May 2012 Archives by date
Starting: Wed May 2 07:23:56 PDT 2012
Ending: Thu May 31 09:25:45 PDT 2012
Messages: 272
- RFR: jmod remove
Alan Bateman
- Resolver and tracing: trace dependency graph node depth not call stack depth
Paul Sandoz
- Resolver and inefficiencies
Paul Sandoz
- javac/jmod discrepency for modular source compilation/install
Paul Sandoz
- Resolver and inefficiencies
David M. Lloyd
- Resolver and inefficiencies
Alan Bateman
- Resolver and inefficiencies
Paul Sandoz
- Resolver and inefficiencies
Pascal Rapicault
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/corba: 7 new changesets
mandy.chung at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw: 3 new changesets
mandy.chung at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: 24 new changesets
mandy.chung at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/langtools: 9 new changesets
mandy.chung at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jaxws: 3 new changesets
mandy.chung at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: 95 new changesets
mandy.chung at
- Resolver and inefficiencies
Paul Sandoz
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Paul Sandoz
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Mandy Chung
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
David Holmes
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Alan Bateman
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
David Holmes
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Alan Bateman
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Paul Sandoz
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Paul Sandoz
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Alan Bateman
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Paul Sandoz
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Alan Bateman
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: jdk.base missing requires optional service java.nio.file.spi.FileTypeDetector
alan.bateman at
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Mandy Chung
- Resolver and inefficiencies
Jaroslav Tulach
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Karen Kinnear
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
David Holmes
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Chris Hegarty
- Review request to remove the launcher workaround for tools multiple entry points
Mandy Chung
- Querying module and module file contents
David Holmes
- Review request to remove the launcher workaround for tools multiple entry points
Alan Bateman
- Querying module and module file contents
Alan Bateman
- Querying module and module file contents
David Holmes
- Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Paul Sandoz
- Querying module and module file contents
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: jmod remove
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: jmod remove
Chris Hegarty
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Paul Sandoz
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Vitaly Davidovich
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Mandy Chung
- Review request to remove the launcher workaround for tools multiple entry points
Mandy Chung
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: Remove the launcher workaround to support multiple entry points for jdk tools
mandy.chung at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: Remove sajdi.gui from modules.config to workaround missing issue
mandy.chung at
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Rémi Forax
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Mandy Chung
- A discussion about real-world modularity
David M. Lloyd
- Querying module and module file contents
Chris Hegarty
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Paul Sandoz
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
David Holmes
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Paul Sandoz
- Preview builds of Jigsaw available
Alan Bateman
- Preview builds of Jigsaw available
Jesse Glick
- Preview builds of Jigsaw available
Alan Bateman
- Preview builds of Jigsaw available
Paul Sandoz
- A discussion about real-world modularity
Alan Bateman
- Preview builds of Jigsaw available
Alan Bateman
- A discussion about real-world modularity
David M. Lloyd
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: jmod remove
Alan Bateman
- RFR: jmod remove
Mandy Chung
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Karen Kinnear
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Kelly O'Hair
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: jmod remove
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: jmod remove
Mandy Chung
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Mandy Chung
- RFR: jmod remove
Chris Hegarty
- A discussion about real-world modularity
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/bdb: Initial load
alan.bateman at
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Paul Sandoz
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Chris Hegarty
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Paul Sandoz
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: jmod remove
alan.bateman at
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Roger Riggs
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Chris Hegarty
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Alan Bateman
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Chris Hegarty
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Mandy Chung
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
Chris Hegarty
- CFV: New jigsaw Committer: Chris Hegarty
Alan Bateman
- CFV: New jigsaw Committer: Chris Hegarty
Mandy Chung
- CFV: New jigsaw Committer: Chris Hegarty
Jonathan Gibbons
- CFV: New jigsaw Committer: Chris Hegarty
Karen Kinnear
- CFV: New jigsaw Committer: Chris Hegarty
Dalibor Topic
- CFV: New jigsaw Committer: Chris Hegarty
Sean Mullan
- Heads up, BDB coming, needed to support fast configuration
David Holmes
- Open jmod files with tools like winrar.
Leonardo Vargas Sandoval
- CFV: New jigsaw Committer: Chris Hegarty
Vincent Ryan
- Open jmod files with tools like winrar.
Alan Bateman
- Jigsaw or JDK8 ? <was> Re: Example code in JDK8 requiring change for modular function
Paul Sandoz
- Open jmod files with tools like winrar.
Chris Hegarty
- Service com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService missing from
Paul Sandoz
- Service com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService missing from
Chris Hegarty
- Service com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService missing from
Alan Bateman
- Service com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService missing from
Mandy Chung
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: module missing requires optional service com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw: Build the bdb repository
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: Build the bdb repository
alan.bateman at
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Alan Bateman
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Mandy Chung
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Jesse Glick
- Eliminate cyclic deps was: JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Jaroslav Tulach
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Mandy Chung
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Jesse Glick
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Paul Sandoz
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Alan Bateman
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Shi Jun Zhang
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Karen Kinnear
- JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Alan Bateman
- Webrev for JAX-WS/JAXB/SAAJ services
Paul Sandoz
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: 2 new changesets
karen.kinnear at
- Webrev for JAX-WS/JAXB/SAAJ services
Alan Bateman
- Webrev for JAX-WS/JAXB/SAAJ services
Paul Sandoz
- Request for Review: minor VM class loading change
Karen Kinnear
- Request for Review: minor VM class loading change
David M. Lloyd
- RFR: jpkg contents/show commands
Chris Hegarty
- Webrev for JAX-WS/JAXB/SAAJ services
Jesse Glick
- Request for Review: minor VM class loading change
Alan Bateman
- RFR: jpkg contents/show commands
Sean Mullan
- Request for Review: minor VM class loading change
Karen Kinnear
- Request for Review: minor VM class loading change
Mandy Chung
- Request for Review: minor VM class loading change
Karen Kinnear
- Resolver and inefficiencies
mark.reinhold at
- No deps on JAXP was: JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Jaroslav Tulach
- Preview builds of Jigsaw available
Chris Hegarty
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: Prepare for JAX-WS to use ServiceLoader
alan.bateman at
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Sean Mullan
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: 4 new changesets
mandy.chung at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: 4 new changesets
David Holmes
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: 4 new changesets
Mandy Chung
- No deps on JAXP was: JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Alan Bateman
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: 4 new changesets
Paul Sandoz
- No deps on JAXP was: JDK support for VM to read classes from modules in a module library
Alan Bateman
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: jpkg contents/show commands
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Alan Bateman
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: jpkg contents/show commands
Chris Hegarty
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: 4 new changesets
Mandy Chung
- Request for Review: minor VM class loading change
David M. Lloyd
- RFR: jpkg contents/show commands
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: jpkg contents/show commands
Chris Hegarty
- ClassLoader.getPackages()
David M. Lloyd
- Request for Review: minor VM class loading change
Alan Bateman
- ClassLoader.getPackages()
Alan Bateman
- ClassLoader.getPackages()
Mandy Chung
- ClassLoader.getPackages()
Jesse Glick
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Kelly O'Hair
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Kelly O'Hair
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Alan Bateman
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Kelly O'Hair
- ClassLoader.getPackages()
David Holmes
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
David Holmes
- Module of a Class?
- Module of a Class?
Mandy Chung
- Module of a Class?
- RFR: jpkg contents/show commands
Mandy Chung
- RFR: jpkg contents/show commands
Paul Sandoz
- Webrev for JAX-WS/JAXB/SAAJ services
Paul Sandoz
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Sean Mullan
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Chris Hegarty
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Mandy Chung
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: Solaris 64-bit images
Alan Bateman
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Mandy Chung
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
karen.kinnear at
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Chris Hegarty
- @GenerateNativeHeader
Alan Bateman
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
Paul Sandoz
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw: Build standalone/complete Solaris 64-bit images
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: Build standalone/complete Solaris 64-bit images
alan.bateman at
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Sean Mullan
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Sean Mullan
- "Provided" scope (was: @GenerateNativeHeader)
Jesse Glick
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
Mandy Chung
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
Karen Kinnear
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Paul Sandoz
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
David M. Lloyd
- Berkeley DB required ?
Henri Gomez
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
David M. Lloyd
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Sean Mullan
- Berkeley DB required ?
Alan Bateman
- Review Request: signed module code restructuring/refactoring
Mandy Chung
- Caller context (was: ServiceLoader in the JDK)
Jesse Glick
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Alan Bateman
- Berkeley DB required ?
Henri Gomez
- Berkeley DB required ?
Chris Hegarty
- Process question
Sean Mullan
- Process question
Sean Mullan
- Process question
Jonathan Gibbons
- Berkeley DB required ?
Henri Gomez
- Berkeley DB required ?
Henri Gomez
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Paul Sandoz
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
David Holmes
- Process question
David Holmes
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: 2 new changesets
sean.mullan at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
Mandy Chung
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
Mandy Chung
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
David Holmes
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
Jesse Glick
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
Paul Sandoz
- Berkeley DB required ?
Chris Hegarty
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Paul Sandoz
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Alan Bateman
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Paul Sandoz
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Jesse Glick
- Berkeley DB required ?
Henri Gomez
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
David M. Lloyd
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Jesse Glick
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
David M. Lloyd
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Jesse Glick
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
David M. Lloyd
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Jesse Glick
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Alan Bateman
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: Summary: Allow passing in a non-null module loader to translate to boot loader.
Mandy Chung
- ServiceLoader in the JDK
Paul Sandoz
- Pull parser for jmod packages
Paul Sandoz
- Dump services webrev
Paul Sandoz
- Dump services webrev
Alan Bateman
- Pull parser for jmod packages
Chris Hegarty
- Dump services webrev
Paul Sandoz
- Dump services webrev
Alan Bateman
- Pull parser for jmod packages
Rémi Forax
- Pull parser for jmod packages
Paul Sandoz
- Pull parser for jmod packages
Chris Hegarty
- Pull parser for jmod packages
Paul Sandoz
- Dump services webrev
Paul Sandoz
- Pull parser for jmod packages
Sean Mullan
- Dump services webrev
Mandy Chung
- Dump services webrev
Alan Bateman
- Dump services webrev
Mandy Chung
- Pull parser for jmod packages
Paul Sandoz
- Dump services webrev
Jesse Glick
- Dump services webrev
Mandy Chung
- Pull parser for jmod packages
Mandy Chung
- Dump services webrev
Alan Bateman
- Result: New jigsaw Committer: Chris Hegarty
Alan Bateman
- Dump services webrev
Paul Sandoz
- Dump services webrev
Paul Sandoz
- Service provider factory <was> Re: Dump services webrev
Paul Sandoz
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw: 12 new changesets
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/corba: 6 new changesets
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/hotspot: 54 new changesets
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jaxp: 7 new changesets
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jaxws: 5 new changesets
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: 101 new changesets
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/langtools: 10 new changesets
alan.bateman at
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: JDBC in module-mode fails with UnsatisfiedLinkError
alan.bateman at
- Audio/Midi services <was> Fwd: CR 7172234 Created, P2 java/jigsaw Lot of sound test failed due UnsatisfiedLinkError for* classes
Paul Sandoz
- Dump services webrev
Alan Bateman
- Dump services webrev
Alan Bateman
- Dump services webrev
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: Try to install already installed jmod/modular jar issue
Chris Hegarty
- Dump services webrev
Mandy Chung
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: Adding services configuration to dump-config output
alan.bateman at
- RFR: Try to install already installed jmod/modular jar issue
Alan Bateman
- Patch for audi/midi services <was> Re: Audio/Midi services <was> Fwd: CR 7172234 Created, P2 java/jigsaw Lot of sound test failed due UnsatisfiedLinkError for* classes
Paul Sandoz
- Patch for audi/midi services <was> Re: Audio/Midi services <was> Fwd: CR 7172234 Created, P2 java/jigsaw Lot of sound test failed due UnsatisfiedLinkError for* classes
Alan Bateman
- Patch for audi/midi services <was> Re: Audio/Midi services <was> Fwd: CR 7172234 Created, P2 java/jigsaw Lot of sound test failed due UnsatisfiedLinkError for* classes
Paul Sandoz
- Patch for audi/midi services <was> Re: Audio/Midi services <was> Fwd: CR 7172234 Created, P2 java/jigsaw Lot of sound test failed due UnsatisfiedLinkError for* classes
Mandy Chung
- RFR: Try to install already installed jmod/modular jar issue
Mandy Chung
- Patch for audi/midi services <was> Re: Audio/Midi services <was> Fwd: CR 7172234 Created, P2 java/jigsaw Lot of sound test failed due UnsatisfiedLinkError for* classes
Paul Sandoz
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: Install of already installed module file incorrectly removes
chris.hegarty at
- Patch for audi/midi services <was> Re: Audio/Midi services <was> Fwd: CR 7172234 Created, P2 java/jigsaw Lot of sound test failed due UnsatisfiedLinkError for* classes
Artem Ananiev
- Patch for audi/midi services <was> Re: Audio/Midi services <was> Fwd: CR 7172234 Created, P2 java/jigsaw Lot of sound test failed due UnsatisfiedLinkError for* classes
Alan Bateman
- hg: jigsaw/jigsaw/jdk: 2 new changesets
mandy.chung at
Last message date:
Thu May 31 09:25:45 PDT 2012
Archived on: Wed May 22 09:14:42 PDT 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).