February 2020 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Feb 3 12:48:42 UTC 2020
Ending: Fri Feb 28 18:38:34 UTC 2020
Messages: 193
- [11u] RFR: Backport of JDK-8230400: Missing constant pool entry for a method in stacktrace
Denghui Dong
- [11u] Multiple JarUtils.java?
Aleksey Shipilev
- [11u] RFR 8234466: Class loading deadlock involving X509Factory#commitEvent()
Aleksey Shipilev
- [11u] RFR 8237508: Simplify JarFile.isInitializing
Aleksey Shipilev
- [11u] RFR 8233019: java.lang.Class.isPrimitive() (C1) returns wrong result if Klass* is aligned to 32bit
Aleksey Shipilev
- [11u] RFR: 8226406: JVM fails to detect mismatched or corrupt CDS archive
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- [11u] Request for Approval: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8235904
Mario Torre
- [11u] RFR: 8238531: Create new switch to redirect error reporting output to stdout or stderr
Thomas Stüfe
- If you can answer great, if not I understand
Bollinger, Jason
- RFR: Backport of JDK-8209686: cleanup arguments to PhaseIdealLoop() constructor
Roman Kennke
- Issue with 13.0.2 release (was: [Updates Communication] 13.0.2 security patches pushed)
Langer, Christoph
- RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u
Roman Kennke
- RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u
Gil Tene
- RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u
Roman Kennke
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Gil Tene
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew Haley
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Gil Tene
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew John Hughes
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew Haley
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Claes Redestad
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Mario Torre
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Claes Redestad
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Volker Simonis
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Claes Redestad
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Volker Simonis
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Mario Torre
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew Dinn
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Claes Redestad
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew Haley
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Claes Redestad
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew Haley
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew Dinn
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew John Hughes
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Claes Redestad
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew John Hughes
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew Haley
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Volker Simonis
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew Haley
- Backporting features [was Re: RFR (11u, XXL): Upstream/backport Shenandoah to JDK11u]
Andrew John Hughes
- [11u] RFR 8237600: Test SunJSSEFIPSInit fails on Ubuntu
Martin Balao
- RFR(14u): 8237375: SimpleThresholdPolicy misses CounterDecay timestamp initialization
Langer, Christoph
- [11u] RFR: 8237375: SimpleThresholdPolicy misses CounterDecay timestamp initialization
Langer, Christoph
- [11u]: RFR: 8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
Langer, Christoph
- [11u] RFR: 8216472: (se) Stack overflow during selection operation leads to crash (win)
Langer, Christoph
- [11u]: 8213906: Update arm devkits with libXrandr headers
Langer, Christoph
- [11u] RFR: 8226381: ProblemList java/lang/reflect/PublicMethods/PublicMethodsTest.java
Langer, Christoph
- New JDK 11u maintainer: Severin Gehwolf
Andrew Haley
- RFR [jdk11]: 8234525: enable link-time section-gc for linux s390x to remove unused code
Baesken, Matthias
- [11u] RFR 8238591: CTW: Split applications/ctw/modules/jdk_localedata.java
Aleksey Shipilev
- [13u-communication] End of maintenance & invitation for new maintainers
Rob McKenna
- [14u Communication] 14.0.1 higher bar
Rob McKenna
- [11u] RFR: 8210459, 8218807, 8223678: Support for creating Visual Studio Code projects
Andrew Hughes
- [11u] RFR (XS): 8239466: Loss of precision in counter decay calculation in 11u backport of JDK-8237375
Doerr, Martin
- RFR (backport CSR): 8239395: Accounting currency format support
Andrew Hughes
- Hotspot Express (HSX)
Hohensee, Paul
- Should I use Bug ID JDK-8239012 or JDK-8234608 for this 14u backport?
Man Cao
- [11u] RFR: 8238534: Deep sign macOS bundles before bundle archive is being created
René Schünemann
- jdk11 LIBZIP build and 8201349: build broken when configured with --with-zlib=bundled on gcc 7.3
Baesken, Matthias
- RFR [jdk11]: 8201349: build broken when configured with --with-zlib=bundled on gcc 7.3
Baesken, Matthias
- [11u reminder]: jdk 11.0.5 rampdown starts Tuesday, February 25, 18:00 CET.
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- [11u] RFR(XS) 8239792: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.8
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- [11u] RFR 8229994: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in get_early_ctrl_for_expensive
Aleksey Shipilev
- [11u] RFR: 8223678: Add Visual Studio Code workspace generation support (for native code)
Volker Simonis
- [11u] RFR: 8240073: Fix 'test-make' build target in 11u
Volker Simonis
- [11u] 8234270: [REDO] JDK-8204128 NMT might report incorrect numbers for Compiler area
Zhengyu Gu
- [13u-communication] CFV: 13u lead maintainer nomination for Yuri Nesterenko
Rob McKenna
- [RFR] [11u] JDK-8232748: "Build static versions of certain JDK libraries"
Andrew Hughes
- [11u] RFR: 8223260: NamingManager should cache InitialContextFactory
Severin Gehwolf
- RFA [14u] 8238452: Keytool generates wrong expiration date if validity is set to 2050/01/01
Ravi Reddy
- [jdk11u] RFR: 8229888: (zipfs) Updating an existing zip file does not preserve original permissions
Baesken, Matthias
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 18:38:34 UTC 2020
Archived on: Mon Mar 23 13:47:58 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).