August 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Aug 2 14:57:25 PDT 2010
Ending: Tue Aug 31 20:19:51 PDT 2010
Messages: 151
- Review Request: Shark
Gary Benson
- Review Request: Shark
Gary Benson
- Review Request: Shark
Gary Benson
- Review Request: Zero and Shark fixes
Gary Benson
- Review Request: Zero and Shark fixes
Gary Benson
- Review Request: Final Shark buildsystem piece
Gary Benson
- Review Request: Final Shark buildsystem piece
Gary Benson
- Question about HS build version in jdk7-b106
David Cox
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
John Cuthbertson
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
David Dabbs
- Question about HS build version in jdk7-b106
David Dabbs
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Osvaldo Doederlein
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
Paul Hohensee
- [Fwd: Request for reviews (M): 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA]
David Holmes
- [Fwd: Request for reviews (M): 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA]
David Holmes
- Request for reviews (M): 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
Vladimir Kozlov
- [Fwd: Request for reviews (M): 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA]
Vladimir Kozlov
- [Fwd: Request for reviews (M): 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA]
Vladimir Kozlov
- [Fwd: Request for reviews (M): 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA]
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XS): 6974682: CTW: assert(target != NULL) failed: must not be null
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6975078: assert(allocated_on_res_area() || allocated_on_C_heap() || allocated_on_arena()
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (S) for 6975006: assert(check.is_deoptimized_frame()) failed: missed deopt
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (XS) for 6975027: use of movptr to set length of array
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6973329: C2 with Zero based COOP produces code with broken anti-dependency on x86
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6973329: C2 with Zero based COOP produces code with broken anti-dependency on x86
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (S) for 6975006: assert(check.is_deoptimized_frame()) failed: missed deopt
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (S) for 6974176: ShouldNotReachHere, instanceKlass.cpp:1426
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (S) for 6974176: ShouldNotReachHere, instanceKlass.cpp:1426
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XS): 6976400: "Meet Not Symmetric"
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XS): 6976400: "Meet Not Symmetric"
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Vladimir Kozlov
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
Vladimir Kozlov
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews .02 (M): 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6896381: CTW fails share/vm/ci/bcEscapeAnalyzer.cpp:99, assert(_stack_height < _max_stack,"stack overflow")
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6896381: CTW fails share/vm/ci/bcEscapeAnalyzer.cpp:99, assert(_stack_height < _max_stack,"stack overflow")
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (XL): 6978355: renaming for 6961697
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews .02 (XL): 6978355: renaming for 6961697
Vladimir Kozlov
- Update: Request for reviews (S): 6976400: "Meet Not Symmetric"
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews .02 (M): 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Vladimir Kozlov
- Update: Request for reviews (S): 6976400: "Meet Not Symmetric"
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews .02 (M): 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6980978: assert(mt == t->xmeet(this)) failed: meet not commutative
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6980978: assert(mt == t->xmeet(this)) failed: meet not commutative
Vladimir Kozlov
- review (XS) for 6969586: OptimizeStringConcat: SIGSEGV in LoadNode::Value()
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6981431: IdealKit should support I_O projections
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 6981431: IdealKit should support I_O projections
Vladimir Kozlov
- Review Request: Final Shark buildsystem piece
Kelly O'Hair
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
Y. Srinivas Ramakrishna
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Y. Srinivas Ramakrishna
- Request for reviews (XS): 6974682: CTW: assert(target != NULL) failed: must not be null
Tom Rodriguez
- review (XS) for 6975027: use of movptr to set length of array
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6975006: assert(check.is_deoptimized_frame()) failed: missed deopt
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 6973329: C2 with Zero based COOP produces code with broken anti-dependency on x86
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 6975855: don't emit deopt MH handler in C1 if not required
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6975006: assert(check.is_deoptimized_frame()) failed: missed deopt
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6976372: # assert(_owner == Thread::current()) failed: invariant
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6974176: ShouldNotReachHere, instanceKlass.cpp:1426
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6974176: ShouldNotReachHere, instanceKlass.cpp:1426
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (XS): 6976400: "Meet Not Symmetric"
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 6896381: CTW fails share/vm/ci/bcEscapeAnalyzer.cpp:99, assert(_stack_height < _max_stack, "stack overflow")
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews .02 (M): 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (XL): 6978355: renaming for 6961697
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews .02 (XL): 6978355: renaming for 6961697
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews .02 (M): 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Tom Rodriguez
- Update: Request for reviews (S): 6976400: "Meet Not Symmetric"
Tom Rodriguez
- higher_equal and the widen bits
Tom Rodriguez
- higher_equal and the widen bits
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 6980978: assert(mt == t->xmeet(this)) failed: meet not commutative
Tom Rodriguez
- higher_equal and the widen bits
Tom Rodriguez
- review (XS) for 6969586: OptimizeStringConcat: SIGSEGV in LoadNode::Value()
Tom Rodriguez
- review (XS) for 6969586: OptimizeStringConcat: SIGSEGV in LoadNode::Value()
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 6981431: IdealKit should support I_O projections
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 6981431: IdealKit should support I_O projections
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (M): 6912064: type profiles need to be more thorough for dynamic language support
John Rose
- higher_equal and the widen bits
John Rose
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6975855: don't emit deopt MH handler in C1 if not required
Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6976186: integrate Shark HotSpot changes
Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6977640: Zero and Shark fixes
Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6978355: renaming for 6961697
Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
- review (S) for 6975006: assert(check.is_deoptimized_frame()) failed: missed deopt
Christian Thalinger
- Request for review(XXS): 6962980 C1: stub area should take into account method handle deopt stub
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (S): 6975855: don't emit deopt MH handler in C1 if not required
Christian Thalinger
- Review Request: Shark
Christian Thalinger
- Review Request: Shark
Christian Thalinger
- Review Request: Shark
Christian Thalinger
- Review Request: Shark
Christian Thalinger
- review (S) for 6974176: ShouldNotReachHere, instanceKlass.cpp:1426
Christian Thalinger
- review (S) for 6976372: # assert(_owner == Thread::current()) failed: invariant
Christian Thalinger
- Review Request: Zero and Shark fixes
Christian Thalinger
- Review Request: Zero and Shark fixes
Christian Thalinger
- Review Request: Final Shark buildsystem piece
Christian Thalinger
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
Christian Thalinger
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (XL): 6978355: renaming for 6961697
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews .02 (M): 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews .02 (XL): 6978355: renaming for 6961697
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews .02 (M): 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews .02 (M): 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews .02 (M): 6961697: move nmethod constants section before instruction section
Christian Thalinger
- Request for reviews (XS): 6974682: CTW: assert(target != NULL) failed: must not be null
Christian Thalinger
- review (XS) for 6975027: use of movptr to set length of array
Igor Veresov
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Hiroshi Yamauchi
- review (S) for 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
Hiroshi Yamauchi
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Ulf Zibis
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Ulf Zibis
- review (M) for 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
Ulf Zibis
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6912064: type profiles need to be exploited more for dynamic language support
john.r.rose at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8 new changesets
tom.rodriguez at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6975027: use of movptr to set length of array
tom.rodriguez at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6974176: ShouldNotReachHere, instanceKlass.cpp:1426
tom.rodriguez at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6975006: assert(check.is_deoptimized_frame()) failed: missed deopt
tom.rodriguez at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6976372: # assert(_owner == Thread::current()) failed: invariant
tom.rodriguez at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6978249: spill between cpu and fpu registers when those moves are fast
tom.rodriguez at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 48 new changesets
tom.rodriguez at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
tom.rodriguez at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6969586: OptimizeStringConcat: SIGSEGV in LoadNode::Value()
tom.rodriguez at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6973963: SEGV in ciBlock::start_bci() with EA
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6974682: CTW: assert(target != NULL) failed: must not be null
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6975049: nsk/regression/b4287029 crashes with -Xss64 on solaris-i586
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6975078: assert(allocated_on_res_area() || allocated_on_C_heap() || allocated_on_arena()
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6973329: C2 with Zero based COOP produces code with broken anti-dependency on x86
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6896381: CTW fails share/vm/ci/bcEscapeAnalyzer.cpp:99, assert(_stack_height < _max_stack, "stack overflow")
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6976400: "Meet Not Symmetric"
vladimir.kozlov at
- hg: jdk7/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6980978: assert(mt == t->xmeet(this)) failed: meet not commutative
vladimir.kozlov at
Last message date:
Tue Aug 31 20:19:51 PDT 2010
Archived on: Tue Aug 31 20:21:51 PDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).