtCalls is broken
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7147064: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory: 0xffffffff778d9d60 <= 0xffffffff778da69c
Tom Rodriguez
- resend: Request for reviews (S): 7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Tom Rodriguez
- resend: Request for reviews (S): 7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
Tom Rodriguez
- resend: Request for reviews (S): 7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR(S): 7148486: At a method handle call returning with an exception may call the runtime with misaligned stack (x64)
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (M): 7147416: LogCompilation tool does not work with post parse inlining
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR(XS): 6910461: Register allocator may insert spill code at wrong insertion index
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7150051: incorrect oopmap in critical native
Tom Rodriguez
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
John Rose
- Please review fix for 7120481 storeStore barrier in constructor with final field
John Rose
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
John Rose
- Request for reviews (S): 6658428: C2 doesn't inline java method if corresponding intrinsic failed to inline
John Rose
- Please review fix for 7120481 storeStore barrier in constructor with final field
Volker Simonis
- 7090802: segfault in GraphBuilder [Was: Re: JVM segfault]
Alan Stange
- 7090802: segfault in GraphBuilder [Was: Re: JVM segfault]
Alan Stange
- review request (S) JSR292: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock*, Thread*)+0x3c
Christian Thalinger
- review request (S) JSR292: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock*, Thread*)+0x3c
Christian Thalinger
- RFR (S): 7141329: Strange values of stack_size in -XX:+TraceMethodHandles output
Christian Thalinger
- RFR (S): 7141329: Strange values of stack_size in -XX:+TraceMethodHandles output
Christian Thalinger
- RFR (XS): 7144405: JumbleGC002 assert(m->offset() == pc_offset) failed: oopmap not found
Christian Thalinger
- RFR (S): 7141329: Strange values of stack_size in -XX:+TraceMethodHandles output
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Christian Thalinger
- review for 7143061: nsk/stress/stack/b4525850 crash VM
Christian Thalinger
- review for 7144318: GCLocker assert failure: assert(_needs_gc || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
Christian Thalinger
- 7090802: segfault in GraphBuilder [Was: Re: JVM segfault]
Christian Thalinger
- review for 7145537: minor tweaks to LogEvents
Christian Thalinger
- RFR(S): 7143038: SIGSEGV in assert_equal / LinearScan::assign_reg_num
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (XL): 7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
Christian Thalinger
- review request (S): 7126041: jdk7u4 b05 and b06 crash with RubyMine 3.2.4, works well with b04
Igor Veresov
- review request (S): 7126041: jdk7u4 b05 and b06 crash with RubyMine 3.2.4, works well with b04
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7145345: Code cache sweeper must cooperate with safepoints
Igor Veresov
- review(XXS): 7142680: default GC affected by jvm path
Igor Veresov
- review(XXS): 7142680: default GC affected by jvm path
Igor Veresov
- Request for reviews (S): 7147064: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory: 0xffffffff778d9d60 <= 0xffffffff778da69c
Igor Veresov
- Request for Review(S): ResourceMark nesting problem in stringStream
Wang, Yang
- Request for Review(S): ResourceMark nesting problem in stringStream
Wang, Yang
- Request for Review(S): ResourceMark nesting problem in stringStream
Wang, Yang
- review request (S) JSR292: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock*, Thread*)+0x3c
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S) JSR292: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock*, Thread*)+0x3c
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7126041: jdk7u4 b05 and b06 crash with RubyMine 3.2.4, works well with b04
Roland Westrelin
- RFR (XS): 7144405: JumbleGC002 assert(m->offset() == pc_offset) failed: oopmap not found
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7126041: jdk7u4 b05 and b06 crash with RubyMine 3.2.4, works well with b04
Roland Westrelin
- RFR (XS): 7144405: JumbleGC002 assert(m->offset() == pc_offset) failed: oopmap not found
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7126041: jdk7u4 b05 and b06 crash with RubyMine 3.2.4, works well with b04
Roland Westrelin
- 7090802: segfault in GraphBuilder [Was: Re: JVM segfault]
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7143038: SIGSEGV in assert_equal / LinearScan::assign_reg_num
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7143038: SIGSEGV in assert_equal / LinearScan::assign_reg_num
Roland Westrelin
- 7090802: segfault in GraphBuilder [Was: Re: JVM segfault]
Roland Westrelin
- 7090802: segfault in GraphBuilder [Was: Re: JVM segfault]
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7148486: At a method handle call returning with an exception may call the runtime with misaligned stack (x64)
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S): 7148486: At a method handle call returning with an exception may call the runtime with misaligned stack (x64)
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(XS): 6910461: Register allocator may insert spill code at wrong insertion index
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(XS): 6910461: Register allocator may insert spill code at wrong insertion index
Roland Westrelin
- Please review fix for 7120481 storeStore barrier in constructor with final field
Jiangli Zhou
- Please review fix for 7120481 storeStore barrier in constructor with final field
Jiangli Zhou
- Please review fix for 7120481 storeStore barrier in constructor with final field
Jiangli Zhou
- Please review fix for 7120481 storeStore barrier in constructor with final field
Jiangli Zhou
- Please review fix for 7120481 storeStore barrier in constructor with final field
Jiangli Zhou
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7141637: JSR 292: MH spread invoker crashes with NULL argument on x86_32
christian.thalinger at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7141329: Strange values of stack_size in -XX:+TraceMethodHandles output
christian.thalinger at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7143766: add ALT_JDK_IMAGE_DIR and improve test_jdk
christian.thalinger at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
igor.veresov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset 1a5f1d6b98d6
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset b98f0e6dddf9
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset 7836655e2495
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset e0d90803439b
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset 34029a0c69bb
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: Added tag jdk8-b24 for changeset 6c9d21ca92c4
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 41 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 13 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: 4 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset e45d6b406d5f
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset bb694c151fc7
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b25 for changeset b376d901e006
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 47 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: 7 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset 2accafff224a
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset 79f709a099f4
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset dbb7283c197b
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset 3518639eab6c
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset 5aca406e87cb
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: Added tag jdk8-b26 for changeset b556aa8a99c3
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 46 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 5 new changesets
john.r.rose at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7090976: Eclipse/CDT causes a JVM crash while indexing C++ code
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7119286: JSR292: SIGSEGV in JNIHandleBlock::release_block(JNIHandleBlock*, Thread*)+0x3c
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7144405: JumbleGC002 assert(m->offset() == pc_offset) failed: oopmap not found
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7126041: jdk7u4 b05 and b06 crash with RubyMine 3.2.4, works well with b04
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7143038: SIGSEGV in assert_equal / LinearScan::assign_reg_num
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7147740: add assertions to check stack alignment on VM entry from generated code (x64)
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7148486: At a method handle call returning with an exception may call the runtime with misaligned stack (x64)
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6910461: Register allocator may insert spill code at wrong insertion index
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7141200: log some interesting information in ring buffers for crashes
tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7143061: nsk/stress/stack/b4525850 crash VM
tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7145537: minor tweaks to LogEvents
tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7144318: GCLocker assert failure: assert(_needs_gc || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(
tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7145024: Crashes in ucrypto related to C2
tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7142167: MAC: _get_previous_fp broken on bsd with llvm-gcc
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7143491: G1 C2 CTW: assert(p2x->outcnt() == 2) failed: expects 2 users: Xor and URShift nodes
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7129284: +DoEscapeAnalysis regression w/ early build of 7u4 (HotSpot 23) on Linux
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7140985: HSDIS does not handle caller options correctly
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7125136: SIGILL on linux amd64 in gc/ArrayJuggle/Juggle29
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7145346: VerifyStackAtCalls is broken
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7147064: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory: 0xffffffff778d9d60 <= 0xffffffff778da69c
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7146442: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7147416: LogCompilation tool does not work with post parse inlining
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Last message date:
Wed Feb 29 19:17:13 PST 2012
Archived on: Wed Feb 29 19:22:55 PST 2012
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).