October 2021 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Oct 1 06:28:58 UTC 2021
Ending: Sun Oct 31 16:18:23 UTC 2021
Messages: 908
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8251329: (zipfs) Files.walkFileTree walks infinitely if zip has dir named "." inside
Lance Andersen
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8262316: Reducing locks in RSA Blinding
Evgeny Astigeevich
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8262316: Reducing locks in RSA Blinding
Evgeny Astigeevich
- [jdk11u-dev] Withdrawn: 8262316: Reducing locks in RSA Blinding
Evgeny Astigeevich
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271142: package help is not displayed for missing X11/extensions/Xrandr.h
Matthias Baesken
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8271142: package help is not displayed for missing X11/extensions/Xrandr.h
Matthias Baesken
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273176: handle latest VS2019 in abstract_vm_version
Matthias Baesken
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273176: handle latest VS2019 in abstract_vm_version
Matthias Baesken
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Baesken, Matthias
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273808: Cleanup AddFontsToX11FontPath
Matthias Baesken
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273808: Cleanup AddFontsToX11FontPath
Matthias Baesken
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8275713: TestDockerMemoryMetrics test fails on recent runc
Matthias Baesken
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Baesken, Matthias
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8270946: X509CertImpl.getFingerprint should not return the empty String
Alexey Bakhtin
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274205: Handle KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE error code from KDC
Alexey Bakhtin
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8270946: X509CertImpl.getFingerprint should not return the empty String
Alexey Bakhtin
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274205: Handle KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE error code from KDC
Alexey Bakhtin
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8225082: Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in September 2021
Andrew Brygin
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8225082: Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in September 2021
Andrew Brygin
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI)
Sergey Bylokhov
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI)
Sergey Bylokhov
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI)
Sergey Bylokhov
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI) [v3]
Sergey Bylokhov
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8169953: JComboBox/8057893: ComboBoxEdited event is not fired! on Windows
Sergey Bylokhov
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8169953: JComboBox/8057893: ComboBoxEdited event is not fired! on Windows
Sergey Bylokhov
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8169953: JComboBox/8057893: ComboBoxEdited event is not fired! on Windows
Sergey Bylokhov
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI) [v3]
Sergey Bylokhov
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8252051: Make mlvmJvmtiUtils strncpy uses GCC 10.x friendly
Joshua Cao
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274860: gcc 10.2.1 produces an uninitialized warning in sharedRuntimeTrig.cpp
Joshua Cao
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8252051: Make mlvmJvmtiUtils strncpy uses GCC 10.x friendly
Joshua Cao
- [11u] RFR: 8250521 - Configure initial RTO to use minimal retry for loopback connections on Windows
Mat Carter
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8267256: Extend minimal retry for loopback connections on Windows to PlainSocketImpl
Mat Carter
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8267256: Extend minimal retry for loopback connections on Windows to PlainSocketImpl
Mat Carter
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273505: runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/DynamicLoaderConstraintsTest.java#default-cl crashed with SIGSEGV in MetaspaceShared::link_shared_classes
Calvin Cheung
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274848: LambdaMetaFactory::metafactory on REF_invokeSpecial impl method has incorrect behavior
Mandy Chung
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8275145: file.encoding system property has an incorrect value on Windows
Iris Clark
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8276122: Change openjdk project in jcheck to jdk-updates
Iris Clark
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273826: Correct Manifest file name and NPE checks
Sean Coffey
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273826: Correct Manifest file name and NPE checks
Sean Coffey
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
Sean Coffey
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Andrew Dinn
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Andrew Dinn
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions
Andrew Dinn
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions [v3]
Andrew Dinn
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8180573: Refactor sun/security/tools shell tests to plain java tests [v6]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250810: Push missing parts of JDK-8248817 [v3]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8224829: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java has timing issue [v2]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8268555: Update HttpClient tests that use ITestContext to jtreg 6+1
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8230067: Add optional automatic retry when running jtreg tests
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272570: C2: crash in PhaseCFG::global_code_motion
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274326: [macos] Ensure initialisation of sun/lwawt/macosx/CAccessibility in JavaComponentAccessibility.m
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273924: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown in java.util.JapaneseImperialCalendar.add()
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8274326: [macos] Ensure initialisation of sun/lwawt/macosx/CAccessibility in JavaComponentAccessibility.m
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273924: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown in java.util.JapaneseImperialCalendar.add()
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8272570: C2: crash in PhaseCFG::global_code_motion
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274381: missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271287: jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java fails with "lists don't have the same size expected"
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8270886: Crash in PhaseIdealLoop::verify_strip_mined_scheduling
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271341: Opcode() != Op_If && Opcode() != Op_RangeCheck) || outcnt() == 2 assert failure with Test7179138_1.java
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271340: Crash PhaseIdealLoop::clone_outer_loop
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8274381: missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8271341: Opcode() != Op_If && Opcode() != Op_RangeCheck) || outcnt() == 2 assert failure with Test7179138_1.java
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8270886: Crash in PhaseIdealLoop::verify_strip_mined_scheduling
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274642: jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java fails with NoSuchElementException after JDK-8271287
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274642: jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java fails with NoSuchElementException after JDK-8271287
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273498: compiler/c2/Test7179138_1.java timed out
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI)
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI)
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273498: compiler/c2/Test7179138_1.java timed out
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8271287: jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java fails with "lists don't have the same size expected"
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274642: jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java fails with NoSuchElementException after JDK-8271287 [v2]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8274642: jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java fails with NoSuchElementException after JDK-8271287
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274642: jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java fails with NoSuchElementException after JDK-8271287
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8137101: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java failure due to timing
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8137101: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java failure due to timing
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273961: jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java fails if file path contains '+' character
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8180568: Refactor javax/crypto shell tests to plain java tests
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273826: Correct Manifest file name and NPE checks
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8245147: Refactor and improve utility of test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java [v3]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI) [v2]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI)
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI) [v3]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity
Martin Doerr
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Doerr, Martin
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Doerr, Martin
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v5]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272574: C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8267652: c2 loop unrolling by 8 results in reading memory past array
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8272574: C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8267652: c2 loop unrolling by 8 results in reading memory past array
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8239334: Tab Size does not work correctly in JTextArea with setLineWrap on
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8239334: Tab Size does not work correctly in JTextArea with setLineWrap on
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8239334: Tab Size does not work correctly in JTextArea with setLineWrap on
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8239334: Tab Size does not work correctly in JTextArea with setLineWrap on
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI) [v3]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8211999: Window positioning bugs due to overlapping GraphicsDevice bounds (Windows/HiDPI)
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274773: [TESTBUG] UnsafeIntrinsicsTest intermittently fails on weak memory model platform
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8275049: [ZGC] missing null check in ZNMethod::log_register
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271855: [TESTBUG] Wrong weakCompareAndSet assumption in UnsafeIntrinsicsTest
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274770: [PPC64] resolve_jobject needs a generic implementation to support load barriers
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274550: c2i entry barriers read int as long on PPC
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274401: C2: GraphKit::load_array_element bypasses Access API
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274773: [TESTBUG] UnsafeIntrinsicsTest intermittently fails on weak memory model platform
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274550: c2i entry barriers read int as long on PPC
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8271855: [TESTBUG] Wrong weakCompareAndSet assumption in UnsafeIntrinsicsTest
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274401: C2: GraphKit::load_array_element bypasses Access API
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274770: [PPC64] resolve_jobject needs a generic implementation to support load barriers
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8275049: [ZGC] missing null check in ZNMethod::log_register
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8263364: sun/net/www/http/KeepAliveStream/KeepAliveStreamCloseWithWrongContentLength.java wedged in getInputStream
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274851: [ppc64] Port zgc to linux on ppc64le
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8270280: security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/LetsEncryptCA.java OCSP response error
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8198624: java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/SubMenuShowTest/SubMenuShowTest.html fails on mac [v2]
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8261075: Create stubRoutines.inline.hpp with SafeFetch implementation
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8270280: security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/LetsEncryptCA.java OCSP response error
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8207936: TestZipFile failed with java.lang.AssertionError exception
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8247510: typo in IllegalHandshakeMessage
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8171998: javax/swing/JMenu/4692443/bug4692443.java fails on Windows
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8256201: java/awt/FullScreen/FullscreenWindowProps/FullscreenWindowProps.java failed
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8198619: java/awt/Focus/FocusTraversalPolicy/ButtonGroupLayoutTraversal/ButtonGroupLayoutTraversalTest.java fails on mac
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8197800: Test java/awt/Focus/NonFocusableWindowTest/NoEventsTest.java fails on Windows
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8266579: Update test/jdk/java/lang/ProcessHandle/PermissionTest.java & test/jdk/java/sql/testng/util/TestPolicy.java
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272708: [Test]: Cleanup: test/jdk/security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/BuypassCA.java no longer needs ocspEnabled
Martin Doerr
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274851: [ppc64] Port zgc to linux on ppc64le
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8207936: TestZipFile failed with java.lang.AssertionError exception
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8247510: typo in IllegalHandshakeMessage
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8272708: [Test]: Cleanup: test/jdk/security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/BuypassCA.java no longer needs ocspEnabled
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8266579: Update test/jdk/java/lang/ProcessHandle/PermissionTest.java & test/jdk/java/sql/testng/util/TestPolicy.java
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8256201: java/awt/FullScreen/FullscreenWindowProps/FullscreenWindowProps.java failed
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8198619: java/awt/Focus/FocusTraversalPolicy/ButtonGroupLayoutTraversal/ButtonGroupLayoutTraversalTest.java fails on mac
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8171998: javax/swing/JMenu/4692443/bug4692443.java fails on Windows
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8197800: Test java/awt/Focus/NonFocusableWindowTest/NoEventsTest.java fails on Windows
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8263068: Rename safefetch.hpp to safefetch.inline.hpp
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8270116: Expand ButtonGroupLayoutTraversalTest.java to run in all LaFs, including Aqua on macOS
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233555: [TESTBUG] JRadioButton tests failing on MacoS
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233567: [TESTBUG] FocusSubRequestTest.java fails on macos
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8220575: Correctly format test URI's that contain a retrieved IPv6 address
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8226514: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 17
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8270116: Expand ButtonGroupLayoutTraversalTest.java to run in all LaFs, including Aqua on macOS
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233555: [TESTBUG] JRadioButton tests failing on MacoS
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233567: [TESTBUG] FocusSubRequestTest.java fails on macos
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8131745: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/AllThreadIds.java still fails intermittently
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8219986: Change to Xcode 10.1 for building on Macosx at Oracle
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8249195: Change to Xcode 11.3.1 for building on Macos at Oracle
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8197811: Test java/awt/Choice/PopupPosTest/PopupPosTest.java fails on Windows
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8256202: Some tweaks for jarsigner tests PosixPermissionsTest and SymLinkTest
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8256202: Some tweaks for jarsigner tests PosixPermissionsTest and SymLinkTest
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8256202: Some tweaks for jarsigner tests PosixPermissionsTest and SymLinkTest
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8235784: java/lang/invoke/VarHandles/VarHandleTestByteArrayAsInt.java fails due to timeout with fastdebug bits
Martin Doerr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233569: [TESTBUG] JTextComponent test bug6361367.java fails on macos
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8266182: Automate manual steps listed in the test jdk/sun/security/pkcs12/ParamsTest.java
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272180: Upgrade JSZip from v3.6.0 to v3.7.1 [v2]
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272180: Upgrade JSZip from v3.6.0 to v3.7.1
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272581: sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/MultipleLogins.sh fails after JDK-8266182
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272581: sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/MultipleLogins.sh fails after JDK-8266182 [v2]
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272180: Upgrade JSZip from v3.6.0 to v3.7.1 [v2]
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8272581: sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/MultipleLogins.sh fails after JDK-8266182
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8272180: Upgrade JSZip from v3.6.0 to v3.7.1
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8198616: java/awt/Focus/6378278/InputVerifierTest.java fails on mac
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8198616: java/awt/Focus/6378278/InputVerifierTest.java fails on mac
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8275131: Exceptions after a touchpad gesture on macOS
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8275131: Exceptions after a touchpad gesture on macOS
Jonathan Dowland
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273695: Safepoint deadlock on VMOperation_lock
Robbin Ehn
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273695: Safepoint deadlock on VMOperation_lock
Robbin Ehn
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273695: Safepoint deadlock on VMOperation_lock
Robbin Ehn
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273695: Safepoint deadlock on VMOperation_lock
Robbin Ehn
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274325: C4819 warning at vm_version_x86.cpp on Windows after JDK-8234160
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274325: C4819 warning at vm_version_x86.cpp on Windows after JDK-8234160
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274325: C4819 warning at vm_version_x86.cpp on Windows after JDK-8234160
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
Jie Fu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
Jie Fu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8275008: gtest build failure due to stringop-overflow warning with gcc11
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8275008: gtest build failure due to stringop-overflow warning with gcc11
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8275008: gtest build failure due to stringop-overflow warning with gcc11
Jie Fu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
Jie Fu
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
Jie Fu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
Jie Fu
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272720: Fix the implementation of loop unrolling heuristic with LoopPercentProfileLimit
Jie Fu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8251155: HostIdentifier fails to canonicalize hostnames starting with digits
Jie Fu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8251155: HostIdentifier fails to canonicalize hostnames starting with digits
Jie Fu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8251155: HostIdentifier fails to canonicalize hostnames starting with digits
Jie Fu
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8251155: HostIdentifier fails to canonicalize hostnames starting with digits
Jie Fu
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Severin Gehwolf
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Severin Gehwolf
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8275713: TestDockerMemoryMetrics test fails on recent runc
Severin Gehwolf
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8275713: TestDockerMemoryMetrics test fails on recent runc
Severin Gehwolf
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8275713: TestDockerMemoryMetrics test fails on recent runc
Severin Gehwolf
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8187649: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in java.util.JapaneseImperialCalendar
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8187649: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in java.util.JapaneseImperialCalendar
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273342: Null pointer dereference in classFileParser.cpp:2817
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273342: Null pointer dereference in classFileParser.cpp:2817
Zhengyu Gu
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8275051: Shenandoah: Correct ordering of requested gc cause and gc request flag
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273614: Shenandoah: intermittent timeout with ConcurrentGCBreakpoint tests
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273614: Shenandoah: intermittent timeout with ConcurrentGCBreakpoint tests
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8275051: Shenandoah: Correct ordering of requested gc cause and gc request flag
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8275051: Shenandoah: Correct ordering of requested gc cause and gc request flag
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8275051: Shenandoah: Correct ordering of requested gc cause and gc request flag
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8275051: Shenandoah: Correct ordering of requested gc cause and gc request flag
Zhengyu Gu
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity
Christian Hagedorn
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250810: Push missing parts of JDK-8248817 [v2]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254827: JVMCI: Enable it for Windows+AArch64 [v2]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254072: AArch64: Get rid of --disable-warnings-as-errors on Windows+ARM64 build [v2]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions [v2]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions [v2]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8263897: compiler/c2/aarch64/TestVolatilesSerial.java failed with "java.lang.RuntimeException: Wrong method"
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8265367: [macos-aarch64] 3 java/net/httpclient/websocket tests fail with "IOException: No buffer space available"
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v6]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions
Andrew Haley
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions
Andrew Haley
- JDK 11u policy notice: no more enhancements
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions [v3]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions
Andrew Haley
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions
Andrew Haley
- [jdk17u] Withdrawn: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v7]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v7]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Andrew Haley
- JDK 11u policy notice: no more enhancements
Andrew Haley
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions [v2]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions [v3]
Andrew Haley
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274074: SIGFPE with C2 compiled code with -XX:+StressGCM
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274406: RunThese30M.java failed "assert(!LCA_orig->dominates(pred_block) || early->dominates(pred_block)) failed: early is high enough"
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274406: RunThese30M.java failed "assert(!LCA_orig->dominates(pred_block) || early->dominates(pred_block)) failed: early is high enough"
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272562: C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274145: C2: condition incorrectly made redundant with dominating main loop exit condition
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272562: C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274145: C2: condition incorrectly made redundant with dominating main loop exit condition
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity
Tobias Hartmann
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8252051: Make mlvmJvmtiUtils strncpy uses GCC 10.x friendly
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8275051: Shenandoah: Correct ordering of requested gc cause and gc request flag
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8261075: Create stubRoutines.inline.hpp with SafeFetch implementation
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8252051: Make mlvmJvmtiUtils strncpy uses GCC 10.x friendly
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8252051: Make mlvmJvmtiUtils strncpy uses GCC 10.x friendly
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233743: AArch64: Make r27 conditionally allocatable
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8242449: AArch64: r27 can be allocated in CompressedOops mode
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8249781: AArch64: AOT compiled code crashes if C2 allocates r27
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8173585: Intrinsify StringLatin1.indexOf(char)
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254775: Microbenchmark StringIndexOfChar doesn't compile
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8255274: [PPC64, s390] wrong StringLatin1.indexOf version matched
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254782: Fix benchmark issues in java/lang/StringIndexOfChar.java benchmark
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250597: G1: Improve inlining around trim_queue
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272391: Undeleted debug information
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271215: Fix data races in G1PeriodicGCTask
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272305: several hotspot runtime/modules don't check exit codes
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272335: runtime/cds/appcds/MoveJDKTest.java doesn't check exit codes
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8199529: javax/swing/text/Utilities/8142966/SwingFontMetricsTest.java fails on windows
Paul Hohensee
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274860: gcc 10.2.1 produces an uninitialized warning in sharedRuntimeTrig.cpp
Paul Hohensee
- [11u] Remove the Experimental AOT and JIT Compiler
Hohensee, Paul
- [11u] Remove the Experimental AOT and JIT Compiler
Hohensee, Paul
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272703: StressSeed should be set via FLAG_SET_ERGO
Tobias Holenstein
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274349: ForkJoinPool.commonPool() does not work with 1 CPU
David Holmes
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274349: ForkJoinPool.commonPool() does not work with 1 CPU
David Holmes
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274349: ForkJoinPool.commonPool() does not work with 1 CPU
David Holmes
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273695: Safepoint deadlock on VMOperation_lock
David Holmes
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
David Holmes
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
David Holmes
- OpenJDK 11.0.13 Released
Andrew Hughes
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8276122: Change openjdk project in jcheck to jdk-updates
Erik Joelsson
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8276122: Change openjdk project in jcheck to jdk-updates
Erik Joelsson
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8268464: Remove dependancy of TestHttpsServer, HttpTransaction, HttpCallback from open/test/jdk/sun/net/www/protocol/https/ tests
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8268361: Fix the infinite loop in next_line
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8269637: javax/swing/JFileChooser/FileSystemView/SystemIconTest.java fails on windows
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8266510: Nimbus JTree default tree cell renderer does not use selected text color
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8269269: [macos11] SystemIconTest fails with ClassCastException
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8270290: NTLM authentication fails if HEAD request is used
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8268457: XML Transformer outputs Unicode supplementary character incorrectly to HTML
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 4819544: SwingSet2 JTable Demo throws NullPointerException
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8268626: Remove native pre-jdk9 support for jtreg failure handler
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8238649: Call new Win32 API SetThreadDescription in os::set_native_thread_name
Alex Kasko
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272114: Unused _last_state in osThread_windows
Alex Kasko
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v3]
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v4]
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8223347: Integration of Vector API (Incubator)
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8223347: Integration of Vector API (Incubator)
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8267652: c2 loop unrolling by 8 results in reading memory past array
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8269179: Crash in TestMacroLogicVector::testSubWordBoolean: assert(_base >= VectorMask && _base <= VectorZ) failed: Not a Vector
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8269179: Crash in TestMacroLogicVector::testSubWordBoolean: assert(_base >= VectorMask && _base <= VectorZ) failed: Not a Vector
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8261071: AArch64: Refactor interpreter native wrappers
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8261071: AArch64: Refactor interpreter native wrappers
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8261071: AArch64: Refactor interpreter native wrappers
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8261071: AArch64: Refactor interpreter native wrappers
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk17u] RFR: JDK-8274795: AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in macro assembler
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk17u] RFR: JDK-8274795: AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in macro assembler
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8267652: c2 loop unrolling by 8 results in reading memory past array
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8261075: Create stubRoutines.inline.hpp with SafeFetch implementation
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8261075: Create stubRoutines.inline.hpp with SafeFetch implementation
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v6]
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8261075: Create stubRoutines.inline.hpp with SafeFetch implementation
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8263068: Rename safefetch.hpp to safefetch.inline.hpp
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8263068: Rename safefetch.hpp to safefetch.inline.hpp
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274795: AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in macro assembler
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v7]
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248500: AArch64: Avoid usage of r18
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8255254: Split os::reserve_memory and os::map_memory_to_file interfaces
Vladimir Kempik
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250810: Push missing parts of JDK-8248817 [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250810: Push missing parts of JDK-8248817 [v2]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250810: Push missing parts of JDK-8248817 [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v4]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250810: Push missing parts of JDK-8248817
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] Withdrawn: JDK-8253947: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: JDK-8253947: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v4]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254827: JVMCI: Enable it for Windows+AArch64 [v2]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v4]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8250810: Push missing parts of JDK-8248817
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v5]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v4]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v5]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v4]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254827: JVMCI: Enable it for Windows+AArch64 [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254827: JVMCI: Enable it for Windows+AArch64 [v2]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8252114: Windows-AArch64: Enable and test ZGC and ShenandoahGC [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8252114: Windows-AArch64: Enable and test ZGC and ShenandoahGC [v2]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8252114: Windows-AArch64: Enable and test ZGC and ShenandoahGC [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v5]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v6]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v5]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] Withdrawn: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v6]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v7]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v6]
Reka Kovacs
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
Vladimir Kozlov
- Possibility of backporting fix for JDK-6986863
Harald Kuhr
- Possibility of backporting fix for JDK-6986863
Harald Kuhr
- Possibility of backporting fix for JDK-6986863
Harald Kuhr
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8234823: java/net/Socket/Timeouts.java testcase testTimedConnect2() fails on Windows 10
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8266182: Automate manual steps listed in the test jdk/sun/security/pkcs12/ParamsTest.java [v6]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8180573: Refactor sun/security/tools shell tests to plain java tests [v6]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8180573: Refactor sun/security/tools shell tests to plain java tests [v7]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8224829: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java has timing issue [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250810: Push missing parts of JDK-8248817 [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8230067: Add optional automatic retry when running jtreg tests
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8224829: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java has timing issue [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272180: Upgrading JSZip from v3.6.0 to v3.7.1
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: JDK-8253947: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support
Christoph Langer
- [11u] RFR: 8250521 - Configure initial RTO to use minimal retry for loopback connections on Windows
Langer, Christoph
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8230067: Add optional automatic retry when running jtreg tests
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8180573: Refactor sun/security/tools shell tests to plain java tests
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272180: Upgrade JSZip from v3.6.0 to v3.7.1 [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v5]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8224829: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java has timing issue [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8224829: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java has timing issue [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272581: sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/MultipleLogins.sh fails after JDK-8266182 [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272783: Epsilon: Refactor tests to improve performance
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272914: Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273606: Zero: SPARC64 build fails with si_band type mismatch
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8159904: [TEST_BUG] Failure on solaris of java/awt/Window/MultiWindowApp/MultiWindowAppTest.java
Christoph Langer
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8267256: Extend minimal retry for loopback connections on Windows to PlainSocketImpl
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8224829: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java has timing issue [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8224829: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java has timing issue
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8159597: [TEST_BUG] closed/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4760494/bug4760494.java leaves key pressed
Christoph Langer
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8267256: Extend minimal retry for loopback connections on Windows to PlainSocketImpl
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273314: Add tier4 test groups
Christoph Langer
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8237589: Fix copyright header formatting
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8237589: Fix copyright header formatting
Christoph Langer
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8242793: Incorrect copyright header in ContinuousCallSiteTargetChange.java
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 7105119: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] In test UIDefaults.toString() must be called with the invokeLater()
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8237589: Fix copyright header formatting
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8245147: Refactor and improve utility of test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8215889: assert(!_unloading) failed: This oop is not available to unloading class loader data with ZGC [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8198616: java/awt/Focus/6378278/InputVerifierTest.java fails on mac
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273790: Potential cyclic dependencies between Gregorian and CalendarSystem
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8169953: JComboBox/8057893: ComboBoxEdited event is not fired! on Windows
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233638: [TESTBUG] Swing test ScreenMenuBarInputTwice.java fails on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8237589: Fix copyright header formatting
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8237589: Fix copyright header formatting
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 7105119: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] In test UIDefaults.toString() must be called with the invokeLater()
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8242793: Incorrect copyright header in ContinuousCallSiteTargetChange.java
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8261071: AArch64: Refactor interpreter native wrappers
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8221305: java/awt/FontMetrics/MaxAdvanceIsMax.java fails on MacOS + Solaris
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233643: [TESTBUG] JMenu test bug4515762.java fails on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233642: [TESTBUG] JMenuBar test bug 4750590.java fails on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8267256: Extend minimal retry for loopback connections on Windows to PlainSocketImpl
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8169953: JComboBox/8057893: ComboBoxEdited event is not fired! on Windows
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273278: Support XSLT on GraalVM Native Image--deterministic bytecode generation in XSLT [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8221305: java/awt/FontMetrics/MaxAdvanceIsMax.java fails on MacOS + Solaris
Christoph Langer
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Langer, Christoph
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Langer, Christoph
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8169953: JComboBox/8057893: ComboBoxEdited event is not fired! on Windows
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8169953: JComboBox/8057893: ComboBoxEdited event is not fired! on Windows
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8239334: Tab Size does not work correctly in JTextArea with setLineWrap on
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8169953: JComboBox/8057893: ComboBoxEdited event is not fired! on Windows
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233642: [TESTBUG] JMenuBar test bug 4750590.java fails on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233643: [TESTBUG] JMenu test bug4515762.java fails on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233638: [TESTBUG] Swing test ScreenMenuBarInputTwice.java fails on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233553: [TESTBUG] JSpinner test bug4973721.java fails on MacOS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233552: [TESTBUG] JTable Test bug7068740.java fails on MacOS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233552: [TESTBUG] JTable Test bug7068740.java fails on MacOS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233550: [TESTBUG] JTree tests fail regularly on MacOS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233559: [TESTBUG] TestNimbusOverride.java is failing on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233566: [TESTBUG] KeyboardFocusManager tests failing on MacoS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8198624: java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/SubMenuShowTest/SubMenuShowTest.html fails on mac
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233552: [TESTBUG] JTable Test bug7068740.java fails on MacOS [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233550: [TESTBUG] JTree tests fail regularly on MacOS [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233559: [TESTBUG] TestNimbusOverride.java is failing on macos [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8198624: java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/SubMenuShowTest/SubMenuShowTest.html fails on mac [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233647: [TESTBUG] JColorChooser/Test8051548.java is failing on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8239827: The test OpenByUNCPathNameTest.java should be changed to be manual
Christoph Langer
- Possibility of backporting fix for JDK-6986863
Langer, Christoph
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233553: [TESTBUG] JSpinner test bug4973721.java fails on MacOS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233552: [TESTBUG] JTable Test bug7068740.java fails on MacOS [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233552: [TESTBUG] JTable Test bug7068740.java fails on MacOS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233550: [TESTBUG] JTree tests fail regularly on MacOS [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233566: [TESTBUG] KeyboardFocusManager tests failing on MacoS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233647: [TESTBUG] JColorChooser/Test8051548.java is failing on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8239827: The test OpenByUNCPathNameTest.java should be changed to be manual
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233550: [TESTBUG] JTree tests fail regularly on MacOS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233559: [TESTBUG] TestNimbusOverride.java is failing on macos [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8198624: java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/SubMenuShowTest/SubMenuShowTest.html fails on mac
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8252051: Make mlvmJvmtiUtils strncpy uses GCC 10.x friendly
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233559: [TESTBUG] TestNimbusOverride.java is failing on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8246807: Incorrect copyright header in TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.sh
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8220575: Correctly format test URI's that contain a retrieved IPv6 address
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8226514: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 17
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8226514: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 17 [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8246807: Incorrect copyright header in TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.sh
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8220575: Correctly format test URI's that contain a retrieved IPv6 address
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8226514: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 17 [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8246807: Incorrect copyright header in TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.sh [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8246807: Incorrect copyright header in TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.sh [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8246807: Incorrect copyright header in TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.sh [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8198623: java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest.java fails on mac
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8226514: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 17
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8131745: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/AllThreadIds.java still fails intermittently
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: Merge jdk11u:master
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8219986: Change to Xcode 10.1 for building on Macosx at Oracle
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8249195: Change to Xcode 11.3.1 for building on Macos at Oracle
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8199529: javax/swing/text/Utilities/8142966/SwingFontMetricsTest.java fails on windows
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233635: [TESTBUG] ProgressMonitorEscapeKeyPress.java fails on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8131745: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/AllThreadIds.java still fails intermittently
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8246807: Incorrect copyright header in TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.sh
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8198623: java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest/EnqueueWithDialogButtonTest.java fails on mac
Christoph Langer
- [11u] Remove the Experimental AOT and JIT Compiler
Langer, Christoph
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8256202: Some tweaks for jarsigner tests PosixPermissionsTest and SymLinkTest
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 7151826: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] The test javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4966112/bug4966112.java not for mac
Christoph Langer
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8276130: Fix Github Actions of JDK17u to account for update version scheme
Christoph Langer
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8276130: Fix Github Actions of JDK17u to account for update version scheme
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8219986: Change to Xcode 10.1 for building on Macosx at Oracle
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8219986: Change to Xcode 10.1 for building on Macosx at Oracle
Christoph Langer
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8276130: Fix Github Actions of JDK17u to account for update version scheme
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8249195: Change to Xcode 11.3.1 for building on Macos at Oracle [v2]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8249195: Change to Xcode 11.3.1 for building on Macos at Oracle [v3]
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8249195: Change to Xcode 11.3.1 for building on Macos at Oracle
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8199529: javax/swing/text/Utilities/8142966/SwingFontMetricsTest.java fails on windows
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8233635: [TESTBUG] ProgressMonitorEscapeKeyPress.java fails on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 7151826: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] The test javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4966112/bug4966112.java not for mac
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8015602: [macosx] Test javax/swing/SpringLayout/4726194/bug4726194.java fails on MacOSX
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233556: [TESTBUG] JPopupMenu tests fail on MacOS
Christoph Langer
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233570: [TESTBUG] HTMLEditorKit test bug5043626.java is failing on macos
Christoph Langer
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272720: Fix the implementation of loop unrolling heuristic with LoopPercentProfileLimit
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272391: Undeleted debug information
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272335: runtime/cds/appcds/MoveJDKTest.java doesn't check exit codes
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8271215: Fix data races in G1PeriodicGCTask
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272305: several hotspot runtime/modules don't check exit codes
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8271215: Fix data races in G1PeriodicGCTask
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272335: runtime/cds/appcds/MoveJDKTest.java doesn't check exit codes
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272391: Undeleted debug information
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272305: several hotspot runtime/modules don't check exit codes
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8265524 Upgrading JSZip from v3.2.2 to v3.6.0
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8211171: move JarUtils to top-level testlibrary
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8256152: tests fail because of ambiguous method resolution
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8143021: [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6541987.java fails
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8248187: [TESTBUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicGraphicsUtils/8132119/bug8132119.java fails with String is not properly drawn
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8223139: Rename mandatory policy-do routines.
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8223138: Small clean-up in loop-tree support.
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8268555: Update HttpClient tests that use ITestContext to jtreg 6+1
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8223138: Small clean-up in loop-tree support.
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272180: Upgrading JSZip from v3.6.0 to v3.7.1
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8223140: Clean-up in 'ok_to_convert()'
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8159597: [TEST_BUG] closed/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4760494/bug4760494.java leaves key pressed
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254802: ThrowingPushPromisesAsStringCustom.java fails in "try throwing in GET_BODY"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8075909: [TEST_BUG] The regression-swing case failed as it does not have the 'Open' button when select 'subdir' folder with NimbusLAF
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Withdrawn: 8272180: Upgrading JSZip from v3.6.0 to v3.7.1
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/LoggingFormatConsistency.java failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272180: Upgrade JSZip from v3.6.0 to v3.7.1 [v2]
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8224829: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java has timing issue [v2]
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8263897: compiler/c2/aarch64/TestVolatilesSerial.java failed with "java.lang.RuntimeException: Wrong method"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8159904: [TEST_BUG] Failure on solaris of java/awt/Window/MultiWindowApp/MultiWindowAppTest.java
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8265173: [test] divert spurious log output away from stream under test in ProcessBuilder Basic test
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8224829: AsyncSSLSocketClose.java has timing issue [v3]
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8223140: Clean-up in 'ok_to_convert()'
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8159597: [TEST_BUG] closed/javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4760494/bug4760494.java leaves key pressed
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8075909: [TEST_BUG] The regression-swing case failed as it does not have the 'Open' button when select 'subdir' folder with NimbusLAF
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8265173: [test] divert spurious log output away from stream under test in ProcessBuilder Basic test
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8263897: compiler/c2/aarch64/TestVolatilesSerial.java failed with "java.lang.RuntimeException: Wrong method"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8159904: [TEST_BUG] Failure on solaris of java/awt/Window/MultiWindowApp/MultiWindowAppTest.java
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8262438: sun/security/ssl/SSLLogger/LoggingFormatConsistency.java failed with "SocketException: Socket is closed"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254802: ThrowingPushPromisesAsStringCustom.java fails in "try throwing in GET_BODY"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8254802: ThrowingPushPromisesAsStringCustom.java fails in "try throwing in GET_BODY"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8245147: Refactor and improve utility of test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8265367: [macos-aarch64] 3 java/net/httpclient/websocket tests fail with "IOException: No buffer space available"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Withdrawn: 8265367: [macos-aarch64] 3 java/net/httpclient/websocket tests fail with "IOException: No buffer space available"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8265367: [macos-aarch64] 3 java/net/httpclient/websocket tests fail with "IOException: No buffer space available"
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211148: var in implicit lambdas shouldn't be accepted for source < 11
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8243543: jtreg test security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/BuypassCA.java fails
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8137101: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java failure due to timing
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211148: var in implicit lambdas shouldn't be accepted for source < 11 [v2]
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273961: jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java fails if file path contains '+' character
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273646: Add openssl from path variable also in to Default System Openssl Path in OpensslArtifactFetcher
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273826: Correct Manifest file name and NPE checks
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211148: var in implicit lambdas shouldn't be accepted for source < 11 [v2]
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8180568: Refactor javax/crypto shell tests to plain java tests
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8211148: var in implicit lambdas shouldn't be accepted for source < 11 [v2]
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8211148: var in implicit lambdas shouldn't be accepted for source < 11
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8243543: jtreg test security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/BuypassCA.java fails
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273961: jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java fails if file path contains '+' character
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8137101: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java failure due to timing
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8245147: Refactor and improve utility of test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java [v2]
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8245147: Refactor and improve utility of test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8245147: Refactor and improve utility of test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java [v3]
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273826: Correct Manifest file name and NPE checks
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273961: jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java fails if file path contains '+' character
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8245147: Refactor and improve utility of test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8269656: The test test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java has duplicate test cycles
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8269656: The test test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java has duplicate test cycles
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273646: Add openssl from path variable also in to Default System Openssl Path in OpensslArtifactFetcher
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8180568: Refactor javax/crypto shell tests to plain java tests
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity
Goetz Lindenmaier
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8137101: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java failure due to timing
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8269656: The test test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java has duplicate test cycles
Goetz Lindenmaier
- Result: New JDK Updates Committer: Lutz Schmidt
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8230228: [TESTBUG] Several runtime/ErrorHandling tests may fail on some platforms
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250888: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/general_functions/GF08/gf08t001/TestDriver.java fails
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8137101: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java failure due to timing
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8269656: The test test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java has duplicate test cycles
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8269656: The test test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java has duplicate test cycles
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8251155: HostIdentifier fails to canonicalize hostnames starting with digits
Goetz Lindenmaier
- Possibility of backporting fix for JDK-6986863
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8263364: sun/net/www/http/KeepAliveStream/KeepAliveStreamCloseWithWrongContentLength.java wedged in getInputStream
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: Merge jdk11u:master
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: Merge jdk11u:master
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8197811: Test java/awt/Choice/PopupPosTest/PopupPosTest.java fails on Windows
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8197811: Test java/awt/Choice/PopupPosTest/PopupPosTest.java fails on Windows
Goetz Lindenmaier
- Result: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- Result: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Lindenmaier, Goetz
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8262844: (fs) FileStore.supportsFileAttributeView might return false negative in case of ext3
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8262844: (fs) FileStore.supportsFileAttributeView might return false negative in case of ext3
Goetz Lindenmaier
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8219986: Change to Xcode 10.1 for building on Macosx at Oracle
Goetz Lindenmaier
- There is a problem with openjdk/jdk17u
Robert Mckenna
- There is a problem with openjdk/jdk17u
Robert Mckenna
- There is a problem with openjdk/jdk17u
Robert Mckenna
- There is a problem with openjdk/jdk17u
Robert Mckenna
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8274381: missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8274381: missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8274381: missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8274381: missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273575: memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8273575: memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8273575: memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8273575: memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8273575: memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8253702: BigSur version number reported as 10.16, should be 11.nn
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8253702: BigSur version number reported as 10.16, should be 11.nn
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8253702: BigSur version number reported as 10.16, should be 11.nn
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8253702: BigSur version number reported as 10.16, should be 11.nn
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8269850: Most JDK releases report macOS version 12 as 10.16 instead of 12.0
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8269850: Most JDK releases report macOS version 12 as 10.16 instead of 12.0
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8269850: Most JDK releases report macOS version 12 as 10.16 instead of 12.0
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8269850: Most JDK releases report macOS version 12 as 10.16 instead of 12.0
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273575: memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
Olga Mikhaltsova
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8185005: Improve performance of ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long ids[], int maxDepth)
Sergey Nazarkin
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274501: c2i entry barriers read int as long on AArch64
Sergey Nazarkin
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8274501: c2i entry barriers read int as long on AArch64
Sergey Nazarkin
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8230307: ZGC: Make zGlobals and zArguments OS agnostic
Sergey Nazarkin
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8223173: Implement fast class initialization checks on AARCH64
Sergey Nazarkin
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8230307: ZGC: Make zGlobals and zArguments OS agnostic
Sergey Nazarkin
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8223173: Implement fast class initialization checks on AARCH64
Sergey Nazarkin
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8274501: c2i entry barriers read int as long on AArch64
Sergey Nazarkin
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8216557: Aarch64: Add support for Concurrent Class Unloading
Sergey Nazarkin
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8264752: SIGFPE crash with option FlightRecorderOptions:threadbuffersize=30M
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8274381: missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8274381: missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8238932: Invalid tier1_gc_1 test group definition
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8238932: Invalid tier1_gc_1 test group definition
Yuri Nesterenko
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8239334: Tab Size does not work correctly in JTextArea with setLineWrap on
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8239334: Tab Size does not work correctly in JTextArea with setLineWrap on
Yuri Nesterenko
- OpenJDK 15.0.5 released
Yuri Nesterenko
- OpenJDK 13.0.9 released
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8225082: Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in September 2021
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8225082: Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in September 2021
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8225082: Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in September 2021
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8225082: Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in September 2021
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8225083: Remove Google certificate that is expiring in December 2021
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8225083: Remove Google certificate that is expiring in December 2021
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8225083: Remove Google certificate that is expiring in December 2021
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8225083: Remove Google certificate that is expiring in December 2021
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8270893: IndexOutOfBoundsException while reading large TIFF file
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8270893: IndexOutOfBoundsException while reading large TIFF file
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8270893: IndexOutOfBoundsException while reading large TIFF file
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8270893: IndexOutOfBoundsException while reading large TIFF file
Yuri Nesterenko
- [jdk13u-dev] RFR: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8258465: Headless build fails due to missing X11 headers on linux
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk13u-dev] Integrated: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk17u] Withdrawn: 8258465: Headless build fails due to missing X11 headers on linux
Alexey Pavlyutkin
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8270517: Add Zero support for LoongArch
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8270517: Add Zero support for LoongArch
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273965: some testlibrary_tests/ir_framework tests fail when c1 disabled
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8270517: Add Zero support for LoongArch
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8230228: [TESTBUG] Several runtime/ErrorHandling tests may fail on some platforms
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8270517: Add Zero support for LoongArch
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273965: some testlibrary_tests/ir_framework tests fail when c1 disabled
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250888: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/general_functions/GF08/gf08t001/TestDriver.java fails
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8230228: [TESTBUG] Several runtime/ErrorHandling tests may fail on some platforms
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250888: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/general_functions/GF08/gf08t001/TestDriver.java fails
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8250888: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/general_functions/GF08/gf08t001/TestDriver.java fails
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8230228: [TESTBUG] Several runtime/ErrorHandling tests may fail on some platforms
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8270517: Add Zero support for LoongArch
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8270517: Add Zero support for LoongArch
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8239422: [TESTBUG] compiler/c1/TestPrintIRDuringConstruction.java failed when C1 is disabled
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273965: some testlibrary_tests/ir_framework tests fail when c1 disabled
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8239422: [TESTBUG] compiler/c1/TestPrintIRDuringConstruction.java failed when C1 is disabled
Ao Qi
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8239422: [TESTBUG] compiler/c1/TestPrintIRDuringConstruction.java failed when C1 is disabled
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8275104: IR framework does not handle client VM builds correctly
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8275104: IR framework does not handle client VM builds correctly
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8275104: IR framework does not handle client VM builds correctly
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273965: some testlibrary_tests/ir_framework tests fail when c1 disabled
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273595: tools/jpackage tests do not work on apt-based Linux distros like Debian
Ao Qi
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8275131: Exceptions after a touchpad gesture on macOS
Phil Race
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8275131: Exceptions after a touchpad gesture on macOS
Phil Race
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8251329: (zipfs) Files.walkFileTree walks infinitely if zip has dir named "." inside
Ravi Reddy
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8251329: (zipfs) Files.walkFileTree walks infinitely if zip has dir named "." inside
Ravi Reddy
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Lutz Schmidt
Reingruber, Richard
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Reingruber, Richard
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8276122: Change openjdk project in jcheck to jdk-updates
Kevin Rushforth
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8275145: file.encoding system property has an incorrect value on Windows
Naoto Sato
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8275145: file.encoding system property has an incorrect value on Windows
Naoto Sato
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
Yoshiki Sato
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
Yoshiki Sato
- [DMARC FAILURE] CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Schmidt, Lutz
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273342: Null pointer dereference in classFileParser.cpp:2817
Harold Seigel
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273342: Null pointer dereference in classFileParser.cpp:2817
Harold Seigel
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273505: runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/DynamicLoaderConstraintsTest.java#default-cl crashed with SIGSEGV in MetaspaceShared::link_shared_classes
Harold Seigel
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11
Harold Seigel
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11
Harold Seigel
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273505: runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/DynamicLoaderConstraintsTest.java#default-cl crashed with SIGSEGV in MetaspaceShared::link_shared_classes
Harold Seigel
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273505: runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/DynamicLoaderConstraintsTest.java#default-cl crashed with SIGSEGV in MetaspaceShared::link_shared_classes
Harold Seigel
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273378: Shenandoah: Remove the remaining uses of os::is_MP
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273378: Shenandoah: Remove the remaining uses of os::is_MP
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272914: Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8223923: C2: Missing interference with mismatched unsafe accesses [v2]
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273318: Some containers/docker/TestJFREvents.java configs are running out of memory
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273315: Parallelize and increase timeouts for java/foreign/TestMatrix.java test
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272783: Epsilon: Refactor tests to improve performance
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272836: Limit run time for java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272836: Limit run time for java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273894: ConcurrentModificationException raised every time ReferralsCache drops referral
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273894: ConcurrentModificationException raised every time ReferralsCache drops referral
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273806: compiler/cpuflags/TestSSE4Disabled.java should test for CPU feature explicitly
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273807: Zero: Drop incorrect test block from compiler/startup/NumCompilerThreadsCheck.java
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272914: Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273335: compiler/blackhole tests should not run with interpreter-only VMs
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273333: Zero should warn about unimplemented -XX:+LogTouchedMethods
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273483: Zero: Clear pending JNI exception check in native method handler
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273440: Zero: Disable runtime/Unsafe/InternalErrorTest.java
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273606: Zero: SPARC64 build fails with si_band type mismatch
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273373: Zero: Cannot invoke JVM in primordial threads on Zero
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273361: InfoOptsTest is failing in tier1
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273361: InfoOptsTest is failing in tier1
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273361: InfoOptsTest is failing in tier1
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272914: Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272914: Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273373: Zero: Cannot invoke JVM in primordial threads on Zero
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273373: Zero: Cannot invoke JVM in primordial threads on Zero
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273373: Zero: Cannot invoke JVM in primordial threads on Zero
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273606: Zero: SPARC64 build fails with si_band type mismatch
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273606: Zero: SPARC64 build fails with si_band type mismatch
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273440: Zero: Disable runtime/Unsafe/InternalErrorTest.java
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273606: Zero: SPARC64 build fails with si_band type mismatch
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273335: compiler/blackhole tests should not run with interpreter-only VMs
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273483: Zero: Clear pending JNI exception check in native method handler
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273807: Zero: Drop incorrect test block from compiler/startup/NumCompilerThreadsCheck.java
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273806: compiler/cpuflags/TestSSE4Disabled.java should test for CPU feature explicitly
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273333: Zero should warn about unimplemented -XX:+LogTouchedMethods
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273333: Zero should warn about unimplemented -XX:+LogTouchedMethods
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273440: Zero: Disable runtime/Unsafe/InternalErrorTest.java
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272836: Limit run time for java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273315: Parallelize and increase timeouts for java/foreign/TestMatrix.java test
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273335: compiler/blackhole tests should not run with interpreter-only VMs
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273483: Zero: Clear pending JNI exception check in native method handler
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273318: Some containers/docker/TestJFREvents.java configs are running out of memory
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273807: Zero: Drop incorrect test block from compiler/startup/NumCompilerThreadsCheck.java
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273806: compiler/cpuflags/TestSSE4Disabled.java should test for CPU feature explicitly
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273894: ConcurrentModificationException raised every time ReferralsCache drops referral
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273894: ConcurrentModificationException raised every time ReferralsCache drops referral
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272836: Limit run time for java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273318: Some containers/docker/TestJFREvents.java configs are running out of memory
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273315: Parallelize and increase timeouts for java/foreign/TestMatrix.java test
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8223923: C2: Missing interference with mismatched unsafe accesses [v2]
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8223923: C2: Missing interference with mismatched unsafe accesses
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273314: Add tier4 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274083: Update testing docs to mention tiered testing
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273376: Zero: Disable vtable/itableStub gtests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273487: Zero: Handle "zero" variant in runtime tests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272846: Move some runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ tests out of tier1
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274083: Update testing docs to mention tiered testing
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274083: Update testing docs to mention tiered testing
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273314: Add tier4 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273314: Add tier4 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272703: StressSeed should be set via FLAG_SET_ERGO
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273487: Zero: Handle "zero" variant in runtime tests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272846: Move some runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ tests out of tier1
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273487: Zero: Handle "zero" variant in runtime tests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273376: Zero: Disable vtable/itableStub gtests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273376: Zero: Disable vtable/itableStub gtests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272703: StressSeed should be set via FLAG_SET_ERGO
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273373: Zero: Cannot invoke JVM in primordial threads on Zero
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273373: Zero: Cannot invoke JVM in primordial threads on Zero
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8272836: Limit run time for java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272836: Limit run time for java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273894: ConcurrentModificationException raised every time ReferralsCache drops referral
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273894: ConcurrentModificationException raised every time ReferralsCache drops referral
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8223140: Clean-up in 'ok_to_convert()'
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272914: Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272703: StressSeed should be set via FLAG_SET_ERGO
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272703: StressSeed should be set via FLAG_SET_ERGO
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions [v2]
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions [v2]
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272846: Move some runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ tests out of tier1
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272846: Move some runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ tests out of tier1
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272846: Move some runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ tests out of tier1
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273606: Zero: SPARC64 build fails with si_band type mismatch
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272914: Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8272914: Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8272783: Epsilon: Refactor tests to improve performance
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273606: Zero: SPARC64 build fails with si_band type mismatch
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8272783: Epsilon: Refactor tests to improve performance
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8199138: Add RISC-V support to Zero
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273314: Add tier4 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274083: Update testing docs to mention tiered testing
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273486: Zero: Handle DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses VM option
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273489: Zero: Handle UseHeavyMonitors on all monitorenter paths
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272856: DoubleFlagWithIntegerValue uses G1GC-only flag
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8199138: Add RISC-V support to Zero
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8199138: Add RISC-V support to Zero
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273314: Add tier4 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273314: Add tier4 test groups
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8274083: Update testing docs to mention tiered testing
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274083: Update testing docs to mention tiered testing
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273489: Zero: Handle UseHeavyMonitors on all monitorenter paths
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273489: Zero: Handle UseHeavyMonitors on all monitorenter paths
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272856: DoubleFlagWithIntegerValue uses G1GC-only flag
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8272856: DoubleFlagWithIntegerValue uses G1GC-only flag
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8237589: Fix copyright header formatting
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8237589: Fix copyright header formatting
Aleksey Shipilev
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Aleksey Shipilev
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273486: Zero: Handle DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses VM option
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] Withdrawn: 8273486: Zero: Handle DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses VM option
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273486: Zero: Handle DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses VM option
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8246807: Incorrect copyright header in TimeZoneDatePermissionCheck.sh
Aleksey Shipilev
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273278: Support XSLT on GraalVM Native Image--deterministic bytecode generation in XSLT [v2]
Jovan Stevanovic
- [jdk11u-dev] Withdrawn: 8273278: Support XSLT on GraalVM Native Image--deterministic bytecode generation in XSLT
Jovan Stevanovic
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272846: Move some runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ tests out of tier1
Thomas Stuefe
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8272846: Move some runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ tests out of tier1
Thomas Stuefe
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273958: gtest/MetaspaceGtests executes unnecessary tests in debug builds
Thomas Stuefe
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8226514: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 17
Thomas Stuefe
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8276130: Fix Github Actions of JDK17u to account for update version scheme
Thomas Stuefe
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Thomas Stüfe
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
Thomas Stüfe
- CFV: New JDK Updates Committer: Ralf Schmelter
Thomas Stüfe
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8250810: Push missing parts of JDK-8248817
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8254072: AArch64: Get rid of --disable-warnings-as-errors on Windows+ARM64 build [v2]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v4]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v5]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248817: Windows: Improving common cross-platform code
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v6]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk17u] RFR: JDK-8274795: AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in macro assembler
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v6]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v6]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v3]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v7]
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274795: AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in macro assembler
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248500: AArch64: Avoid usage of r18
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248500: AArch64: Avoid usage of r18
Bernhard Urban-Forster
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274435: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in BFSClosure::closure_impl
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8264752: SIGFPE crash with option FlightRecorderOptions:threadbuffersize=30M
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8264752: SIGFPE crash with option FlightRecorderOptions:threadbuffersize=30M
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8274435: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in BFSClosure::closure_impl
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8274435: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in BFSClosure::closure_impl [v2]
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk15u-dev] RFR: 8266206: Build failure after JDK-8264752 with older GCCs
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8266206: Build failure after JDK-8264752 with older GCCs
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk15u-dev] Integrated: 8274435: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in BFSClosure::closure_impl
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274435: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in BFSClosure::closure_impl
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8262095: NPE in Flow$FlowAnalyzer.visitApply: Cannot invoke getThrownTypes because tree.meth.type is null
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8268885: duplicate checkcast when destination type is not first type of intersection type
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8269113: Javac throws when compiling switch (null)
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8262095: NPE in Flow$FlowAnalyzer.visitApply: Cannot invoke getThrownTypes because tree.meth.type is null
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8268885: duplicate checkcast when destination type is not first type of intersection type
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8269113: Javac throws when compiling switch (null)
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273234: extended 'for' with expression of type tvar causes the compiler to crash
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274347: Passing a *nested* switch expression as a parameter causes an NPE during compile
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273234: extended 'for' with expression of type tvar causes the compiler to crash
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274347: Passing a *nested* switch expression as a parameter causes an NPE during compile
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8275302: unexpected compiler error: cast, intersection types and sealed
Ekaterina Vergizova
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8271287: jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java fails with "lists don't have the same size expected"
Thejasvi Voniadka
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8174819: java/nio/file/WatchService/LotsOfEvents.java fails intermittently
Thejasvi Voniadka
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8174819: java/nio/file/WatchService/LotsOfEvents.java fails intermittently
Thejasvi Voniadka
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST
Evan Whelan
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST
Evan Whelan
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273790: Potential cyclic dependencies between Gregorian and CalendarSystem
Yi Yang
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273790: Potential cyclic dependencies between Gregorian and CalendarSystem
Yi Yang
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8273790: Potential cyclic dependencies between Gregorian and CalendarSystem
Yi Yang
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8273790: Potential cyclic dependencies between Gregorian and CalendarSystem
Yi Yang
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8273790: Potential cyclic dependencies between Gregorian and CalendarSystem
Yi Yang
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8273790: Potential cyclic dependencies between Gregorian and CalendarSystem
Yi Yang
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8215889: assert(!_unloading) failed: This oop is not available to unloading class loader data with ZGC [v2]
Peter Zhelezniakov
- [jdk11u-dev] Withdrawn: 8215889: assert(!_unloading) failed: This oop is not available to unloading class loader data with ZGC
Peter Zhelezniakov
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8253015: Aarch64: Move linux code out from generic CPU feature detection [v4]
openjdk-notifier [bot]
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274642: jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java fails with NoSuchElementException after JDK-8271287
openjdk-notifier [bot]
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8248238: Implementation: JEP 388: Windows AArch64 Support [v5]
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233552: [TESTBUG] JTable Test bug7068740.java fails on MacOS [v2]
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233550: [TESTBUG] JTree tests fail regularly on MacOS [v2]
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8198624: java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/SubMenuShowTest/SubMenuShowTest.html fails on mac [v2]
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8233559: [TESTBUG] TestNimbusOverride.java is failing on macos [v2]
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8226514: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 17 [v2]
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8249195: Change to Xcode 11.3.1 for building on Macos at Oracle
- CFV: New JDK Updates Reviewer: Richard Reingruber
daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk17u] Withdrawn: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk17u] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk17u] Integrated: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
- [jdk11u-dev] Integrated: 8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
Last message date:
Sun Oct 31 16:18:23 UTC 2021
Archived on: Sun Oct 31 16:18:33 UTC 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).