April 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Apr 1 07:15:13 PDT 2013
Ending: Tue Apr 30 19:46:45 PDT 2013
Messages: 383
- RFR(M): 8007288: Additional WB API for compiler's testing
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR (M): 6443505: Ideal() function for CmpLTMask
Christian Thalinger
- RFR (S): 8010913 : compiler/6863420 often exceeds timeout
Christian Thalinger
- RFR (S): 8010913 : compiler/6863420 often exceeds timeout
Vladimir Kozlov
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7034299: Faulty winsock initialization code
nils.eliasson at oracle.com
- RFR (M): 8011102: Clear AVX registers after return from JNI call
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR(XS) 8006008: [parfait] Memory leak at hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/archDesc.cpp
Niclas Adlertz
- RFR (XS): 8010460: Interpreter on some platforms loads ConstMethod::_max_stack and misses extra stack slots for JSR 292
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XXS) 8006014: [parfait] Memory leak at hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/dfa.cpp
Niclas Adlertz
- RFR(XXS) 8006016: [parfait] Memory leak at hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp & output_h.cpp
Niclas Adlertz
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011102: Clear AVX registers after return from JNI call
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- RFR (M): guarantee(this->is8bit(imm8)) failed: Short forward jump exceeds 8-bit offset
Vladimir Kozlov
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8010437: guarantee(this->is8bit(imm8)) failed: Short forward jump exceeds 8-bit offset
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- RFR(M) : 7104565 : trim jprt build targets
David Chase
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8006008: Memory leak in hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/archDesc.cpp
nils.eliasson at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8006014: Memory leak in hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/dfa.cpp
nils.eliasson at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011198: LP64 setting is not preserved on Solaris after 8006965
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: 8 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: 5 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b84 for changeset f5f40094ffcc
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: 4 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 52 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: 29 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/nashorn: 16 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 28 new changesets
alejandro.murillo at oracle.com
- RFR (XS) 8006851: When TieredCompilation is set, max code cache should be bumped to 256mb
Igor Veresov
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8006016: Memory leak at hotspot/src/share/vm/adlc/output_c.cpp
nils.eliasson at oracle.com
- RFR(M) 8011621: Keep the "live range id - node" mapping in a separate class
Niclas Adlertz
- RFR(S) : 8011675: adding compilation level to replay data
Igor Ignatyev
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8010913: compiler/6863420 often exceeds timeout
bharadwaj.yadavalli at oracle.com
- RFR(S): 8011706: specjvm2008 test xml.transform gets array bound exception with c1
Roland Westrelin
- RFRS(XS): 8011582 assert(nbits == 32 || (-(1 << nbits-1) <= x && x < ( 1 << nbits-1))) failed: value out of range
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(XS): 8011648: C1: optimized build is broken after 7153771
Roland Westrelin
- RFR (S): 8003853: specify offset of IC load in java_to_interp stub [Was: Re: RFR (S): Specify offset of IC load in java_to_interp stub.]
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8007288: Additional WB API for compiler's testing
vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
- RFR(XS) 8009026: [parfait] Null pointer deference in hotspot/src/share/vm/code/nmethod.cpp
Nils Eliasson
- RFR (S): 8011933: add number of classes, methods and time spent to CompileTheWorld
Christian Thalinger
- Request for review (XS): JDK-8011952: Missing ResourceMarks in TraceMethodHandles
Krystal Mo
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011706: specjvm2008 test xml.transform gets array bound exception with c1
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- RFR (XS): 8011972: Field can be erroneously marked as contended when @Contended annotation isn't present
Vladimir Ivanov
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011952: Missing ResourceMarks in TraceMethodHandles
krystal.mo at oracle.com
- Does the JVM ever re-compiles compiled code?
Ion Ionascu
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: 9 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset 9583a6431596
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset 41b50e2c5ea3
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset 8c0b6bccfe47
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 4 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset 4a48f3173534
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/nashorn: Added tag jdk8-b85 for changeset e0378f0a50da
john.coomes at oracle.com
- RFR: 8010992: Remove calls to global ::operator new[] and new
Yumin Qi
- RFR (M): 8006952: Slow VM due to excessive code cache freelist iteration
Nils Eliasson
- RFR(XS): 8012037: Test8009761.java "Failed: init recursive calls: 7224. After deopt 58824"
Roland Westrelin
- RFR(S) : 8011971 : WB API doesn't accept j.l.reflect.Constructor
Igor Ignatyev
- RFR(XS): 8011901: Unsafe.getAndAddLong(obj, off, delta) does not work properly with long deltas
Roland Westrelin
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 26 new changesets
alejandro.murillo at oracle.com
- RFR: 8010992: Remove calls to global ::operator new[] and new
Yumin Qi
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011933: add number of classes, methods and time spent to CompileTheWorld
christian.thalinger at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011678: test/Makefile should pick up JT_HOME environment variable
christian.thalinger at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6443505: Ideal() function for CmpLTMask
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011582: assert(nbits == 32 || (-(1 << nbits-1) <= x && x < ( 1 << nbits-1))) failed: value out of range
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- RFR: 8010992: Remove calls to global ::operator new[] and new
David Holmes
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7172922: export_ makefile targets do not work unless all supported variants are built
christian.thalinger at oracle.com
- RFR: 8010992: Remove calls to global ::operator new[] and new
David Holmes
- RFR (S): 8010090 - GC ID has the wrong type
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- RFR(XS): 8012292: optimized build with GCC broken
Roland Westrelin
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
nils.eliasson at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011971: WB API doesn't accept j.l.reflect.Constructor
vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
- RFR (S): 8012260: ciReplay: Include PID into the name of replay data file
Vladimir Ivanov
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8006952: Slow VM due to excessive code cache freelist iteration
nils.eliasson at oracle.com
- RFR (S): 8010090 - GC ID has the wrong type
- RFR (S/M): 8012547: Reclamation of flushed methods can be slow
Nils Eliasson
- RFR(S): 8012322 : Tiered: CompilationPolicy::can_be_compiled(CompLevel_all) mistakenly return false
Igor Ignatyev
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: 12 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: Added tag jdk8-b86 for changeset 44a8ce4a759f
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b86 for changeset ca71ec37b2ef
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 50 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: 22 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/nashorn: 33 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- RFR (S): G1: Fix bug in graphKit.cpp accessing PtrQueue::_index
Doerr, Martin
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 22 new changesets
alejandro.murillo at oracle.com
- do generic member functions have 2 physical versions
Andy Nuss
- RFR(S): 8010770 : Zero: back port of 8000780 to HS24 broke JSR 292
David Chase
- RFR(S): 8011771: runThese crashed with EAV
Roland Westrelin
- RFR (M): 8003853: specify offset of IC load in java_to_interp stub
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011901: Unsafe.getAndAddLong(obj, off, delta) does not work properly with long deltas
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8010332: remove unused method ciMethod::uses_monitors
Albert Noll
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8011771: runThese crashed with EAV
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- RFR (S): 8012157: removed unused code in SharedRuntime::handle_wrong_method
Albert Noll
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8013041: guarantee(this->is8bit(imm8)) failed: Short forward jump exceeds 8-bit offset.
jiangli.zhou at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 3 new changesets
vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: 6 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: Added tag jdk8-b87 for changeset f1709874d55a
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: 4 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: 5 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 101 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: 17 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/nashorn: 15 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
nils.eliasson at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 25 new changesets
bharadwaj.yadavalli at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
jiangli.zhou at oracle.com
- RFR (XXS): 8006105: [parfait] Possible null pointer dereference at hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIRGenerator.cpp
Albert Noll
- RFR: (XS): 8006107: [parfait] Possible null pointer dereference at hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp
Albert Noll
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 8012547: Code cache flushing can get stuck reclaming of memory
nils.eliasson at oracle.com
- RFR (XXS): 8006105: [parfait] Possible null pointer dereference at hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIRGenerator.cpp
Albert Noll
- RFR (S): 7196277: JSR 292: Two jck/runtime tests crash on java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeExact
Christian Thalinger
- RFR (XS): JDK-8013532: Remove unused parameter "compiler" from DTRACE_METHOD_COMPILE* macros
Albert Noll
- RFR(M): 8008287: Code cache statistic variables for event tracing needs atomicity
Nils Eliasson
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 19:46:45 PDT 2013
Archived on: Tue Apr 30 19:46:59 PDT 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).