March 2021 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Mar 1 10:33:59 UTC 2021
Ending: Wed Mar 31 21:54:28 UTC 2021
Messages: 539
- RFR: JDK-8262875: doccheck: empty paragraphs, etc in java.base module
Lance Andersen
- RFR: JDK-8263104: fix warnings for empty paragraphs
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Lance Andersen
- RFR: 8263069: Exclude some failing tests from security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator
Matthias Baesken
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Martin Balao
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Martin Balao
- RFR: JDK-8262875: doccheck: empty paragraphs, etc in java.base module
Alan Bateman
- RFR: JDK-8263104: fix warnings for empty paragraphs
Alan Bateman
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Monica Beckwith
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Monica Beckwith
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base [v2]
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base [v2]
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base [v2]
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263825: Remove unused and commented out member from NTLMException
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263825: Remove unused and commented out member from NTLMException
Alex Blewitt
- Integrated: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in [v2]
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Alex Blewitt
- Integrated: 8263825: Remove unused and commented out member from NTLMException
Alex Blewitt
- Integrated: 8263892: More modifier order fixes in java.base
Alex Blewitt
- Integrated: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in
Alex Blewitt
- RFR: 8080272 Refactor I/O stream copying to use InputStream.transferTo/readAllBytes and Files.copy
Julia Boes
- RFR: 8080272 Refactor I/O stream copying to use InputStream.transferTo/readAllBytes and Files.copy
Julia Boes
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Brian Burkhalter
- RFR: 8252833: Correct "no comment" warnings from javadoc in java.smartcardio module
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8252833: Correct "no comment" warnings from javadoc in java.smartcardio module
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8252833: Correct "no comment" warnings from javadoc in java.smartcardio module
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Magnus Ihse Bursie
- RFR: 8225438: javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/ failed with Read timed out
Hai-May Chao
- RFR: 8260693: Provide the support for specifying a signer in keytool -genkeypair
Hai-May Chao
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Iris Clark
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup
Iris Clark
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v3]
Iris Clark
- RFR: 8252833: Correct "no comment" warnings from javadoc in java.smartcardio module
Iris Clark
- RFR: 8263892: More modifier order fixes in java.base
Iris Clark
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Patrick Concannon
- Integrated: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Patrick Concannon
- RFR: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split [v3]
Daniel D.Daugherty
- RFR: JDK-8262875: doccheck: empty paragraphs, etc in java.base module
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v2]
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v31]
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v31]
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v32]
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v37]
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
Joe Darcy
- RFR: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
Joe Darcy
- Integrated: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
Joe Darcy
- [11u] RFR: 8243559: Remove root certificates with 1024-bit keys
Doerr, Martin
- [11u] RFR: 8243559: Remove root certificates with 1024-bit keys
Doerr, Martin
- [11u] RFR: 8243559: Remove root certificates with 1024-bit keys
Doerr, Martin
- [11u] RFR: 8206925: Support the certificate_authorities extension
Doerr, Martin
- [11u] RFR: 8206925: Support the certificate_authorities extension
Doerr, Martin
- [11u] RFR: 8254631: Better support ALPN byte wire values in SunJSSE
Doerr, Martin
- RFR: JDK-8262875: doccheck: empty paragraphs, etc in java.base module
Bernd Eckenfels
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
Bernd Eckenfels
- RFR: 8262862: Harden tests sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ and krb5/canonicalize/
Aleksei Efimov
- RFR: 8262862: Harden tests sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ and krb5/canonicalize/ [v2]
Aleksei Efimov
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in [v2]
Aleksei Efimov
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
Tommy Ettinger
- Bug with TLSv1.3 session resumption (most likely caused by concurrency bug)
Xue-Lei Fan
- TLS 1.3 Post-handshake authentication
Xue-Lei Fan
- [External] : Re: TLS 1.3 Post-handshake authentication
Xue-Lei Fan
- [External] : Re: TLS 1.3 Post-handshake authentication
Xue-Lei Fan
- RFR: JDK-8262509: JSSE Server should check the legacy version in TLSv1.3 ClientHello
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: JDK-8261969: SNIHostName should check if the encoded hostname conform to RFC 3490 [v3]
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8259886 : Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability [v5]
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: JDK-8263137: Typos in
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8263743: redundant lock in SSLSocketImpl
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v2]
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v3]
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v3]
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v3]
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8225438: javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/ failed with Read timed out
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8258753: StartTlsResponse.close() hangs due to synchronization issues
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8263743: redundant lock in SSLSocketImpl
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- Integrated: 8263743: redundant lock in SSLSocketImpl
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8264329: Z cannot be 1 for Diffie-Hellman key agreement
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8264329: Z cannot be 1 for Diffie-Hellman key agreement [v2]
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- Integrated: 8264329: Z cannot be 1 for Diffie-Hellman key agreement
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: JDK-8263188: JSSE should fail fast if there isn't supported signature algorithm [v2]
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8263779: SSLEngine reports NEED_WRAP continuously without producing any further output
Xue-Lei Andrew Fan
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v3]
Rémi Forax
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed" [v2]
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed" [v3]
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v2]
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in [v2]
Daniel Fuchs
- [11u] RFR: 8243559: Remove root certificates with 1024-bit keys
Severin Gehwolf
- [11u] RFR: 8243559: Remove root certificates with 1024-bit keys
Severin Gehwolf
- RFR: JDK-8262875: doccheck: empty paragraphs, etc in java.base module
Jonathan Gibbons
- Integrated: JDK-8262875: doccheck: empty paragraphs, etc in java.base module
Jonathan Gibbons
- Integrated: JDK-8263104: fix warnings for empty paragraphs
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup
Jonathan Gibbons
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Brian Goetz
- RFR: 8262862: Harden tests sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ and krb5/canonicalize/
Fernando Guallini
- RFR: 8262862: Harden tests sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ and krb5/canonicalize/ [v2]
Fernando Guallini
- RFR: 8262862: Harden tests sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ and krb5/canonicalize/ [v2]
Fernando Guallini
- Integrated: 8262862: Harden tests sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ and krb5/canonicalize/
Fernando Guallini
- RFR: 8264190: Harden TLS interop tests
Fernando Guallini
- RFR: 8264190: Harden TLS interop tests [v2]
Fernando Guallini
- RFR: 8264190: Harden TLS interop tests [v3]
Fernando Guallini
- RFR: 8264190: Harden TLS interop tests [v3]
Fernando Guallini
- RFR: 8264190: Harden TLS interop tests [v4]
Fernando Guallini
- RFR: 8264190: Harden TLS interop tests [v3]
Fernando Guallini
- RFR: JDK-8261969: SNIHostName should check if the encoded hostname conform to RFC 3490 [v3]
Rajan Halade
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed" [v3]
Rajan Halade
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed" [v3]
Rajan Halade
- RFR: 8225438: javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/ failed with Read timed out
Rajan Halade
- RFR: 8247895: is calling setSeed(0)
Rajan Halade
- RFR: 8264190: Harden TLS interop tests [v3]
Rajan Halade
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v21]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v21]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v10]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v10]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v24]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v21]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v24]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v24]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Andrew Haley
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Alan Hayward
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Alan Hayward
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings [v3]
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: 8263754: HexFormat 'fromHex' methods should be static
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Ludovic Henry
- [11u] RFR 8259886: Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability
Hohensee, Paul
- [11u] RFR 8259886: Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability
Hohensee, Paul
- [11u] RFR 8259886: Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability
Hohensee, Paul
- [11u] RFR 8259886: Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability
Hohensee, Paul
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v23]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v25]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v25]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v27]
David Holmes
- RFR: 8263412: ClassFileInstaller can't be used by classes outside of default package
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR: 8263412: ClassFileInstaller can't be used by classes outside of default package
Igor Ignatyev
- Integrated: 8263412: ClassFileInstaller can't be used by classes outside of default package
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split [v2]
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split [v3]
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split [v3]
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split [v3]
Igor Ignatyev
- Integrated: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split
Igor Ignatyev
- [11u] RFR 8259886: Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability
Daniel Jeliński
- [11u] RFR 8259886: Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability
Daniel Jeliński
- [11u] RFR 8259886: Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability
Daniel Jeliński
- Request for comment: the session ticket protection scheme for distributed TLS sessions.
Daniel Jeliński
- [11u] RFR 8259886: Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability
Daniel Jeliński
- JSSE reference guide issue
Daniel Jeliński
- RFR: JDK-8262509: JSSE Server should check the legacy version in TLSv1.3 ClientHello
John Jiang
- Integrated: JDK-8262509: JSSE Server should check the legacy version in TLSv1.3 ClientHello
John Jiang
- RFR: JDK-8261969: SNIHostName should check if the encoded hostname conform to RFC 3490 [v3]
John Jiang
- Integrated: JDK-8261969: SNIHostName should check if the encoded hostname conform to RFC 3490
John Jiang
- RFR: JDK-8263137: Typos in
John Jiang
- Integrated: JDK-8263137: Typos in
John Jiang
- RFR: JDK-8263188: JSSE should fail fast if there isn't supported signature algorithm
John Jiang
- RFR: JDK-8263188: JSSE should fail fast if there isn't supported signature algorithm [v2]
John Jiang
- RFR: JDK-8263188: JSSE should fail fast if there isn't supported signature algorithm
John Jiang
- RFR: JDK-8263188: JSSE should fail fast if there isn't supported signature algorithm [v2]
John Jiang
- Integrated: JDK-8263188: JSSE should fail fast if there isn't supported signature algorithm
John Jiang
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Erik Joelsson
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v25]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v12]
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Vladimir Kempik
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Vladimir Kempik
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v24]
Vladimir Kempik
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Vladimir Kempik
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Vladimir Kempik
- RFR: 8260923: Add more tests for SSLSocket input/output shutdown
Abdul Kolarkunnu
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v22]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v10]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v10]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v10]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v23]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v10]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v24]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v12]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v12]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v12]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v21]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v25]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v23]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v25]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v26]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v25]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v27]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v28]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v21]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v12]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v28]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v29]
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v30]
Anton Kozlov
- Integrated: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port
Anton Kozlov
- RFR: 8258753: StartTlsResponse.close() hangs due to synchronization issues
Prajwal Kumaraswamy
- Integrated: 8258753: StartTlsResponse.close() hangs due to synchronization issues
Prajwal Kumaraswamy
- RFR: 8263412: ClassFileInstaller can't be used by classes outside of default package
Ioi Lam
- RFR: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split
Ioi Lam
- RFR: 8263549: 8263412 can cause jtreg testlibrary split [v3]
Ioi Lam
- RFR: 8263069: Exclude some failing tests from security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator
Christoph Langer
- Integrated: 8263069: Exclude some failing tests from security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator
Christoph Langer
- [11u] RFR: 8206925: Support the certificate_authorities extension
Langer, Christoph
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v25]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v25]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v25]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v25]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v26]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v27]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v28]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v29]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v30]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v31]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v31]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v31]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v32]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v33]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v32]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v34]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v35]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v36]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v37]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v31]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v38]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v39]
Jim Laskey
- RFR: 8254717: isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8254717: isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards [v2]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8254717: isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards [v2]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8254717: isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards [v2]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8254717: isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards [v2]
Ziyi Luo
- Integrated: 8254717: isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v2]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v2]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v3]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v5]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v6]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v7]
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v7]
Ziyi Luo
- Integrated: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
Ziyi Luo
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Stuart Marks
- RFR: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
Stuart Marks
- RFR: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
Stuart Marks
- Bug with TLSv1.3 session resumption (most likely caused by concurrency bug)
Norman Maurer
- Bug with TLSv1.3 session resumption (most likely caused by concurrency bug)
Norman Maurer
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed" [v3]
Rob McKenna
- RFR: 8262862: Harden tests sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ and krb5/canonicalize/ [v2]
Michael McMahon
- RFR: 8259709: Disable SHA-1 XML Signatures [v2]
Sean Mullan
- Integrated: 8259709: Disable SHA-1 XML Signatures
Sean Mullan
- X509Certificate#getSubjectDN, "denigrated"?
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v2]
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v2]
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v3]
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.1 [v8]
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8262389: Use permitted_enctypes if default_tkt_enctypes or default_tgs_enctypes is not present
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.1 [v8]
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8263825: Remove unused and commented out member from NTLMException
Sean Mullan
- JSSE reference guide issue
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params [v2]
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params [v2]
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params [v2]
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params [v2]
Sean Mullan
- RFR: 8254717: isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards [v2]
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: 8254717: isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards [v2]
Jamil Nimeh
- Bug with TLSv1.3 session resumption (most likely caused by concurrency bug)
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: 8261502: ECDHKeyAgreement: Allows alternate ECPrivateKey impl and revised exception handling [v2]
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: 8261502: ECDHKeyAgreement: Allows alternate ECPrivateKey impl and revised exception handling [v2]
Jamil Nimeh
- [External] : Re: Bug with TLSv1.3 session resumption (most likely caused by concurrency bug)
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: 8261502: ECDHKeyAgreement: Allows alternate ECPrivateKey impl and revised exception handling [v2]
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: 8261502: ECDHKeyAgreement: Allows alternate ECPrivateKey impl and revised exception handling [v2]
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: 8263743: redundant lock in SSLSocketImpl
Jamil Nimeh
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261462: GCM ByteBuffer decryption problems
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261462: GCM ByteBuffer decryption problems [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Valerie Peng
- Integrated: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263978: Clarify why 0 argument is ignored in SecureRandom::setSeed [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263978: Clarify why 0 argument is ignored in SecureRandom::setSeed [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v6]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v6]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v6]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v6]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v6]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v7]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v7]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v4]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding [v2]
Valerie Peng
- RFR: 8263412: ClassFileInstaller can't be used by classes outside of default package
Coleen Phillimore
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings [v2]
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings [v3]
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base [v2]
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base [v2]
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263825: Remove unused and commented out member from NTLMException
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base [v2]
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263825: Remove unused and commented out member from NTLMException
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263825: Remove unused and commented out member from NTLMException
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263855: Use the blessed modifier order in [v2]
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263892: More modifier order fixes in java.base
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263754: HexFormat 'fromHex' methods should be static
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263754: HexFormat 'fromHex' methods should be static
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8263754: HexFormat 'fromHex' methods should be static [v2]
Claes Redestad
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Richard Reingruber
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators [v25]
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v3]
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v2]
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8252833: Correct "no comment" warnings from javadoc in java.smartcardio module
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8263754: HexFormat 'fromHex' methods should be static
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8263754: HexFormat 'fromHex' methods should be static
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8263754: HexFormat 'fromHex' methods should be static [v2]
Roger Riggs
- Integrated: 8263754: HexFormat 'fromHex' methods should be static
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
Roger Riggs
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Greg Rubin
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v6]
Greg Rubin
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v6]
Greg Rubin
- RFR: 8247895: is calling setSeed(0)
Sibabrata Sahoo
- RFR: 8225438: javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/ failed with Read timed out
Sibabrata Sahoo
- Integrated: 8247895: is calling setSeed(0)
Sibabrata Sahoo
- Integrated: 8225438: javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/ failed with Read timed out
Sibabrata Sahoo
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v2]
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v2]
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v3]
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
- RFR: 8248862: Implement Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
Paul Sandoz
- RFR: 8263190: Update, java.math, and java.text to use instanceof pattern variable
Naoto Sato
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Naoto Sato
- RFR: 8263754: HexFormat 'fromHex' methods should be static
Naoto Sato
- RFR: 8261462: GCM ByteBuffer decryption problems
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8261462: GCM ByteBuffer decryption problems [v3]
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8261462: GCM ByteBuffer decryption problems [v2]
Anthony Scarpino
- Integrated: 8261462: GCM ByteBuffer decryption problems
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8263436: Silly array comparison in GaloisCounterMode.overlapDetection
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8263436: Silly array comparison in GaloisCounterMode.overlapDetection
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8263436: Silly array comparison in GaloisCounterMode.overlapDetection
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8263436: Silly array comparison in GaloisCounterMode.overlapDetection
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v3]
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8260274: Cipher.init(int, key) does not use highest priority provider for random bytes [v3]
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8261502: ECDHKeyAgreement: Allows alternate ECPrivateKey impl and revised exception handling [v2]
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8261502: ECDHKeyAgreement: Allows alternate ECPrivateKey impl and revised exception handling [v3]
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8261502: ECDHKeyAgreement: Allows alternate ECPrivateKey impl and revised exception handling [v4]
Anthony Scarpino
- Integrated: 8261502: ECDHKeyAgreement: Allows alternate ECPrivateKey impl and revised exception handling
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8262316: Reducing locks in RSA Blinding
Anthony Scarpino
- RFR: 8263412: ClassFileInstaller can't be used by classes outside of default package
Mikhailo Seledtsov
- RFR: 8263436: Silly array comparison in GaloisCounterMode.overlapDetection
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8263436: Silly array comparison in GaloisCounterMode.overlapDetection
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8263436: Silly array comparison in GaloisCounterMode.overlapDetection
Aleksey Shipilev
- Integrated: 8263436: Silly array comparison in GaloisCounterMode.overlapDetection
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8263497: Clean up
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8263497: Clean up [v2]
Aleksey Shipilev
- Integrated: 8263497: Clean up
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8263658: Use the blessed modifier order in java.base
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
Volker Simonis
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
Volker Simonis
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Michael StJohns
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Michael StJohns
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec [v4]
Michael StJohns
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Michael StJohns
- RFR: 8248268: Support KWP in addition to KW [v3]
Michael StJohns
- Potential bug in TLS 1.3 implementation
Petter Sælen
- RFR: 8080272 Refactor I/O stream copying to use InputStream.transferTo/readAllBytes and Files.copy [v11]
Andrey Turbanov
- RFR: 8080272 Refactor I/O stream copying to use InputStream.transferTo/readAllBytes and Files.copy [v13]
Andrey Turbanov
- Integrated: 8080272 Refactor I/O stream copying to use InputStream.transferTo/readAllBytes and Files.copy
Andrey Turbanov
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.0 [v5]
Weijun Wang
- Integrated: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.0
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.0 [v6]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.1 [v7]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.1 [v7]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.1 [v8]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8263497: Clean up
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.1 [v8]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.1 [v8]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.2.1 [v9]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8247895: is calling setSeed(0)
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8263978: Clarify why 0 argument is ignored in SecureRandom::setSeed
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8263978: Clarify why 0 argument is ignored in SecureRandom::setSeed [v2]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8263978: Clarify why 0 argument is ignored in SecureRandom::setSeed [v2]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8263978: Clarify why 0 argument is ignored in SecureRandom::setSeed [v3]
Weijun Wang
- Integrated: 8263978: Clarify why 0 argument is ignored in SecureRandom::setSeed
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params [v2]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8264277: java.xml.crypto module should be granted FilePermission and SocketPermission
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params [v2]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params [v2]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params [v2]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8241306: Add SignatureMethodParameterSpec subclass for RSASSA-PSS params [v2]
Weijun Wang
- RFR: 8260693: Provide the support for specifying a signer in keytool -genkeypair
Weijun Wang
- RFR: JDK-8262509: JSSE Server should check the legacy version in TLSv1.3 ClientHello
Bradford Wetmore
- Potential bug in TLS 1.3 implementation
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v2]
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v2]
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v3]
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v3]
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v2]
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v3]
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v4]
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup [v4]
Bradford Wetmore
- Integrated: 8263105: security-libs doclint cleanup
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8252833: Correct "no comment" warnings from javadoc in java.smartcardio module
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8252833: Correct "no comment" warnings from javadoc in java.smartcardio module
Bradford Wetmore
- Withdrawn: 8252833: Correct "no comment" warnings from javadoc in java.smartcardio module
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8264329: Z cannot be 1 for Diffie-Hellman key agreement
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8264329: Z cannot be 1 for Diffie-Hellman key agreement
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8264329: Z cannot be 1 for Diffie-Hellman key agreement
Bradford Wetmore
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed"
Evan Whelan
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed" [v2]
Evan Whelan
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed" [v3]
Evan Whelan
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed"
Evan Whelan
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed" [v2]
Evan Whelan
- RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed" [v3]
Evan Whelan
- Integrated: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/ failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed"
Evan Whelan
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v23]
Gerard Ziemski
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Gerard Ziemski
- RFR: 8253795: Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port [v9]
Gerard Ziemski
- RFR: 8259886 : Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability [v5]
- RFR: 8259886 : Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability [v2]
- RFR: 8259886 : Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability [v2]
- RFR: 8259886 : Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability [v6]
- Integrated: 8259886 : Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability
- RFR: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
- RFR: 8264148: Update spec for exceptions retrofitted for exception chaining
- TLS 1.3 Post-handshake authentication
arjan tijms
- TLS 1.3 Post-handshake authentication
arjan tijms
- [External] : Re: TLS 1.3 Post-handshake authentication
arjan tijms
- X509Certificate#getSubjectDN, "denigrated"?
arjan tijms
- [External] : Re: TLS 1.3 Post-handshake authentication
arjan tijms
- RFR: 8262880: Add support for the NSS Key Log Format for SSL/TLS keys
raell at
- JSSE reference guide issue
raell at
- JSSE reference guide issue
raell at
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings
Сергей Цыпанов
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings [v2]
Сергей Цыпанов
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings
Сергей Цыпанов
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings [v3]
Сергей Цыпанов
- RFR: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings [v2]
Сергей Цыпанов
- Integrated: 8148937: (str) Adapt StringJoiner for Compact Strings
Сергей Цыпанов
Last message date:
Wed Mar 31 21:54:28 UTC 2021
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 15:43:16 UTC 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).