December 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Dec 1 14:21:34 PST 2009
Ending: Fri Dec 25 04:49:44 PST 2009
Messages: 135
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Alan Bateman
- make/java/nio/FILES_java.gmk does not list
Alan Bateman
- make/java/nio/FILES_java.gmk does not list
Alan Bateman
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Tim Bell
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Martin Buchholz
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Martin Buchholz
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Martin Buchholz
- 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13
Martin Buchholz
- Backport request (was Re: 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13)
Martin Buchholz
- Backport request (was Re: 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13)
Martin Buchholz
- Backport request (was Re: 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13)
Martin Buchholz
- Backport request (was Re: 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13)
Martin Buchholz
- [security-dev 01423]: Please review patch for regression test sun/security/tools/keytool/StartDate
Joe Darcy
- [security-dev 01426]: Re: Please review patch for regression test sun/security/tools/keytool/StartDate
Joe Darcy
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Joe Darcy
- Backport AWT test fix to OpenJDK6
Joseph D. Darcy
- Regression test /java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2 in OpenJDK6 is not correct
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- [Fwd: code review round 0 for JVM/TI version fix (6849968) and phase assertion (6648438)]
Joseph D. Darcy
- Code review request for 4891262 "API spec, javax/accessibility: few invalid javadoc tags"
Joseph D. Darcy
- It's probably OK to pull HS16 into OpenJDK 6 now...
Joseph D. Darcy
- Code review request for 4891262 "API spec, javax/accessibility: few invalid javadoc tags"
Joseph D. Darcy
- Code review request for 4891262 "API spec, javax/accessibility: few invalid javadoc tags"
Joseph D. Darcy
- 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Joseph D. Darcy
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [Fwd: code review round 0 for JVM/TI version fix (6849968) and phase assertion (6648438)]
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [Fwd: code review round 0 for JVM/TI version fix (6849968) and phase assertion (6648438)]
Daniel D. Daugherty
- [Fwd: code review round 0 for JVM/TI version fix (6849968) and phase assertion (6648438)]
Daniel D. Daugherty
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Daniel D. Daugherty
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Daniel D. Daugherty
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Jonathan Gibbons
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Jonathan Gibbons
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Jonathan Gibbons
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Jonathan Gibbons
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Jonathan Gibbons
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Jonathan Gibbons
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Jonathan Gibbons
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Jonathan Gibbons
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Jonathan Gibbons
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Jonathan Gibbons
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Jonathan Gibbons
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Jonathan Gibbons
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Jonathan Gibbons
- Tagging in the HSX releases...
Andrew John Hughes
- Backport AWT test fix to OpenJDK6
Andrew John Hughes
- [security-dev 01423]: Please review patch for regression test sun/security/tools/keytool/StartDate
Andrew John Hughes
- Backport AWT test fix to OpenJDK6
Andrew John Hughes
- Regression test /java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2 in OpenJDK6 is not correct
Andrew John Hughes
- Regression test /java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2 in OpenJDK6 is not correct
Andrew John Hughes
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Andrew John Hughes
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- hg: hsx/hsx16/baseline: 6909480: Disable Escape Analysis in jdk6u18
Andrew John Hughes
- Code review request for 4891262 "API spec, javax/accessibility: few invalid javadoc tags"
Andrew John Hughes
- Code review request for 4891262 "API spec, javax/accessibility: few invalid javadoc tags"
Andrew John Hughes
- Code review request for 4891262 "API spec, javax/accessibility: few invalid javadoc tags"
Andrew John Hughes
- make/java/nio/FILES_java.gmk does not list
Andrew John Hughes
- make/java/nio/FILES_java.gmk does not list
Andrew John Hughes
- Backport request (was Re: 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13)
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Andrew John Hughes
- "collated" printing with OpenJDK on Linux/CUPS
Marc Logemann
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Denis Lussier
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Kelly O'Hair
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Kelly O'Hair
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Kelly O'Hair
- Need approval, JDI updates to openjdk6
Kelly O'Hair
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Kelly O'Hair
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Kelly O'Hair
- Testing your jdk builds, both jdk7/tl/jdk and jdk6/jdk6/jdk
Kelly O'Hair
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Kelly O'Hair
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Kelly O'Hair
- Regression test /java/util/logging/LoggingDeadlock2 in OpenJDK6 is not correct
Pavel Tisnovsky
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Pavel Tisnovsky
- Regression test java/util/jar/JarFile/ incorrectly changes Locale settings
Pavel Tisnovsky
- Hotspot 16 Build 13 has been promoted...
Erik Trimble
- Tagging in the HSX releases...
Erik Trimble
- Security fixes are back; other fixes can go in. Time for build 18?
Erik Trimble
- Supplemental Build 13 of Hotspot 16 is now promoted...
Erik Trimble
- It's probably OK to pull HS16 into OpenJDK 6 now...
Erik Trimble
- [security-dev 01426]: Re: Please review patch for regression test sun/security/tools/keytool/StartDate
Max (Weijun) Wang
- Backport request (was Re: 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13)
Max (Weijun) Wang
- Backport request (was Re: 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13)
Max (Weijun) Wang
- Backport request (was Re: 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13)
Max (Weijun) Wang
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 6712755: jarsigner fails to sign itextasian.jar since 1.5.0_b14, it works with 1.5.0_13
martinrb at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 6566375: PIT : test/java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/TestDialogTypeAhead.html
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 6716076: test UTIL_REGRESSION/test/java/util/logging/ failed with exit code 1
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 9 new changesets
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 2 new changesets
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 6584033: (tz) wrong buffer length in TimeZone_md.c
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 6909442: Fix comments in test/sun/tools/jhat/
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 2 new changesets
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 6810915: Sun proprietary warnings in JDK build
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 2 new changesets
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 6875861: javadoc build warning on java.util.Properites from unconventional @see ordering
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 2 new changesets
ahughes at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 6912628: test/java/util/jar/JarFile/ cannot be run in samevm mode
ptisnovs at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/hotspot: 3 new changesets
daniel.daugherty at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 19 new changesets
kelly.ohair at
- hg: jdk6/jdk6/jdk: 6643094: Test on keytool -startdate forgets about December at
Last message date:
Fri Dec 25 04:49:44 PST 2009
Archived on: Fri Dec 25 04:49:48 PST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).